
[Rewrite Pending] Dragon Ball: Saiyan Odyssey

Born anew in a strange yet familiar world - well not entirely - as Saiyan, our main character awakens in a birthing pod filled with nutrient fluid alongside a fragmented collection of memories from another time; another universe one could say. His choices and actions determine his circumstances, some which go horribly wrong , but that is something for you to decide on this Saiyan’s Odyssey…. *** A/D: The image of the cover is not mine, if its yours say so and i will remove it. I chose it as it fit my characters description very well. P.S The characters seen in this novel does not belong to me except the OCs. If you have any problems with this, please contact me using email and let me know.

PursueImmortality · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter XII: Departure

Age 736 - January

Planet Trade Organisation

Saiyan Branch

"Your mission is to eliminate all sapient life on Arakko and establish it as a new outpost in the Frieza Force's territory. Optimise any resources, crush any and all opposition, and keep the damage to the environment minimal. We want to keep its value high."

Hearing this Tercres grinned, energised by his excitement of finally entering space. Seeing the beauty of the universe in all its entirety was one of the things on his bucket list if he had succeded on becoming immortal.

The planet he was being sent to wasn't perfect, but it will have to do for a few years. The official, mistaking Tercres's grin for that of battle lust, also smiled.

"It shall be done," Tercres responded. "I will erase that world's history and present it to Lord Frieza."

The hologram shifted to highlight strategic locations, terrain features, the positions of key villages and the estimated power levels of tribal leaders. Ki levels ranged from 1,200 to 5,000, with a few outliers ranging from 7,000 to 9,000.

These outliers were the edtimated powerlevels of the Tribal Leaders.

"Given the discrepancy in power, you are clear to utilize any means to swiftly overcome resistance and complete the objectives. Everything you need to complete your mission has been downloaded to your ships database. Leave none alive."

Tercres nodded in understanding. 'I already have everything I need. Planet Arakko huh? Never heard of it. The natives there are pretty strong for a primitive planet.' He thought, a bit curious of their physiology. He had only seen Elite Frieza Force Troops with such high power levels.

But that was nothing compared to his excitement of finally entering space for the first time in both worlds!

He had a lot of questions to ask, but the words that came out of his mouth was, "I will crush those primitives beneath my boot. Send me out and I will start the purging immediately. Frieza's will shall be fulfilled."

The official gazed at Tercres for a moment longer, enough for Tercres to sweat internally for a bit, before then nodding in approval.

"Dismissed. Go, and conquer in the name of our noble lord."

Tercres snapped into a punishing salute, his back straight, before turning on his heel and marching out to finish preparing his ship for his mission, and soon his escape. He was slowly modifying his ship bit by bit, and when the time comes for him to change his fate, he will seize it with an iron grip.

Although, he was very grateful for the time spent on Planet Vegeta, he wasn't grateful enough to stay for its destruction - the planet's fate was already decided the moment Beerus told Frieza to to get rid of them. And even if Beerus did not command Frieza to do so, he was sure that Frieza would have done so anyways.

Tercres knew what was coming, heck he could almost picture the scene. The once vibrant and bustling cities of Planet Vegeta would soon be reduced to nothing but ashes and space dust.

His imagination took a darker turn as he envisioned the horrors that could unfold amidst the chaos. The echoes of the civilization on the brink of annihilation, a symphony of agony that would soon be silenced forever. The desperation of the saiyan race might drive some to commit unspeakable acts in a desperate bid for survival. The primal instincts that coursed through their veins would unleash a frenzy of violence and depravity.

And with saiyans already so intune with their primal nature, it would be a no brainer if mass rapes would occur in an effort to ensure the survival of their race.

But it would be useless.

He had made some good memories in this place. However, that will not stop him from abandoning Planet Vegeta entirely when the time comes in the face of the grim reality that awaited them.

As a purple titan once said, "The hardest choices require the strongest wills."

His escape from his doomed planet would mark the beginning of a new chapter in his life, a chance to forge his own destiny and perhaps achieve what he once dreamed of amidst the darkness that surrounded him.

Call him cold hearted but he wanted no part in the destruction of the civilisation that had birthed him. Not today, and not ever.

With his mood soured, he made his way to the relatively large spaceship his parents had provided him for his first mission, he contemplated the purpose of his reincarnation. He did not remember anything that happened before he died except some strong fragmented memories and the some key dates and events that occurred in the entirety of the Dragon Ball franchise.

At times he often questioned if his reincarnation as a saiyan was really coincidental, or the work of some powerful being. Alas, stuff like that weren't truly important at this moment in time.

The ship was designed to hold abundant fuel stores for long interstellar travel. It sat upon the landing pad with a bulky lozenge-shaped design for swift manoeuvring, with a cockpit at the front and powerful sublight as well as hyper-speed engine nozzles at the rear for both quick travel between stars and planets and long-range warp jumps.

Energy weapons installed on the side of yhe ship contained more than enough offensive capabilities to see Tercres through the most difficult of dogfight space-battles.

As Tercres walked to the ship, past other saiyan children and adults also prepping for their missions, none paid him any heed. He reached the ship and punched in the access code, the hatch sliding open with a hiss. His pod interior was spacious and spartan, holding only the necessary comforts. It suited his solitary nature very well.

The cockpit had an ergonomic design optimised for saiyan physiology and the instrument panels and controls were designed to withstand power levels reaching at most 20,000 and coming out with severe structural damage. It was truly a technological marvel.

After double-checking that he was stocked with supplies enough to last him years, Tercres took his place at the pilot's seat. The spacious cockpit held but a single seat, all else abandoned for functionality. No need for passenger space or amenities in a vessel that held only its driver.

Tercres took a deep breath, savoring the moment of stillness. This was the first of a short line of missions, before he would be torn from this place, from the scene of his birth as much as its doom. He did a few mandatory standard checks, before activating the engines.

His pod vibrated to life around him, the thrum of machinery and hum of power awakening for the first time in it's life. Though but a child, Tercres had been groomed his for this duty. His strength and instinct were finely honed weapons, and he would need every ounce to survive what was yet to come.

Frieza's malice knew no bounds, as shown in the manga and anime when he would soon discover that some saiyans survived the destruction of Planet Vegeta. The smart ones would be able to piece to and two together and hide to escape assassination, whilst the dumb and weak ones would return to the force to serve Frieza, only to be killed behind the scenes to finish the job.

For now he focused his vision on the vast space ahead. The cockpit viewscreen lit up, showing a map of this galaxy's starfield as his fingers danced across the panels, charting a course to Planet Arakko. His ship rose and the pod swiftly gaining speed before breaking through the atmosphere. Planet Vegeta grew smaller behind him, just visible in the rear display, until it vanished altogether.
