
Dragon ball Cosmic Journey

The universe is vast, filled with creatures, places and technology beyond our imagination and now is being challenged, something evil seeks to bring about a new age: The invasion of the Demon Realm. However, a ragtag of heroes made of the Saiyan princess, an immature Saiyan martial artist and an aspiring Tuffel scientist embarking on a journey to retrieve the objects that enabled this invasion, the dragon balls.

Promander_striker · Cómic
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Enter The Mysterious Enemy, Death To The Era Of Peace

A brigade of clanking boots fills the halls throughout the palace, the murmurs amongst the guards of the appearance of a mysterious cloud. The guards stampede the halls to the flight deck meeting the Queen and her children and bowing at their presence.

One guard stepped forward, "Queen Sadala, we have detected an unknown object entering the planet a few moments ago at an incredible speed."

But Queen Sadala begins to quivers releasing a frustrated bellow, "MY HUSBAND WAS KIDNAPPED AND YOU SHOW UP TALKING ABOUT UFOS, YOU FOOLS,"

"WHY ARE YOU JUST SITTING AROUND HERE... WELL..." the guards tremble at the Queen's ever-growing scorn.

But Stewla interrupts, "STOP!!! Instead of throwing a tantrum, I will bring back father by myself, It will be my responsibility," She stands up and rushes inside the spaceship retrieving a small device that is no smaller than the palm of her hand, called a scouter, it resembles the ear cup of a headphone with a rectangular shape and three buttons on the side.

She places the device on her ear and declares, "I will rescue Father and I'll make that intruder rue the day he came here."

Stewla presses a button on the scouter which constructs a purple, transparent glass that covers her eye. Numbers in an alien language, blocky symbols and shapes displayed on the glass accompanied by a crowd of beeps and boops. The device for a moment falls silent, then the device beeps relentlessly which to Stewla's surprise guides her in a particular direction. 

As the beeping stops, she announces to the crowd, "He's still on the planet. The scouter is picking up his energy and it's not too far. I can save him."

As she prepares to take off, her cape is snagged stopping her. 

"Please don't go, sis. I don't want you to leave," a tiny voice pleads behind her. Stewla turns and sees it's her brother, Charis, crying and sobbing. 

Stewla goes down on one knee, and wipes the tears from her brother, "Don't worry, they won't win against me, You do believe in your sister?"

Charis wiped the leftover tears and tried to put on a brave face.

"Alright, there is my brave prince. I'll be back in a second." Stewla says, appeasing her brother with a thumbs up and gentle smile before flying off, guided by the scouter, in search of the King, but as she is about to leave the reality sets in that this is real, this threat is real. Her heart starts to beat out of her chest as her mind races with excitement but she takes a deep breath, pushing on looking forward to what she will meet, flying off into the distance.

Afterwards, Queen Sadala turns to one of the guards, upset by her daughter's response to the situation, She tries resetting back to her more calm and dignified posture, and starts to question them, "You! What can you tell me about the UFO?"

The same guard from earlier steps forward, standing at attention, "Ma'am, the UFO was discovered less than an hour ago, It appeared as a cloud in the upper atmosphere, it then started to disappear and reappear in random locations all over the planet."

The confused Queen Sadala then responds, "So that brings the question, Why is it here."

Meanwhile, outside the mainland is an archipelago, these small islands take abstract shapes, each holding a variety of purple, green and orange tropical plants, surrounded by sands that broader the isle from the golden sea. The sea appears boundless holding countless creatures of the sea such as giant fishes with large fangs, sea cryptids that surf the depths of the ocean, and behemoths of the sea that induce fear among other creatures that explore this large collection of life below Rabi as he hovers above it.

He was drawn here to investigate the area for the mysterious energy he sensed earlier, the energy had glimpses of it all over the archipelago like oil leaking from a spacecraft. Could it be whatever it was wanted home to find it? Why? His train of thought is interrupted however as he suddenly notices a subtle glow and hears a gentle humming in the jungle of the isle below. He attempts to investigate but as he approaches the small isle's shore a black smog appears engulfing the beach. 

"Well, well, well, looks like I got two little monkeys from the zoo, Now I know I'm lucky today," the voice proclaims as King Futo dashes backwards escaping the evil cloud. 

Rabi asked the figure in the cloud, "Who are you? Why were you sneaking around our planet?"

"So many questions but such a tight schedule," the smoke finally dispersed revealing the individual, outfitted in a cloak and hood concealing themselves except for their black Saiyan tail. 

"The fact he went out of his way to get us all here implies this is a grudge match, right?" Futo queried. 

