
Dragon Ball Super X Highschool DxD : What are Kings Compared to Gods?

Fast forward years into the future, Beerus the God of Destruction ultimately retires after finding a suitable replacement that will take his place as the next god of destruction- that being Vegeta. But things don't go as planned and instead of getting his desire of a laid back life, he is sent into the world of DxD instead. And as a takeaway, the Supreme Kai, Shin gets involved. What will happen to these two Gods in the new world packed with the supernatural and mythologies exist?

Triple_Sweet · Cómic
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3 Chs

1. Stranded

Yes, this is a rewrite. I promise this is the last and only one. Enjoy!

I never would have thought things would turn out like this. I who once hailed as the most powerful being in the galaxy, lauded as the most terrifying being and considered as the most strongest God of Destruction for eons would be deprived of the one thing I wished to have...

And it is eternal peace and to laze around for the rest of my life after my retirement. Yes, to live a life of laziness without any interference. No stress, no responsibilities and no worries. A life cycle of Eat, Play, Sleep, Repeat.

I never got my wish...

And it's all that damn Goku's fault.

That idiot who after becoming one of the Omni King's servant/bodyguard, messed with the Grand Priest's staff and volunteered to perform the ritual on his own. The ritual was supposed to take back my divinity and lass it down to Vegeta, my successor but instead it transported me to another world!

And my Supreme Kai: Shin who was unfortunate enough to be beside me was also whisked away to the new world with me.

And the worst thing about it is that they can't bring us back!

So now me and the Supreme Kai are now forced to stay here in this world, and adapt to it.




"*Sigh* why did this have to happen?" Beerus said, unmotivated while flying hunched, slumped in sadness.

"Well, look on the bright side Lord Beerus, it's a whole new world out there! Full of new things to explore and new adventures!" The optimistic Supreme Kai said trying to cheer up the downcast God of Destruction.

"Amd who said I wanted to go adventuring?"

"Well, no one. But I mean you can still laze around as you wish. There's nothing that is stopping you in the first place."


*Sniff* I'll never be able to eat those foods ever again. And that pudding..." Beerus as he flared his Ki in absolute anger and screamed to the heavens "I WANT PUDDING!I WANT PIZZA! I WANT NOODLES! AND I WANT ICE CREAM AND YOGURT!"

"L-Lord Beerus! Calm down! You're destroying the surrounding area!" Shin tried to dissuade Beerus, but deep inside he was thinking how much of a brat this ancient diety actually is.

"Calm down?! You're asking me to calm down?! How am I supposed to live in a world without those delicious delicacies?!" Beerus reasoned.

"Y-you'll never know, there might be new dishes here that you will find to your liking...?" Shin reasined back.



"Fine! But if they serve me something undesirable then I'll wipe this piece of rock off the face of the universe!" Beerus said, reeling in his Godly Ki back.

"Look lord Beerus, living settlements!"


The two landed on the ground after seeing small city of some sorts, though they found out that this was actually a huge town instead after reading a sign.

"Welcome to Kuoh Town!" Said Shin reading a sign post.


The ground trembled. The skies darkened despite being noon. Thunder and lightning boomed throgh the clouds despite the skies being clear of any clouds. And the very atmosphere itself felt heavy and ominous.

A few kilometers where Beerus and Shin are currently flying through, a huge and spacious building can be seen in the. And some of the people who are in said building didn't like the tremors that were currently happening.

"Rias! Did you feel that?!" Said a girl with short bobbed hair wearing a glasses as he barged into a room, slamming the door open.

"Y-yeah that sudden influx of magic. I've never felt anything like it! I-it's on par with Satan level magic. In fact I'd even say it was stronger." Said a red haired lass with a rather...generous bossom. Now revealed to be called Rias. Both of the girls were sweating profusely, their clothes absolutely drenched.

"We'll need to investigate this incident. I'll report this immediately it to my brother." Rias said.

"Investigate?! You said it yourself, it was on par- if not greater than Satan class magic level! If we encounter the person who was responsible for this incident, what are we going to do?"

"Y-you're right. Sorry Sona. I wasn't thinking straight. I'll wait for brother's response."

"But we can't just stand idly by. For now I guess we should have our peerage go on patrol and secure the school perimeter for any suspicious activities and individual. The Sona girl said.

Rias merely nodded.


"Not five minutes ago, a 5.0 magnitude earthquake just recently hit a small region of Japan, called Kuoh Town! Authorities say it might be due to the Pacific Ring of Fire and that the tectonic plates had a sudden shift..." A television said in a small fastfood restaurant.

"Mmm~ the food from this establishment already smells appetizing!" Beerus remarked, as the two of them were waiting in line from a fastfood restaurant called Mg.Ronalds.

