

"School officially starts Monday and we have run out of time to show you full control of your inner dragon." King spoke. "One Dragon is the mind the other the body and you must unite them."

Stepping up next to King, Tiger said, "As of tomorrow the Dragon in you will no longer remain dormant like us your job is to keep the world in balance. So, until you can merge your mind and body with your soul you will suffer unwanted transformations whenever the divine call upon your work."

"What do you mean by when the divine call upon my work?" John asked.

"You know God, the infinite spirit, infinite energy, infinite intelligence whatever you want to call him. When he gives word, the inner dragon will follow it to whatever dimension, planet, or state destined."

"So, what your saying is I have no choice."

"No what we are saying is you must learn to exercise and access your free will. You are no different than the humans of this world who blindly goes day by day with no control of their conscience just drifting."

"Can you teach me how?"

"Nope that is something you will have to learn and accept on your own. And as of now your nowhere near it."

"What about unity teach, me that."

"Uniting your inner dragon only takes control of your transformations not you."

"I'm confused I thought you…"

Interrupting John King said, "All we can do is show you how to transition in between the worlds."

Shaking his head and sighing John took a deep breath then shrugged his shoulders. "Aite cool."

"Okay so you remember what we told you about how everything is made of light and is in constant motion moving at certain frequencies."

Nodding his head John said yes.

"Okay so in order to slip in between these frequencies you must learn how to put yourself in the same vibration as the frequencies which is the frequency of God or the Infinite Spirit. This frequency is the frequency of love, peace, happiness and all things positive. Put yourself in these high frequencies then imagine the portals opening and you going through them to your destination. Remember you must believe you can do this, and you must not allow any negative thoughts to enter your mind or else it won't work or worse you will end up somewhere that you don't want to be."

"When you imagine your destination, you must feel it with your entire being. Meaning your five senses. After you have this image in mind you must connect with your inner Dragon and you will begin to see the light particles that surround you. Now at first you will have to be moving at the speed of light or sound in order to rip open the space but once you gain familiarity you will be able to open doorways at any time."

"What if I can't keep negative thoughts out of my mind?" John asked.

"Then you must put yourself in a meditative state. This way your subconscious mind won't be able to hinder you. Follow these methods within twenty minutes and you will find yourself going through a rift."

"Alright I got it." John said, sitting Indian style he begun to meditate.

"So, he isn't going to even try to challenge himself" King mumbled to Tiger.

Couple hours later

"Again" King shouted through telepathy as John flew through the sky unable to pass the speed of sound. "Your twenty minutes is almost up, and you've gotten nowhere."

"Be patient with him" Tiger said starring at John as he continued to fly back and forth through the star filled sky. "He's not use to flying."

"Don't make excuses for him it will only hinder his progress."

Stopping in the middle of flying John realized that he had no passion in what he was doing. Trying to think of something to make him happy it didn't affect, his emotions. Staring up at the moon he begun to think about Chrystal and wonder what she was doing. Thinking about the first time he met her it was under a giant moon like this. Seeing himself kissing and touching on her a smile shot across his face and he could feel the love for her swelling inside his chest.

Releasing his aura, John caused the wind to circulate around him. "This for you baby" he whispered pointing towards the moon. Placing all his energy left in this final attempt J. Mike called upon the two dragons in him. A "X" entered his pupils as he took off full speed. Picking the particle of light, he wanted John imagined the portal opening as he caused the wind and water around him to explode increasing his speed.

Boom! He broke through the sound barrier.

"He did it" Tiger cheered excitedly.

"Quit jumping around." King demanded. "We have to follow him."

Welcome to Eahoa

Slowly drifting out of consciousness John saw King splash into the water pulling him out by the arm. Opening his eyes John heard Tiger ask King, "Which way is land." Touching the water King pointed east.

One day later

Jumping up out of his sleep it was now daytime. "King, Tiger." John called through telepathy but there was no response. Standing up his legs wobbled, and he became dizzy. Throwing up he staggered over to a tree using it to hold himself up. Still nauseated J.Mike decided to take another nap.

Hearing nature around him John popped out of his sleep rejuvenated. Yawning and stretching J.Mike stood up. "Where am I" he thought gazing at the multitude of trees and shrubbery. Wiping the sweat off his face the humidity sat on him like dew on the grass. Pulling out his cellphone it had no signal.

