
Dragon Ball: Alternate Universe

Follow Kaito as he dives into the New Vr Excusive Xenoverse 2!(Its a great game support the Offical release) His many adventures will soon unfold! Stay tuned.

Nico_Leztier · Cómic
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17 Chs

The Saiyan Invasion/ A Deal Between Kin

Its been a week since Kaito started instruction under Risa. It was hell to say the least, poor Kaito had to endure much and be ready to fight the next time someone decided to mess with time. Ironically that happened sooner than Kaito would realize. 

"Listen up guys!" Chronoa walked up to Risa instructing Kaito on using beam attacks. Chronoa stopped in her charge and stood to admire how far Kaito had come in a week. 

"Hm?" Risa turned around and saw Chronoa standing there. "Hey boss!" Risa greeted a smile crossing her lips. Just then Kaito collapsed from Ki depletion and kicked up a dust cloud. 

"I can't go on…" Kaito was about to let the bliss of sleep take him when he felt a foot in his lower abdomen. 

"Did I say you could stop and take a break?!" Risa barked out her smile never leaving her features. Chronoa was floored, just how brutal was her training?

"I need you two to take a mission" Chronoa said wearily, more concerned for Kaito than she thought. "Towa and Mira are up to no good again" Chronoa grabbed the bridge of her nose with her fingers as if to stifle a headache. 

"What are they doing this time?" Risa said, picking up Kaito by the back of his collar and setting him on his feet.

"They're messing with the fight with Nappa and Vageta" Chronoa had a far away look. She would often look at all of Goku's adventures while under the previous Supreme Kai of Time. Chronoa smiled remembering Aeos. "I need you two to put a stop to this" Chronoa brought out a Time scroll from her robes and handed it to Risa. 

"You can count on us Boss" Risa Swiped the scroll from Chronoa. "Come on Pipsqueak! We have a timeline to correct!" Risa opened the scroll and they both disappeared from sight in a flash of white.

[Age 762]

"Where is Kakarot?" Vageta asked, a bit annoyed they had to wait so long. Vageta looked at Nappa giving him the okay to kill the riff raff. 

"Why should we tell yo-" Piccolo was cut off by an elbow to his nose. "Dammit!" He held his face green ooze flowing like blood. 

A bright flash in the sky drew everyone's attention. Risa and Kaito landed in the desert getting into a battle stance. 

"Who are they?" Gohan asked innocently. He had never seen them before just assuming they were friends of his father. 

"It doesn't matter! I'm still the strongest one here!" Vageta proclaimed pride practically leaking off of his form. He stood crossing his arms and smirking at Risa. "Well now, what do you know? A saiyan woman." Vageta was intrigued; he had thought all the saiyans were wiped out when Frieza blew up their home planet.

"What about it? Are you scared of a Girl?" Risa mocked Vageta, just serving to anger the prideful prince. 

Vageta let his arms fall to his sides. He then brought up his hand to his scouter and took it off crushing it in his hand. "I don't need this to know how weak you are" Vageta laughed a bit. 

Vageta burst forward landing a square hit on Risa's jaw, but didn't expect her to grab his arm and pull him forward into her fist clocking him so hard he flipped and got sprawled out on the ground. Risa looked down and spat on Vageta.

"Vageta!" Nappa shouted and ran at Risa. He first tried to grapple her and missed when she vanished from her grasp reappearing above him kicking his head so hard he was paralyzed. 

"Umm Risa…" Kaito managed to say looking dumbfounded. Kaito, Gohan, Kirllin, and Piccolo were ready to die, well not Gohan but the rest were. 

"Its that easy Pipsqueak! " Risa said, turning her back on Nappa which was a mistake. A dark purple energy started to envelope Vageta and Nappa boosting their power tenfold. Nappa rose to his feet towering over Risa as she prattled on about being too strong. 

"DIE!" Nappa yelled and hit Risa in the back of the head knocking her out, he then grabbed her and threw her in the air. Charging his mouth beam he let it rip and suddenly Risa was no more, a deafening boom resounded out in the area leaving no trace of the once lively Master of Kaito. 

"Holy Shit…" Krillin was sacred now, they had zero chance of survival. 

"RISA!!!" Kaito finally registered what happened when Risa didn't reappear right away like she always does. 

"You're next!" Nappa pointed at Gohan and shot another mouth beam. Too stunned and scared to move, Gohan could only look in horror as death hurtled its way to him. Piccolo stood in front of Gohan taking the blast head on and dying. 

Krillin was freaking out, their chances just went from bad to Impossible "Goku!" Krillin shouted out to the sky hoping and praying his best friend would lend his aid. 

Goku Landed in the Desert kicking up dust and obstructing his form from view. Seeing the destruction around him Goku powered up, sending the dust cloud away. "I'm here now guys, don't worry" Goku stared daggers into Nappa and Vageta.

[A few miles away from the battlefield] 

"What the hell?" Risa got up and dusted off. "That hurt, I'll be sure to pay Nappa back for that" Risa whispered under her breath. 

"I believe I may be able to help" A voice came from behind causing Risa to go on alert and whip around to face whoever it was. What she saw made her heart sink, It was Turles in his purple battle gear and cloak covering his right side. 

"Turles" Risa was struck with memories of what he did to her last pupil. "What do you want?" Risa was trying to bottle up all the rage she felt. 

"What I want is you" Turles smiled devilishly. " Lets make a Deal" He held out his hand for Risa to take.

Hope you enjoyed! Think Risa will accept? I hope not, Tell me what you think!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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