
Dragon Ball: Reincarnated As Broly's Sister!

!!!!currently under edit!!! A love story filled with fighting, world colliding decisions, and a bit of Saiyan pride. Oh, and only the cutest couple you'll ever meet. Chisato had a hard life, from being abused by her drunken father, to her boyfriend Fuma cheating on her. One night all of that changes when an old man in Tokyo gives her a game to play. After creating a character called Rhuda, she doesn't realize that the game was waiting for her to make a wish.... And that her game data was corrupted. Thus, her new life being stuck inside the game of XenoVerse 3 begins. Will she overcome her past and forge a new future? Or will she corrupt the game and let chaos reign free? Trigger warning ⚠️: mentions of abuse and neglect

frozenrose99 · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
84 Chs


Planet 01

Goku surged his power as high as it could go without him losing intense focus. His hair lifted, turning white, while the air around him began to warp and compress into itself, resembling droplets of water.


Likewise, Jiren rose to the occasion, his red top blown away, nothing but dust in the wind, veins bulging on his forehead and visible limbs.



Arena Stadium

"Oh! Look!" Zeno (left) said, pointing down. "They're all big!"

"Oooo! This is so exciting! Jiren has a super crazy face right now!"

Grand Priest smiled, happy to see the two rulers of everything being amused. It beat the usual games of hide and seek, and he was running out of people to make play with them. Even Angels and their Destroyers had their limits.


Rhuda had gnawed her lower lip so much during the fight already it was beyond chapped, resembling a swollen bee sting. She hissed through her clenched teeth and must have made some noise, for Vegeta gave her a sharp look. "Hn. If you keep that up Trunks won't have anything left to kiss."


Her face became bright red as she let that remark sink in. Perhaps she was being a little too worried, after all, the fight wasn't even to the death. At least, not for 'them'. She couldn't say the same for her fight, however.

The screen showed Goku, Broly and Jiren all maxing out their power, or most of it. It was hard to say which power was more impressive, but as soon as Jiren nodded to Goku, those two took off, fists raised.

"Look! Broly's ready, too!" Shin said, pointing.

"My. What incredible energy." Whis smiled, looking to see if Bulma was still watching.

Vegetas wife had wide blue eyes. "What the heck are they thinking?!"

"Just watch." Vegeta growled.

And so they did.


Planet 01


Brolys insane power was finally ready to be unleashed on the world. He took one, two, lumbering steps forward before sprinting. His eyes glowed nearly blinding white before another roar he let out. Hit braced himself for anything, but just before his Flash Fist Crush landed, his entire field of vision cracked away.

"W-What?" Hit reared away in shock.

At that precise moment, Goku and Jiren had collided their energies, and it --along with Brolys-- was too much for one area, and thus all fighters found themselves in the Dimension of Strange Swirling Lights.

Purple, white and glittering swirls space caused them all to pause their attack; well, except for Broly. He wasn't deterred by anything and kept his advance on Hit.

Hit rose his fist to once again use Flash Fist Crush, intending to follow it with a Time Prison. He found, however, that Brolys sheer magnitude of energy could not be contained---and Hit was propelled through that swirling sky as his brain rattled.




Real World - Fu's Hideout

"Ha ha! Look, just as Game Master thought." Fu chuckled and clicked around on his laptop, grinning like a fool.

An alarm bell then rang over head. Fu glanced to his other row of monitors, seeing Trunks and Pan nearing his bottom dwelling lab. "You weren't invited Trunks. Sorry, but I'll have to take a rain check." Fu giggled and turned around in his desk chair, looking up at the shelf where Pandora's Box rest. He hopped up and tucked it under his arm, and pulled one of his two swords out. "Time to go collect some energy!"

Fu slashed the air and disappeared.


"RUAHH!" Broly swung his arms like a madman, each swing followed by energy that coursed across that strange realm. Jiren and Goku backed up, Goku saying, "He's out of control! This isn't good!"

Hit's cheek dripped sweat as he tried once more to 'tap' into his saved time skips, only to find that in the new realm he couldn't withdraw them. "...I see."

Broly had planned to defeat Hit in this realm, even if it meant losing control. That was both a brilliant move and a desperate one, too.

Just as everyone was getting used to their new Arena, a swirling purple mist appeared over head.

