
Dragon Ball One Power Level Per Second

Having traversed to the world of Dragon Ball and becoming a Saiyan baby, Lin Chuan started with a power level of 50 points and carried the Infinity Power Enhancement System. What? Activating the system requires going to Earth! Twenty years later, when Lin Chuan embarked on his interstellar journey, thinking that his path to rise would begin, little did he know that he would be trapped for over twenty years on the planet V3114. But, the spaceship must reach its destination before traveling to other planets. When he arrived, the invaded planet was in the midst of an apocalypse due to a meteor impact in the Ice Age. The spaceship was broken and could not engage in interstellar travel. Faced with a pile of problems, the only thing Lin Chuan could do was to survive and become stronger. ... Until one day, when Lin Chuan's power level reached 15,000 points, a spaceship from the Frieza Army arrived.

nyawdao4 · Cómic
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100 Chs


As Mr. Popo's combat power exceeded 1000, everyone except Lin Chuan expressed their shock.

After the initial surprise, Goku, Krillin, and even Master Roshi developed a high respect for Popo. This was unprecedented; at most, they had been merely polite to him because he was Kami's attendant and possessed some strength.

Even Bulma, who had reservations about Popo's appearance, began to see him in a new light, not with dislike but rather thinking about keeping a good relationship with him, perhaps as a potential ally.

Bulma has always been perceptive. In the original story, she contacted Popo to find Kami's spaceship, but she initially resisted. Later, when she realized how useful Popo was, she began to woo him actively. If it weren't for Popo's duty to stay on Earth, she would have certainly taken him to Planet Namek.

Her ability to recognize and connect with powerful individuals was even more evident in the Dragon Ball Super series, where she quickly made connections with Whis, the Angel, and even managed to win over Lord Beerus with delicious food, turning him into what was essentially a pet cat at times.

"Now that everyone's ready, let's go up and meet Kami," Goku said.

"Popo's flying carpet can take two people up first, and there are five of us in total..."

As Popo began counting, he completely overlooked the fact that Goku, Raditz, and Lin Chuan could fly up by themselves and didn't need his help.

"It's fine, Mr. Popo," Goku intervened, "You just need to take Krillin and Master Roshi. Although I'm not skilled in the Flying Technique, I can still take Gohan up to the temple. My brother and Lin Chuan can fly on their own."

Acknowledging this, Popo smiled and said, "That's great, then. I'll take Krillin and Master Roshi, which will save us some time."

After a brief discussion, everyone began to move. Master Roshi and Krillin boarded the flying carpet, and Goku shared a look with Raditz and Lin Chuan, obviously signaling that he would lead the way.

Popo, although fast with the carpet, had to consider Krillin and Roshi's comfort.

As they were about to depart, Bulma, who had been holding back her frustration, finally burst out, "What? You're just going to leave me here? I brought you all this way, and you won't take me up with you?!"

Her anger was understandable. Used when needed and discarded when not, anyone would feel the same.

"I'm sorry... but I have to take Gohan, and I can't carry anyone else... Popo's carpet can only take two," Goku said apologetically, genuinely feeling guilty but helpless.

Krillin and Roshi considered this and offered, "How about Mr. Popo takes Bulma and Master Roshi first, and I'll wait here a bit longer?"

But Popo responded, "Kami has instructed me to bring everyone up, but he didn't mention this woman, so I must go up and ask his permission first."

Kami had excluded Bulma.

Lin Chuan, feeling somewhat sympathetic, couldn't help but think that Kami, at the start, was indeed very presumptuous and calculated, not considering Bulma at all.

"Fine then! If Kami doesn't want me there, I'll just go to his temple by myself in the future! I'll go back and build an advanced jet! It's just Kami's temple, right? I can make spaceships!!!" Bulma was furious, her outburst surprising everyone.

Lin Chuan understood her feelings.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan spoke up, "If you want to go, I can carry you up!"

This unexpected offer shocked everyone, and Bulma looked at Lin Chuan in disbelief. His smiling face was looking back at her reassuringly.

Krillin and Master Roshi were subtly impressed, Raditz was surprised that Lin Chuan would make such an offer for an Earth woman, and Goku felt relieved as if the problem was solved.

Popo could say nothing; Lin Chuan wasn't from Earth and wasn't under his jurisdiction.

With no objections, Bulma, after looking around, decided impulsively. Having known her friends for years and experienced so much, it seemed that none cared about her wishes as much as Lin Chuan, a Saiyan who had just arrived on Earth.

"Fine! Now I see you all fear her, yet she doesn't have bad intentions towards me. I think she's not scary at all, but rather, it's you people who discriminate," Bulma said, quickly walking up to Lin Chuan.

Her boldness was no longer tainted with the initial fear of the unknown Saiyan. Lin Chuan's kindness and attractive appearance had won her over.

"Shall we go then?" Lin Chuan asked, ready to lift her.


Let's go!" Bulma, now free from fear, was ready to face whatever came next, reassured by Lin Chuan's presence.

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