Beerus and Shin stumbled upon a food establishment whilst they were exploring this Kuoh Town, when Beerus decided to test Shin's claim earlier about this world's food. Though the two dieties got weird looks from people on the street and inside the fastfood joint with their weird clothes and peculiar appearance. Though most people just thought of them as cosplayers with ultra realistic makeup.

Shin saw a man hand over green papers from the counter and a realization suddenly hit him. They had no money.

"Uh, Lord Beerus, we have no money."

"Ha? You're the Supreme Kai, just make some."

"B-but, isn't that kind of...bad?"

"Me and Weiss always do it when Bulma isn't around."




"Thank you for your purchase! Can I have two dozen of Chicken MgNuggets, four sodas, fifty sundaes, a dozen large fries, twenty four Mega Burgers and Fourteen Mashed Potatoes. Dine In!" A Mg.Ronalds cashier announced to one of the employees to fetch the order. Though he can be seen with a sweatdrop.

All the people present were gawking eyes wide with how much food two people ordered, the amount looked like it could feed three households-if not more. Their shocked faces morphed into disbelief when they saw Beerus and Shin sit in a table for two. And the spectator's faces evolved from disbelief to stupified gazes when they saw the two of them eat it with good table manners as if they were in a restaurant.

'Who uses a fork and knife when eating fried chicken and burgers?' An employee mused.






"You know, you were right. It wasn't that half bad. I think I might like it here."

"See? I told you giving it a chance wouldn't miss!"




Beerus could still not believe it. But here he was, alive and free, breathing the fresh air of Earth, coincidentally, the planet's name was the same with his old universe. Though the architecture and technology of both universes differed greatly.

He still could not believe it. Perhaps this was all a dream, or a prank orchestrated by the Omni King to torment and mock him to prevent the destroyer God from resigning. But reality reared it's ugly head, all for Beerus eyes to see. The truth was there to be seen and the proof was undeniable. It had been a month since they were transported to this new world.

Steadily, he came to accept the fact that the world he knew, the world he had dominion over destruction, and the world he lived in, could no longer be returned to. The Grand Priest explicitly said that him returning was no longer possible due to some rules laid out by the Omni Kings, and that violating the law of the universe would result in catastrophic results. And that no matter what he does will not change such declaration.

They said something about not possible for two gods of destruction to exist at once, destroying the balance of creation of destruction that the Kaioshin and Hakaishin (God of Destruction and Supreme Kai) represent. And considering that their divinity hasn't technically been removed, they can't bring the two back.

Goku felt bad about his mistake but was dismissed by Zeno by saying Beerus and Shin would be fine.

Or else...

It was either to adapt in this new world or to be erased by Zeno in this new world to be rid of the imbalance. Both gods chose the former option.

Beerus also asked what universe they were sent to. But to his surprise the Grand Pruest merely answered with: "It belonged to a person Lord Zeno knows."

Beerus attempted to figure out more but was ignored by the Grand Priest regarding more of his query.




If there was one thing they noticed during their first month was that supposedly Ki in this world are not known to the public, or onl exist as a form of fantasy through media or literature. When Beerus and Shin attempted to gain info via asking people about martial arts and the like, people only gave them answers related to "martial arts" such as the likes of taekwando, kung fu and MMA.

When the people were questioned about Ki, all of them answered it being a fictitious concept. It also did not help people thought these people were "cosplayers" due to their "make up" and ultra real "accessories." Most of them even generally thought that the interview they conducted relating to martial arts and Ki were a part of a TV prank show against weebs.

When they first arrived in the new world, they had first sensed multiple different entities of varying strength thoughout the entire planet. Though admittedly most of them were fodder to the Supreme Kai, being a planet buster and even more so for the Destroyer God whose strength reaches the universal-dimensional level. Another thing they noticed from these entities that their Ki felt different and all of them were divided into their own factions. Said factions had varying types of Ki.

For example, they sensed some entities in the northern part of Kuoh Town to possess a dark type "Ki" while the "Ki" of the entities to their far east felt animalistic to some degree.

If there is one thing the two of them agreed on, it's that while the new world may seem a bit boring, it does offer a lot more than what meets the eye.

To Be Continued!

Short chapter, but it was more of a short prologue. If you haven't noticed, it was filled with more exposition rather than dialogue. The reason for this is that it served to explain the new world through the eyes of the characters on what they observed and their speculations about the new world. Sort of like world building but through their eyes.

Next chapter would be longer and would encapsulate Beerus and Shin's point of view in the dxd world.

Also, with regards to Beerus and Shin:

1. It is confirmed that Shin is on par with MSSJ1 Goku during Cell games which means he is multiplanetary level (at least) and low solar system level (at most). While Beerus is Universe level (at least) and his power has never been shown at its fullest yet. So I assume that he would be on the dimensional level (at most) if we go by the Broly Movie.

2. Yes, the start of this fic is a time skip from the end of DBS, shich hasnt ended yet, so it is only my head cannon.