They could only watch as Fu made his grand appearance, Pa wooden box tucked under his arm. "Hello! Hope I'm not interrupting anything!"

"Fu!" Goku shouted.

"That's me. Everyones favorite character." Fu giggled and swung his sword a little, "I don't have long to chat. Got a hot date with Chisato after this. But I 'kinda' need your energy. To help this little thing out." He pointed with his sword tip to the box, a wooden thing with chains and a singular orb, perhaps opal in the center.

Broly caught sight of Fu and quickly flew up.

Fu created some strange numerals in the air with his sword and said, "Coordinates Set!"


Goku, Jiren and Hit were wide eyed, seeing Broly revert back to his base form. Broly looked at Fu, then at his hands. "How...?"

"Don't mind me." Fu chuckled. "You were kinda going nuts there Broly. Don't worry, I've got your back. You can thank me later!"

"Fu--!" Goku yelled, flying up.

"Uh uh uh," Fu tutted with his finger, "You're making it too easy for me. At least 'try' to fight back."

Goku growled. "What are you doing here!"

"Me?" Fu glanced up, as if he really had to think about it, and said, "Hmm. For the fun of it I guess. Game Master brought me out of the game to mingle, and I couldn't help but come up with a super cool, super exclusive experiment. And you all get to be in it!"

"Quit joking around! As if we'd let you get away with that!" Goku burst his energy up and it swirled his hair silver.

Fu made more numerals with his sword. "...You already have."


Goku, too, found himself back to base and unable to gather more energy. Drained.

"Thanks a bunch!" Fu looked at his glowing sword happily.

"Give that back!"

"Sorry," Fu turned to Jiren, "But that Dragon eats a lot, you know? I've gotta give her 'something' to munch on so she'll listen to me. C'mon, Jiren, do you want to play?"

Jiren growled. "...This isn't a game."

That remark made Fu burst into a fit of giggles that didn't die down for some time. He wiped a tear away, "This is TOTALLY a game. Trust me, the real world could use some fun. It's so dreary out there."

Goku panted, wanting to fall over and sleep, but grit his teeth. "Hang on to me. Hurry!"

Wordlessly Hit, Jiren and Broly touched his back. Goku shut his eyes. "Tch! So far..."

"That's right Goku. It's way too far for you to sense." Fu sighed and shook his sword, "Just give me your energy and I'll let you guys go back. Simple."

It appeared Jiren had heard enough. He powered his energy. "If it's energy you need, you'll have to fight me first."

"Hmm.." Fu tilted his head, "Don't really want to do that. No offense. It's just, Trunks is waiting for me, you know? It'd be rude to be late."

Jiren roared and charged Fu, who smirked and readied his blade.




Real World - Gaming Tower

Trunks dashed down the steps two at a time. He'd just sensed Fu's Ki--only for a split second--and it was just enough for him to follow. "Hurry!"

"I AM!" Pan yelled, out of breath.




The levels seemed to never end, until finally they saw 'Maintenance Room'.

"Here! It has to be here!" Trunks yelled.

He kicked the door in and sure enough, saw monitors and several desks. No doubt Fu and his habit of watching everything and everyone. Across the desk were tons of cords and wires, all running out of the wall. There were also lots of wrappers and debris.

"Ha..ha..he's not here," Pan said, looking around the room.

Trunks nodded. "He's not. But take a look."

The monitors displayed both the real world and the game world. Fu had a eagle eye on everything; and Trunks could even see Chisato sitting on the benches, probably waiting for her turn to fight. "He's got one for everything!" Pan said.

"Yeah. Looks like it."

Trunks couldn't help but pause, seeing his girlfriend safe and sound. At least for now.

"Wonder where he went?" Pan asked.

"...Probably went back to the game." Trunks answered. He shifted through different keys, trying to find some clue or anything at all to help him know where Fu had went. But it appeared that Fu had a top notch system that would need to be decoded first, and Trunks didn't have time.

Because at that moment a voice could be heard behind them.




Arena Stadium

"...Wonder where they went to?" Rhuda asked.

At the second their energies had collided, a great shock wave seemed to tear space itself apart, and the screen showing Planet 01 went on the fritz. Nothing but static.