Calling for King and Tiger one more time he didn't get a response. "So, they real life left" he moaned. Wishing he could take a picture of the beauty he thought of what Tiger would say. "You have no use for those image copying machines. Memories are stored in both our minds and scales. That's how we transfer from one realm to the next our scales access the data and our minds open the portal."

Looking at his arms as he walked through the forest there wasn't a scale in sight, but she also told him that it could be a year or years before one showed up. It depended on what he did as a Dragon and the emotions determined the color. Listening to the crunch of the leaves as he walked something in his mind told him to move out the way. Following orders, he barely missed from having his back slashed open.

Turning around he stared face to face with what looked like a bird in all forms but stood upright like a human. "Are you arcadian" John asked creating a barrier of wind around him as the creature charged him with the intent to kill. Unresponsive the birdman continued to attack the barrier.

Realizing Johns barrier was made from wind It rose its rust colored metallic wings reforming them to what appeared to be a satellite. Placing its palm on the barrier it emitted a high frequency.

Aaagh! John screamed as the frequency hit his ears. Grabbing hold to his ears John barrier dropped. Striking with an open palm the creature hit John in his chest releasing a second soundwave.

Falling backwards and rolling on the ground J.Mike caused water to rise blocking his attacker next strike as he came to his knees. "Air Palm" he yelled launching himself at his foe and releasing a wave of wind into his gut. Releasing vines of water out of his hand John wrapped them around the birdman legs. "Tornado Toss" spinning around fast enough to create a tornado he launched him into a tree.

High in the sky

"Where's lyre" the leader of the flock asked as she met with the rest of her squadron.

"Probably somewhere being trampled or on the verge of being eating" one of the members said dangling some beast by its ankles.

"He does have a hard time hunting. I'll go find him." The woman said tossing the creature she collected to another member of her team. Transitioning her feathers to resemble a satellite she located him.

Back on land

Dodging the soundwaves Lyre emitted John yelled, "Ice Prison." Freezing over the ground he captured his aggressor in ice preventing him from moving.

Struggling to move Lyre could hear the familiar flap of Sorjene wings. "I can't let her see me like this" he thought releasing a high pitch sound out of his beak and shattering the ice.

"Come on mayne" John said throwing his arms up. "Why won't you just give up."

Landing in front of Lyre, Sorjene asked him, "What are you doing?"

"Trying to catch dinner but it's putting up a fight." Lyre replied pointing towards John.

"Wait you can talk?" John asked. "Do you understand? I'm not trying to fight you."

Unable to understand the words coming out of John mouth Sorjene asked Lyre, "What is it."

"I don't know but I hope it tastes good."

"Broooo!" John shouted, drooping his arms and bowing his head. "How can I get them to understand." Scratching his head, he wondered if telepathy would work.

"Ey you cannot eat me I'm not food." John told them.

"You heard that?" Sorjene asked turning to Lyre.

"You heard that voice to" Lyre said returning her gaze.

"That's me" John told them placing his hand on his chest.

"It's tryin to get in our head!" Sorjene yelled. "Kill it."

Stepping in front of Sorjene, Lyre replied. "No, it's an intellectual being like us."

"Thank you!" John shouted shaking his hands in the air. "I'm just trying to find some to eat and a place to rest."

Circling John Sorjene shouted, "It's a trap it might be trying to devour us. I don't trust anything without a beak and feathers."

"I think we should take it back to the clives." Lyre proposed.

"So, it can eat the rest of the people I think not."

"Please" Lyre begged. "I'll keep an eye on it."

Mugging John, Sorjene glanced at Lyre then turned her head away from him. "Alright but I'm not carrying it."

"It's okay I can fly." John told them.

"How, you have no wings." Sorjene asked.

"It's just one of my abilities."

Stepping into John face Sorjene said, "I'll be watching you" before flying off.

"It's alright, follow us."

"Your back!" one of the hunters shouted. "Where is Lyre?"

Pointing at John and Lyre another asked, "What is that?"

"I don't know but Lyre wants to bring it to the clives. We will take him to Heron he will know what to do with it."

"I say we kill it!"

"Yea kill it." everyone else chimed in.

"No, we're going to let it be" Sorjene replied looking back at John and Lyre. "Let's go home."