
Chapter 163

While the battle to protect all of reality is currently transpiring, the two people responsible for this have vanished far away from TokiToki city and appeared in a desolate landscape with nothing but dust and rocks as far as the eye could see, however, because they were forced to quickly leave they didn't realize they landed on a planet close by to Earth and a certain Namekein quickly noticed their presence.



Piccolo POV

Sensing a sudden presence appearing close by, I stop meditating and look up at the sky at a certain red planet not too far away from Earth.

Piccolo-'Mira, him being here can't be anything good.'

Deciding it would be best to go and confront him, I launch myself toward the red planet at incredible speed, as I quickly leave the atmosphere of Earth and travel through the void of space, it doesn't even take me a full minute before I arrive on the red planet where Mira is currently residing.

Flying towards Mira's location, when I arrive I see him affectionately holding an old wrinkly woman, however, as I sense no ki from her, I can conclude that she is dead.

Piccolo-'Hmm, I may be wrong but that looks like Towa that Trunks told me about, however, since she is dead, her presence is of no concern, all I must deal with is Mira, and this time I'm much stronger than when he first appeared.'

Landing several meters away from Mira, I see him look up at me with almost completely lifeless eyes, before addressing my presence with an equally lifeless and bland voice.

Mira-"What do you want Namekian."

Piccolo-"I should be the one asking you that."

Mira-"I don't want any trouble, just leave me be."

Piccolo-"What makes you think I'll just leave you be after everything you've done? Don't forget our positions, we're enemies, and I'm not nice enough to care about your emotions, so either we fight or just stay there and let me kill you."

When I finished speaking, I quickly fired a special beam cannon at him, yet before it hit him he blocked it with his hand, however, it did leave a burn mark on his palm. Afterward, I watched as he stood up and carefully set down Towa before floating over to me and stopping just a few meters in front of me.

Mira-"Fine then Namekian, if you're so eager for battle then I'll entertain you, but what makes you think you're capable of defeating me because last time I checked you weren't even a threat to me?"

With a smirk, I take off my turban and cape, which Nala had given to me when she found out about my birthday, and stop suppressing my power, causing Mira to show surprise, however, it is quickly replaced by his emotionless expression once again.

Piccolo-"I've been training every day since then, so I'm nothing compared to back then."

Mira-"I never would've thought that a Namekian could get so powerful, but let's quickly finish this fight."

Once I finished cracking my neck, I got into my fighting position and focused on Mira before charging right at him while launching several ki blasts toward his way. By the time I arrived, Mira had already dodged all of my ki blasts, so instead of going for a frontal assault, I flashed behind him and aimed to stab right through his back, however, before I could Mira flashed beside and attacked with a punch, something I barely managed to dodge in time.

Mira-"You're not the only one who's improved since then Namekian."

Grabbing ahold of his still outstretched arm, I punched his abdomen but Mira quickly counterattacked by kneeing me in the stomach, letting go of his hand, we both flash away before flying high into the sky and began seriously fighting.

Blocking one of his elbows, I push him backward and fire a Masenko, though he managed to cancel it out with his own ki attack, arriving near each other again, I attack with several punches which he mostly blocks before dodging closer to me and landing an uppercut. He tried following up with a roundhouse kick, but I blocked it in time as I tightly grabbed his leg and threw him towards the grounds, following right after him, I fall with my knee out, however, he managed to twist his body just in time, saving himself from taking a knee to the stomach. While Mira's still on the ground he does a spin and kicks me in the face, sending me flying in the distance, he then flashed behind me and tried slamming me into the ground. Still, before he could I stretched my arm out wrapping it around his neck, and used it as an anchor to pull me closer to him while preparing to elbow him in the face.

Our battle continues on for a while with both of us seemingly equal in power and if nothing changed then I don't know who will kill who, however, while our battle was at the climax, something I wasn't expecting happened, something quite bad for my situation.

Mira-"You're much more powerful than I expected and usually, while I would continue our battle, you've caught me in a bad mood, so let me quickly finish this."

Once he finished speaking his short hair spiked up and immediately afterward his power massively increased, however, before I could react in time I saw him suddenly flash in front of me with his arms outstretched pointing toward me.

I barely had enough time to put up my guard before I was engulfed in a powerful ki wave, as I was being sent flying through space with the ki wave, I could feel my body slowly getting destroyed and it was only a matter of time until I died unless I somehow escaped from the ki wave. Gathering all of my ki, I unleashed it all in one powerful burst, hoping I could create a gap big enough for me to escape through, which I luckily managed to do.

Once I was outside floating in space, I looked down and checked my injuries which were already trying to heal themselves.

Piccolo-'Half of my body is destroyed, yet I'm still full of vitality, I guess I've never really tested the limits of my endurance.'

However, now knowing that my situation wasn't too serious, the real problem was still Mira, when he transformed I could barely follow his movements, let alone fight with him, so how am I supposed to stop him if he decided to harm Earth?

Piccolo-'With Nala's help we might be able to figure out something to defeat him, but she had quickly left Earth after Sage disappeared, and I don't know how to contact her.'

While I was floating in space, trying to figure out some way to combat Mira, I heard an old voice in my mind, one I was not happy to hear, and his suggestion didn't help either.

Kami-'I believe it's time Piccolo, the only way you can defeat him is if we become one once again.'

Yolo thxs for nothing!

Thxs for anyd feedback :)

So, no one trying to be my sugar momma? :(

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts