
Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure

A man is hurled into a different reality, finding himself in a completely unfamiliar body. With no choice but to adapt swiftly, he embarks on a challenging journey to rise to the top. Join him on this adventure to become the strongest in a reality where powerhouses are as common as trees. This is an engaging weak-to-strong story that avoids the cliché of the protagonist becoming overpowered within a few chapters. Expect character development, actions with consequences, and a main character who doesn't sport the typical stone-cold, emotionless face found in other fanfics I have read. Additionally, I recommend reading the auxiliary chapter for guidance on how to fully enjoy this story. The MC possess a remarkable and distinct ability that sets him apart. However, this power will not render him instantly overpowered, ensuring a fair and balanced progression in the storyline. Additionally, it's worth noting that the character's development will not revolve around wishing death upon villains or purely striving to become the strongest. Such predictable paths can make the narrative monotonous to read. Are you tired of reading poorly written harem fanfics that are abandoned faster than a hot potato? Well, your search ends here! Say goodbye to the disappointment and delve into quality stories that will captivate your imagination and keep you engaged for hours on end. Say hello to a world of captivating characters, intricate plotlines, and unforgettable adventures. Don't settle for anything less than the best!

Universe_Buster · Cómic
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21 Chs

Toonya! You Idiot

Namek---- Cave entrance

They all felt a tremendous surge of ki in the direction where Goku and Frieza were engrossed in their intense battle. Gohan, gritting his teeth, muttered "dad" under his breath as he clenched his fists tightly and cast his gaze downwards. Sensing Gohan's anxiety, Krillin assured him, saying, "Don't worry, Gohan, I'm sure your father will be fine."

Nail, his eyes widened and his mouth agape, stammered, "Tha- tha- that power is so immense, is that Frieza?" The group, except for Zarbon, audibly gulped, visibly nervous. Zarbon, unaffected by the overwhelming power, urgently declared, "It is Frieza! We have to hurry... Krillin, quickly, pass me the dragon radar!" In response, Krillin swiftly tossed the radar to Zarbon, who skillfully caught it and began manipulating its controls.

All of a sudden, Bulma exited out the cave and began looking around frantically, she then spoke up "what is going on? What was that earthquake from earlier?"

Upon hearing the earthling woman's panicked voice, the group swiftly turned around, their focused gazes fixated upon her. Krillin, with a calm yet reassuring tone, countered, "Oh, that wasn't just an earthquake, Bulma. It was a powerful ki blast. But don't worry, we've got everything under control."

However, as if fate itself sought to contradict his words, a monumental explosion erupted in the far distance, sending shockwaves through the air. Even from their current location, dense plumes of smoke and debris could be perceived, engulfing the surroundings. The once steadfast ground of Namek began to convulse violently, causing several island-like formations to shatter into countless fragmented pieces, scattered across the vast expanse.

As the ferocious gusts of wind propagated across Namek's surface, their swift arrival proved to be devastating. Bulma and Dende, neither possessing extraordinary physical strength, were caught off guard and propelled into the air, helplessly screaming for assistance from their companions. But Nail, the skilled warrior that he was, instantaneously reacted. His body moved with unrivaled speed, becoming a mere blur before abruptly reappearing right behind the airborne child, delicately and effortlessly snatching Dende from impending danger, cradling him protectively.

Meanwhile, Bulma found herself intercepted mid-air by the imposing figure of Zarbon, his imposing strength ensuring her safety amidst the chaotic maelstrom. The unsettling turn of events had now escalated the urgency of their predicament.

"Krillin," Bulma teasingly interrupted, her voice dripping with mischief, "What were you saying about having things under control? Because this, my dear friend, looks to me like things are NOT under control." She playfully flicked a strand of blue hair away from her face, a mischievous smirk curling at the corner of her lips.

Krillin couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle as he brushed the sand off his body, remnants of the shockwaves that had crashed against him. "Heh heh heh, just forget I said anything, Bulma," he replied sheepishly, trying to regain some sense of composure.

Bulma's eyebrows furrowed slightly, a mixture of curiosity and unease evident on her face. "What is going on over there?" she asked, her voice laced with anticipation.

Krillin took a deep breath, his voice tinged with unease. "Goku is battling Frieza," he finally admitted, his words hanging in the air.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeh!" Bulma exclaimed, her eyes widening in a mixture of surprise and excitement. "Son is fighting that Frieza? Well, then we have nothing to worry about, right?" Her voice was filled with cheerful confidence, a light-hearted chirp that wished away any doubts.

Krillin nervously rubbed the back of his head, his eyes darting around the chaotic scene. "I don't know, Bulma," he muttered, his voice tinged with concern and gravity. "This is some serious business going on there. We should probably get out of here." His words carried a hint of urgency, a plea to prioritize their safety amidst the brewing storm.

Bulma who was in Zarbon's arm in a princess carry yelled back" don't be such a scaredy cat Krillin, Also Son might need your help to defeat Frieza just like you and Gohan helped him back on earth with the saiyans"

Krillin gulped and looked back towards the direction of the battle with a determined look in his eyes "Yeah! You're right Bulma! I'll go help Goku!"

"No WAIT!, you all stay here, I'll go grab the dragon balls and then we go help Goku after the wishes of course" Zarbon interjected

"But Mr Zarbon, dad migh-might die if we don't help him soon enough" Gohan who was worried about his father said with a very anxious look.

"even if you go, you won't be of any help. Did you feel Frieza's ki earlier, he is in a completely different league from any of us" Zarbon stated matter of factly

"I can't just stay here while dwindling my thumbs. I have to go help even if a little bit." Gohan screamed with conviction.

Zarbon made a tch noise softly landed back on land, released Bulma from his carry, who muttered a thanks with pink cheeks, then blurred out and appeared behind the half saiyan child, and struck the back of his neck with a knife hand strike knocking him out for the second time on their stay on Namek.

"What did you d-" Krillin began, but his words were quickly cut off by the imposing presence of Zarbon.

"Listen, Krillin," Zarbon said, his tone filled with concern. "I understand that you deeply care about your best friend, but going there would be more than just a risky move. It's practically suicide. Not only would you be putting yourself in grave danger, but you would also unwittingly endanger Goku. Frieza is known for his cunning and ruthlessness, and he would undoubtedly exploit your presence to target Goku." As Zarbon spoke, his gaze conveyed a sense of urgency and warning to the group. The gravity of his words resonated with each of them, leaving no room for doubt or disagreement.

"He is absolutely right," Nail conveyed with a sigh of frustration evident in his voice, "Unfortunately, despite our well-intentioned efforts, it is highly unlikely that our presence at that destination would provide any meaningful assistance."

"We will have to find another way aside from going to commit suicide." Zarbon said with a stern face. "I know Frieza's power much better than anyone else here and let me tell you, he is no joke. so for now let's stick with the original plan which is me going to gather the remaining dragon balls." He added.

The group looked around in silence, knowing that Zarbon's words were reasonable and they had no other choice than to accept them.

"Alright Zarbon but please hurry I don't want another one of my friends dying" Krillin spoke

"Alright take Gohan inside and tell him once he wakes up that I'm sorry but I couldn't let him go" Zarbon uttered while he descended to the ground and placed Bulma down.

"Make sure you keep your ki low while I am away. You never know who might be lurking around." Zarbon added then he ascended in the air and took off to the sky, flying away with the dragon radar in hand which made several " beep beep" sounds.

As soon as Zarbon left, Krillin's clenched fist trembled, his teeth deeply gritted. The overwhelming feeling of powerlessness gnawed at him, like a shadow cast over his heart. "This makes me feel so worthless," he muttered under his breath, his voice heavy with frustration.

"Don't be disheartened, Krillin," Nail cryptically stated, his words filled with wisdom. "Strength isn't solely measured by external power, but also the resilience within."

Krillin nodded, fully aware of Nail's words, yet still burdened by the weight of his best friend fighting for his life. "I know," he uttered, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "But it just doesn't feel right to be here while my best buddy risks everything."

Understanding the depth of Krillin's words, silence enveloped the group. Their empathetic gazes spoke volumes, reflecting the shared emotions of helplessness. After a few lingering seconds of quietness, Krillin steeled himself and took action.

Walking up to Gohan's unconscious body, Krillin gently lifted it, cradling his friend's weight upon his right shoulder. The gesture, akin to a barbarian's carry.

"Let's stay in the cave for now," Krillin calmly stated as he walked towards the cave, carefully balancing Gohan on his shoulder. Nail and Dende, followed after Krillin. Bulma, on the other hand, hesitated for a moment, her gaze fixed in the direction where the explosion had occurred, her mind racing with curiosity and a hint of worry.

"Come on Son, you can do it! I believe in you." She whispered.

"you coming Bulma?" Krillin inquired with one of his thick eyebrows raised.