The robed figure releases a villainous chuckle, grips his hood and says "You have no idea, Rabi, Futo, you all had this coming for a long, long time."

The robed figure ripped his cloak and hood off revealing his long, black, spikey unkept hair that protruded upward, his face with one eye forced shut by a scar made of dry burned skin and the other uninjured eye glowing purple enhancing his menacing grin across his dull beige face. He also reveals he is wearing an armless black, skin-tight shirt lined with dull silver lining and a glowing purple infinity symbol that glows strong on his chest, a metal belt with a similar shape to a champion's belt which tightly holds his waist above his harem pants as his bare feet is exposed to the elements.

Shock is plastered on the faces of Rabi and Futo, both thinking the same thing, "How is he alive?"

"Nopal?!? where have you been all these years I thought... " 

But before Rabi can continue Nopal interrupts, "NO, DON'T FAKE IT, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU BOTH DID, YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE RID OF ME BUT SEEMS YOU MISCALCULATED!" the now unrobed figure said as he wore his maniacal grin. 

"We didn't abandon you Nopal, we thought you were... " But before Futo could explain, the planet started to shake and Nopal's body started to glow with red lightning, shrouding himself in an aura of darkness.

"DON'T EVER USE THAT NAME WITH ME, ONLY MY FRIENDS HAVE THAT PRIVILEGE, " the now unrobed figure and his eye turned fully consumed by a black inky substance.

"Something's wrong, is it just me or does his Ki feel off? " asked Futo.

Rabi responds, "Yeah, I can feel it too, it feels ... rotten."

A menacing energy starts shrouding this figure as he assumes his fighting stance, arms to his side like claws and slouches like a wild animal ready to pounce. Rabi and Futo then prepare themselves by taking a stance as this figure, formally their friend, releases an intense scream. The two try to stand their ground as the scream and raw malice rage out like standing in a hurricane. The two now look on with their eyes widened at what they thought was their friend as they struggle to comprehend if this that stands in front of them is really their friend. 

This aura is so powerful it turns the sky dark and summons red lightning. This shift in the environment provokes fear in animals, the climate and even alerting scouters, all in a radius between the archipelago and the palace. They all start to beep simultaneously getting louder and more frequent until they all unanimously flatline as they all crash with the word for error on their screens. 

Stewla who isn't even halfway paused for a moment has never seen the scooter beep like that let alone crash, she doesn't even know that something so high-tech could crash. She knows the direction she needs to go, so she just pockets the scouter by retracting the glass and attaching the scouter to her hip, but now, her doubts begin to emerge as she asks herself, what does this mean what lies ahead should she save her father or turn back?

"No, I can still do something, whatever this is, it just means the threat has escalated and Dad needs me more than ever," Stewla says as she continues to zip through the sky. 

Meanwhile, back to the archipelago, Rabi and Futo try their best to resist this ominous wind until finally, their opponent stops screaming and his aura finally settles from his body like black steam with red lightning zipping around it. 

Rabi and Futo both lay eyes on what appears to be their friend infected by monsters of their past. 

"THAT'S ENOUGH YOU WILL NOT DISRUPT OUR PLANET ANY LONGER IT STOPS, " Futo firmly announced as he rushed towards Nopal with a punch. 

Nopal sees this coming and catches his punch then Futo throws another which Nopal catches following up with a skull-cracking headbutt that stuns Futo leaving him open for Nopal to grab his neck and slam him to the island below making the ground quake like a meteor. Nopal grips Futo's neck to the ground in one hand and charges a crimson-red and black Ki blast in the other. Futo is struggling to get out of his grip but it's no use Nopal's hold wouldn't loosen but before Nopal fires Rabi zips behind Nopal landing a roundhouse kick, sending him skidding across the sea. 

"Watch out for his grip, it's strong, " Futo says jokingly as he rubs his neck. 

Rabi could only scoff at his comment as he attempts to follow up his attack by chasing Nopal who is skidding across the ocean. Rabi catches up landing a powerful right hook and a flurry of punches, then rushes behind him to kick him upward. Futo ends it off with a 'Double Axe Handle' to the head sending Nopal to the depths below. 

"Is he down? " Futo asked.

Rabi closes his eyes trying to lock on to Nopal's energy which for some reason he finds difficult but is answered as the water starts to glow. 

Rabi, in a state of panic, shouts, "SHIELDS!!!"

A massive mushroom-shaped explosion erupts from the ocean, consuming the entire archipelago, sending shockwaves for miles and creating a quake across the planet.

