
Dragon Ball: Back in Black

Reincarnated into Dragon Ball after an unexpected death, a man must now face enemies and threats that not only endanger the universe, but multiple universes. Given the body of Goku Black and a few other items, this reborn Saiyan will have to transcend his limits time and time again in order to become the strongest. This is the story of a Saiyan who will become the strongest mortal in the universe. In all of the universes.

OmniSpectra · Cómic
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82 Chs


Everything hurts.

That was my first immediate thought after waking up inside what looked to be a giant crater. I tried to stand up, but I heard a sudden crack come from my back before a jolt of pain laid me back down on the ground. Seeing that I couldn't move, I decided to try and sense around for any high power levels in my my immediate surroundings, but I felt nothing.

Not a single Ki signature for miles.

After feeling that there was no danger, I relaxed and laid in the crater for I don't even know how long. As I laid there, I noticed that the blue clouds that were previously overhead were now covered by a thick cloud of smoke and embers. I could also hear what sounded like flames crackling close by.

The atmosphere was... unsettling, to say the least. Knowing that there was no sign of life for miles while being all alone inside a destroyed city. It eventually became too much to think about, as I painfully reached my hand out and summoned the pouch of unlimited Senzu Beans.

I took one out and ate it, recovering back to full strength. I put the pouch back into the ring and jumped out of the crater, seeing the city that I had destroyed. The numerous skyscrapers that were there previously were replaced with nothing but an empty landscape. The remains of a few skyscrapers were still visible, but besides that, there was nothing else to indicate that there was ever a city here to begin with.

I knew that becoming a Great Ape would cause me to lose control and wreak nothing but havoc on anything in sight, but this is something that I honestly never expected. The amount of destruction that I've wrought honestly left me in shock.

I flew up into the air to get a better look at the carnage, but I noticed something when I did.
The "crater" that I had been laying in wasn't a crater at all. It was a giant footprint.

"So this is the power of a Great Ape..."

I knew that even Saiyan babies were capable of conquering planets just by going Great Ape, but to actually see it for myself...

It was amazing.

And to think that I would eventually eclipse this level of power once I achieve Super Saiyan. It's funny to think that Great Ape will become nothing but a useless transformation after seeing all that's left of this city, but I guess that just goes to show how unbelievably broken Saiyans are.

A whole species of people who have the potential to rival gods.

"But I'm a long way from that at the moment." I said to myself as I looked towards my hand.

Should I transform again? I don't know when I'll have another shot at mastering the Great Ape form. If I return to Planet Vegeta now, it's a possibility that Bardock or King Vegeta would want me to work on controlling my Great Ape form. But the problem with that is my current power level.

When I healed myself with a Senzu Bean earlier, it gave me a small Zenkai on top of the considerably larger Zenkai I had received when I was almost killed during my landing.
My Scouter had broken during my time transformed so I didn't have an exact number, but I can confidently say that my power level is close or even higher than twenty thousand.

Ancient Saiyans have double the normal Saiyan multipliers. If I transform with my current power level, that's a Great Ape with a power level of 400,000! If I went back and they forced me to transform, there's no one on Planet Vegeta that would be able to stop me from rampaging!

Seeing no other alternative, I form a Power Ball in my hands and get ready to fire it up into the sky.

On the bright side, this might give me some insight into how I can possibly master the other transformations.

"Burst open and mix!"


A week! I spent an entire week on this desolate planet and I'm still no closer to mastering Great Ape!

I have no idea how to go about mastering the form. I black out every time that I've entered my Great Ape state and can't remember a damn thing from my time transformed.

How the hell am I supposed to master a form if I can't remember being in it?! There was a time where I was semi-conscious during the transformation, but that was yesterday and I haven't been able to replicate that moment since.

I'm momentarily snapped out of my frustration when I hear an alert coming from the ship's console. I head over and see what the issue was and saw that it was a call from my father.

"Zyleth?" I heard him.

I found out during my week long training session on the ship that it had a long range communicator. There wasn't any video so I couldn't see his face, but there was audio.

"I'm here. Are mother and Raditz there too?" I asked.

"No, it's just me. I wanted to know how your training is coming along." He answered.

"Horribly. I'm still having the same problem." I told him.

He let out a sigh, "Sorry, but I can't help you with this. Exposure to the form is the best way to gain control, but for some reason yours is taking a lot longer than expected."

It's most likely due to my Ancient Saiyan heritage. I doubt it would be anything else.

"This is such a pain in the ass..." I groaned.

"Watch your language!" I heard my mother yell out all of a sudden.

I damn near fell out of my seat from how loud she was. Christ, do anime women just have mega phones lodged into their throats that they turn on when they want to shout at people?!

"I thought you said mother wasn't there!" I exclaimed as I rubbed my poor ringing ears.

"She wasn't. She just walked in." Bardock replied.

Of course she walks in at the worst time. Second life mother or not, she's still technically my mother.

"How are you doing, sweetie? Are you on your way home yet?" She asked.

"No, mother. I'm still struggling to gain control over Great Ape." I answered.

Ever since I extended my stay on this planet to train, Gine has been pestering me about when I will be returning home. I know that I'm her son and all, but damn. I just conquered an alien planet, I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself for a few extra days.

Or possibly weeks or months considering how little progress I'm making.

"I wish you didn't need that stupid transformation..." She muttered under her breath.

Why can I picture the pout that she has on her face right now?

"I know, I know. I'll be back before--"

"Zy-- eth-- Yo-- --eak--"

"Mom? Mom, I can't hear you." I say as I try to clear up the signal.

The call starts to break and soon devolves into static. I slam my fist onto the main panel of the ship, putting a small dent into it and causing the buttons to momentarily flicker. As much as I hate to admit it, these calls from my family have been therapeutic during my time struggling with this transformation. A small break in between constant failure.

I find myself missing home, my family, the longer I am out here.

My family...

For the longest time, I've just considered them characters in an anime. This is the first time I've ever considered them as my actual family.

'It's strange. The longer I'm in this universe, the more I slowly start to realize that what previously fictional are now living and breathing.'

I shake my head and give my cheeks a slight pat, taking myself out of this train of thought.

"I have to train." I mutter to myself before standing up and walking out of my ship.