
Dragon ball: Why am I Fasha!?

Some guy was just going about his normal life. Then something crazy happens! He wakes up on a completely different universe. With a completely different gender! "Come on guys! You can throw me in a random universe for all I care, but at least let me keep my manhood!" Watch her wacky adventures as she makes her way through the unique world of Dragonball! --------- A/N: All Dragonball rights go to their official owners. This is made purely for fun. Also the cover is a fan art I found if it is needed I will take it down. Thank you for reading.

Bats3245 · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

A couple of weeks have flown by and Fasha has spent every second of it doing something productive other than the times she slept.

It only took a couple of days to get used to the increased gravity, but it was worth it. Fasha could feel that she has better control over her body as a whole.

During the day she would scout around looking for any intelligent life forms, unfortunately all she found were beasts. But that wasnt all to bad either it gave her opponents to try out her new techniques on. They mostly had a Power level under 5,000.

Then she would spend the rest of the day practicing her Ki. She has been training hard on Ki constructs like Ki blades and stuff like that. Watching Vegito slice people up with his spirit blade was cool as crap. And now that she could possibly do it too? Sign her up!

Currently she could only make the shape of the blade, not the sharpness, but she refused to give up!

Finally she would go to sleep to and do it all again the next day. Living such a harsh life made Fasha push herself harder and harder. And as a result she just kept getting stronger and stronger. From her fighting techniques to her Ki control.

Currently though she was in quite the pickel.


"Will you stop chasing me!" Fasha yelled out behind herself, as she was running through the woods.

Only to receive barely comprehensible grunts back.

"Don#t l#t he# #et away!(Don't let her get away!)." The alien that Fasha presumed to be the leader called out to the others.

They spoke in a similar tounge that was used in the Dragonball world, but it was extremely basic. Mostly using hands and facial gestures to get their point across.

But more importantly Fasha had finally made contact with the inhabitants that she was supposed to kill. They kinda remind her of tribesmen, they look fairly human and wore loinclothes.

Although rather primitive they seem to be capable of infusing their Ki into spearmanship.

Recently Fasha's Ki perception has gotten pretty good, so she came up with a new way to put people's PL in numerical form without the use of a scouter. By powering down to a PL of 1 she could get a feel for it and make a guess on others PL by how much higher their Ki reserve is.

The tribesmen that are currently chasing her are around. 2,812....2,101....1,989 and 3,516. And as for her own Power Level dadadada! She has gotten it to 6,400, almost tripled what it was when she arrived!

"Che! Screw this! I just wanted to see if we could communicate!" Turning around Fasha charged up a purple Ki blast and fired it at them.

"Take this!"

"G#t cov#r!(Get cover)!!" They panicked before the blast enveloped them and ended their life.

Well except for the leader who barely survived. His arm was missing and he looke like he was burnt all over.

"Oh? You survived. I would ask you to lead me to your base but I can see that wont work. I will just put you out of your suffering." Fasha said as she charged up another Ki blast.

As if accepting his fate the tribesmen closed his eyes and leaned back.

"Hmph!" *PEW* BOOM*

Turning around and walking back to her base, Fasha couldn't help but feel that it has been a long day.

Finding the tribesmen and trying to talk to them only to have them try and stab her was disheartening.

The act of killing another was, unpleasant to say the least. Fasha thankfully had the memories and experience from the original or she would have thrown up everywhere.

"Sigh! Sadly that is the truth of the universe. The strong live and the weak die." Fasha said somberly.

On her treck back though, she caught a whiff of herself. ".....I really need a bath." She smelt like sweat and charcoal. Recently she has been avoiding taking a shower completely.

"I-I guess it is time to stop putting it off." Fasha said with a blush. What? She is not used to seeing such a beauty! Especially when that beauty is herself!

Changing directions, Fasha headed to the river she has been getting her water from. After arriving she quickly took off her boots and gloves before carefully unsnapping her chest plate and laying it down. Then she slipped out of her pink one piece and jumped into the water.

"Mmmhm! This is nice!" Fasha smiled as the water released all the tension she didn't know she had. Cupping water in her hands Fasha splashed it on her face.


Running her fingers through her short hair Fasha thought about how she was worried over nothing. It is her body now she is just going to have to get used to it.

Deciding that she should stop wasting time, Fasha started to lightly scrub her arms. From there to her armpits then to her stomach and sides. Finally down her thighs and to her feet.

Somehow during this time her light caresses somehow turned her on, without her even realizing.

Looking down at her breast's Fasha said her opinion aloud. "Does it really feel good when people rub them?"

Before she knew it both of her hands were groping herself. "Mmmhm! I-It feels a little good.."


Noticing her tail was starting to get a little excited, Fasha reached around and started to gently rub it. "Ohh! Haaa.." Enjoying the new sensation she started to rub it a little more enthusiastically.

Using the original Fasha's memories she knew what was quickly approaching so she pinched her nipple quickly bringing herself to climax.

"Oh.Ohhh..Haaha..Hnnng!" Her mind went blank as she basked in the waves of pleasure that she had brought to herself.

Her legs felt like jelly and she endded up sitting down in the water.

"Mmm..Ha. T-That is a lot more pleasurable than a males! I didn't even get to "that place"." Fasha excalimed with a pout. Before she realized what she said and gained a blush.

"W-What am I saying!?" Fasha covered her face with her hands. "H-How embarrassing!"

It was to bad no one was there to witness it. Otherwise they would have fallen in love.


Fasha's base.

Fasha was once again training her Ki blade as she planned out her immediate future.

"Hmm. So I have located the inhabitants but now I don't know what to do. Obviously I don't work for PTO anymore so I don't have to kill them anymore. But on the other hand I get the feeling that they will keep coming after me until I am dead." Fasha analyzed before coming to the quickest and easiest conclusion.

"I guess I will just kill them." Fasha decided. Now don't make her out to be some murder hobo. I have already said it, here the strong eat the weak, and Fasha refuses to be weak.

The cavemen will not give up, so why should she have to be on the defensive? It is better to just end it all quickly, without wasting the little time she has.

So with that decided Fasha put it out of her mind and worked extra hard on her Ki blade. She felt she was gonna need it for the upcoming fight.