Even, Stewla, who is still some distance away feels the shockwave which tosses her around the sky. The inhabitants, Saiyan, dinosaurs, birds and others all panic as they all frantically look for comfort at the opposite ends of the world. 

All of them except Cokra, Tora and Xalo, standing in the middle of a barren wasteland of sand, stone and half-buried dinosaur bones.

"What do you think that was? Some kind of eruption, like a volcano?" Tora ask.

Xalo however slaps down her assumption, replying, "Volcanoes don't create shockwaves like that, it's more likely to be an invasion."

"Whatever it is it scared away all the dinosaurs," Cokra adds.

Xalo has his eyes closed and tries to focus, "Yeah it has something to do with those really enormous ki signatures but one is different it feels… like… rotten… like it's not even living."

Tora and Cokra both look at Xalo confused. Cokra then tries to close his eyes also attempting to sense what's going on.

"It looks like the old man is there too, with someone else. Whoever they are their power level isn't helpful, we could lend a han…"

But before Cokra could finish Xalo cuts him off, "HEY WE ALREADY GOT IN TROUBLE ONCE TODAY I SAY WE BACK OFF FROM THIS OKAY?"

Cokra flinches backwards at the sudden outburst especially Xalo, "True but you the old man might be in trouble, we could help."

Tora places her hand on Cokra's shoulder stating, " Bro's gotta point whatever this could be he didn't want us involved."

Cokra shrugs her off, "If you didn't want to help him just say you're scared and end it, I'm going to help."

Tora tries to hold him back but it is too late Cokra is already closing in to the archipelago.

Leaving as he Xalo to contemplate, "I've got a bad feeling about this."

Tora responded, "For once I agree with ya bro."

Meanwhile, back at the archipelago, the dust begins to fade and we see Rabi and Futo protect themselves in their energy bubbles with cracks scattered all around them.

Futo approaches Rabi asking, " Did he...?"

"Of course not, he wouldn't let himself go like that besides he was just showing off down there," Rabi replies as he points at the bottomless crater below that could only described as continental.

Futo then suggested, "I don't know if there is saving him it's time to put him down for good or he destroys this planet out of some petty vendetta."

"Agreed, Full power, no holding back," Rabi adds as he closes his eyes, relaxes his body and takes a deep breath summoning his power.

While Futo flexes every muscle in his body as he strains his body summons his full power. He growled and grunted like he was contesting with an animal wrestling for control and suffering from immense pain. 

Just then, Stewla approaches them not knowing what she will discover and as she gets closer she tries to call for her dad but Futo's armour begins to crack revealing his brown tail which turned Crimson, the fur then suddenly spread across his back racing to cover his torso stopping at his wrist and avoiding his pecks and abs. His eyes then widened and glowed red as fangs forcibly into his mouth and his hair started to grow, extending upward with a more spiky appearance while growing down his back and over his shoulders, his neatly kept beard and moustache grew out becoming unkempt like he never took care of it in his life and finally the red glow in his eyes settled, revealing his new and improved turquoise eyes. 

Stewla was shocked, her father had taken the form that her father told her when she was younger, about the warrior who could draw on the hidden potential of the Great Ape, "Whoever gains this power known as the 'King of Beast', 'The Primal King' and even 'The Truest Saiyan'." 

However, Futo wasn't alone another man was next to he just seemed to be floating there, he calmly inhaled through his nose releasing steam from his mouth as he exhaled. His body starts to lose mass and flash a bright blue and an aura of flame starts to consume him changing his tail, hair and eyes red. 

If Stewla wasn't breathless before she was utterly stunned, her mind couldn't comprehend the second myth her father told her about the 'Super Saiyan God', 'The legendary God of Battle'. 

Stewla ducks behind the closest rock she can find, not to hide from what appears to be Rabi and Futo but from whatever it is they are fighting and so she was right to as Nopal rises out of the crater.

As Nopal rise he starts to ponder, "Wow, look at that, a False God and a Feral Monkey, I think I should be honoured... NAH," he releases a maniacal laugh. 

The two enhanced warriors are unfazed and slowly approach. Nopal could only do one thing, "Ooooh? You're approaching? good, straight to business, just the way I like it."

This is what the beginning of the death of the era of peace looks like conflicts that only appear in the worst nightmare.

I was holding onto this since Christmas and I really didn't want to release this until it was perfect but since Toriyama died and I looked back on how he did his work and I changed my mind. This book has stopped being just a fan book for dragon ball and is now a love letter and thank you to the series that sparked it all.


Akira Toriyama,

My hero and The world's greatest adventurer and writer.

Promander_strikercreators' thoughts