"Tch! Of all the times!" Vegeta grumbled, "Of course the damn thing can't locate them now. We're missing the entire fight!"

The crowd had an uproar, but instantly fell silent. That was due to Goku showing up with Jiren, Broly and Hit, all worn out. They collapsed at the transport box, none of them giving off more than a weak energy.

"Is it...over?" Rhuda asked.

"That isn't right." Vegeta said. He stood up, "What the hell, Kakarot!"

Goku lifted his tired head and found them on the stands. He did a thumbs down before falling over, unconscious. Jiren, Broly and Hit all likewise face planted on the transparent flooring.

Grand Priest, whom had been hovering by, lowered himself from the seats of both Zeno's and waved his hand. The four fighters were brought back to health, and Goku immediately sprang up. "Wow! Thanks a bunch!"

"Your match wasn't finished," Grand Priest said. "Do you still wish to fight?"

"Actually..." Goku looked over to his daughter Rhuda, and said, "I want to, but I need to talk to Chisato first. Something happened during our match that she needs to know about."

"I see. Then, we'll take a fifteen minute break and continue." Grand Priest smiled, nodded and went back to his position beside the twin rulers.



Gohans Home - Orange City

"The heck?" Oolong asked.

"Beats me. They were there and then BAM, gone." Yamcha rubbed his head, puzzled.

The rest of the group nodded in agreement. "Dads not there anymore. Baba, can you try and locate where he went?" Gohan asked the fortune teller, who was drinking a beer.

"Hoi...poi..." the witch chanted. Her hand twirled around the crystal on the coffee table until a new image formed. It was of Goku, and all could see him chatting with a beautiful girl, sitting next to a grumpy faced Vegeta.

"Woo wee!" Roshi slapped his knee. "Somebody get a doctor! Call 911! Because that beauty is giving me a heart attack!"

Android 18 rolled her eyes at the old pervert. "Calm down. She's a fighter. You won't have a chance."

Gohan chuckled to himself. He couldn't blame Roshi, really, as he too thought Rhuda extremely good looking at the prime age of nineteen. Her saiyan genes were loud and proud, and it would be hard to identify her as anything else.

"See if you can hear what they're saying," Krillin said. "Goku is talking an awful lot."

Baba waved her hand over the ball once more and they could hear the conversation.

[Goku: "--Then Fu showed up and did something crazy and stole Brolys energy!"]

[Rhuda: "...He did...? That isn't good! Ano...do you think he'll do that to mine, too?"]

[Vegeta: "He'll try that first. Probably let you power up then take it all for himself. Hnp! When I see him, I'll put an end to it."]

[Goku: "I dunno Vegeta. Fu is a slippery kind of guy. He has tons of tricks up his sleeve. I wouldn't put it past him to steal everyones energy. But he had some weird box under his arm, and said that he needed to feed the Dragon."]

Rhudas face went pale as paper. She looked to her Father, swallowing. ["...The Ancient One. He's brought her here! And--he's going to kill me and free her!"]

Gohan, whom was listening intently, felt his spine shiver a little.

[Goku: "We can't let him win! Trunks is going to stop him, from the real world. We just gotta make sure he doesn't kill you. Somehow..."]

Rhuda bit her swollen lip and turned to Vegeta, tears trickling down her face. It was clear she didn't have any hopes of winning that particular fight.

[Vegeta: "Stop that crying! You're a warrior! Don't forget that we're completely surrounded by the strongest in the universes. You'll be fine. Have some faith in yourself!"]

Krillin blinked at the crystal ball then turned to the group of watchers. "Did uh, anybody else understand a word of that? 'Cause I'm totally lost."

"...From what I gather, the Tournament isn't all fun and games after all." 18 said. Her blue eyes narrowed. "Just like before. There's more at stake than what we know. Goku said something about a Dragon."

"A Dragon..." Roshi rubbed his chin. "It wouldn't be Shenron, then. He doesn't need energy to be summoned. Just what kind of creature are they talking about?"

"No idea..." Gohan said. His chocolate eyes tightened, not telling the entire truth, and a knot in his stomach surfaced. He wanted to comfort Rhuda, who couldn't see past her own fears, but wasn't able to.

'She can't give up before it's even began! Chisato...believe in yourself! You can do this!'