
Dragon Ball Oneiron

Dragon Ball Oneiron follows the story of a Saiyan Princess, Mauka days before her "Age of Ascension" Ceremony where she is to be crown Queen of the Saiyans. That is until a strange pale man wearing a dark suit arrives on Planet Sadala and Mauka learns that there is more to life than being a queen. In Loving Memory Of Akira Toriyama. You Will Be Missed And Always Remembered In Our Hearts And Memories Forevermore.

StarscreamSigma · Cómic
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51 Chs

Character Images – Minus Saga

Name: Kaioshin Cal1

Race: Kai

Occupation: Apprentice


Name: Kaioshin Val2

Race: Kai

Occupation: Apprentice


Name: Majin Buu (Kaioshin Val Absorbed)3

Race: Majin

Occupation: N/A


Name: "Dagger"4

Race: Saiyan

Occupation: Time Warrior (Alternate Future Timeline)


Name: Sax (Minus)5

Race: Namekian

Occupation: Warrior Sage


Name: Mauka (Kid)6

Race: Saiyan

Occupation: Cooler's Armored Squadron Warrior


Name: Majin "Felicity" (Universe X Goddess Of Destruction)7

Race: Majin

Occupation: Goddess Of Destruction Of Universe X (Future Timeline)

Script by: Starscream Σ

Created By: Akira Toriyama

Owned By: Capsule Corporation Tokyo

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