"uh yea yea I am coming " she replied as she walked toward the cave entrance following her allies.

---------Namek----------- Frieza spaceship

'Now TAROUNG!' she exclaimed in his mind with her extraordinary psychic abilities, their connection pulsating with an undercurrent of anticipation. Together, they masterfully masked their true intentions, cunningly feigning obedience to Slug's orders. Little did he know, they were subtly orchestrating a meticulously Machiavellian plan, meticulously designed to get rid of him.

In that pivotal moment, Taroung pivoted mid-air upon hearing her resolute voice reverberating in his mind, brimming with determination and purpose. With a barely audible whisper, he uttered the word "Initiate!" Akin to a symphony of gears clicking into place, a melodious yet commanding female mechanical voice resonated from his raven-dark armor, the sound reverberating through the air like a sacred hymn. "Sound systems initiating.... System functional and ready to be operated... Please input prompt," it dutifully and eagerly conveyed, as if poised on the precipice of unfathomable possibilities.

With an intense gleam in his eyes, Taroung exclaimed, "Sweet, sweet revenge!" He swiftly reached for a pair of ear guards, carefully securing them around his ears. Gesturing to Toonya, he motioned for her to do the same, and she promptly followed suit, preparing for the imminent confrontation.

"Prompt received," the voice acknowledged with a subtle hint of anticipation. "In three... two... one..." A high-pitched sound reverberated through the air, signaling the beginning of a crucial operation. "Good luck, operator," it added, its voice filled with an uncanny mix of robotic precision and unexpected warmth.

"Thanks, Matissa," Taroung replied, a touch of gratitude in his voice. "I promise, after this is done, I'll make it my top priority to build you a body that matches your extraordinary intelligence and unwavering loyalty."

"I will be waiting," it replied with an air of confidence. As the words hung in the air, a series of high-pitched sounds erupted from the ultrasonic speaker holes scattered throughout Taroung armor. The distinct "Preeeeeeep Preeeeeeep Preeeeeep Preeeeeeep Preeeeeep Preeeeep Preeeeeeep" reverberated off the surroundings, echoing in a mesmerizing symphony that showcased the advanced technology hidden within every seam and crevice of the armor.


The deafening sound pierced through the air, its grating nature reverberating upon the delicate auditory senses of the Slug jins. The noise disrupted their once seamless flight, hindering their ability to maintain elevation as their focus on harnessing their ki was compromised. Frustration painted across their faces, one of them vehemently shouted for someone to halt the cacophonous onslaught, his hands clutching onto his helmet while his head bobbed about like a tormented soul lost in turmoil.

"Nooooooo this is too much!" one of them yelled out in frustration, clasping their hands over their helmet, desperately trying to block out the overwhelming noise that felt like it was piercing their eardrums. The cacophony made them wince, their eyes squeezing shut, as if shutting out the sources of the torment could bring some relief to their ears that now felt like they were bleeding.

"Who is the idiot who made this crap?" another person standing next to him complained angrily,

Another slug Jin spiraled down from the vast expanse of the sky, their body falling seemingly weightless, they let out an exclamation "Noooooooooooo pweassse maaake itttt SToooopp"

All around, Slug Jins continued screaming for help, desperately longing for the relentless sound to cease. Chaos and terror consumed the Namekian sky as their pleas echoed through the air. Some, on the brink of despair, begged for salvation, while others vowed to do anything to halt the torment. A select few resorted to releasing curses from deep within their souls, their voices carrying across the vast expanse.

However, amidst this pandemonium, none bore the full brunt of the supersonic assault like Lord Slug. His eyes widened, much like paupers who had just stumbled upon unexpected riches. The sheer intensity of the sound penetrated his mind, stirring malevolent thoughts of annihilation and utter destruction.

"Arrrrgh! Huff, huff! Who... who is responsible for this abominable sound?" Slug's anguished cry resonated, veins pulsating with unabated fury on his forehead. His eyes scanned the horizon, frantically searching for the source of the torment, his desperation multiplying with each passing moment.

He quickly discovered that Taroung was responsible for producing those sounds. Additionally, the man with spiky white hair wore a sinister smile while observing Slug's agony. This provoked great anger within Slug, prompting him to charge towards Taroung with full force. Without pausing to think, he screamed, "YOU!!!" driven solely by his instinctive fury.


Suddenly Toonya phased into existence above Slug. with graceful movements, she swung her left foot down in a downward axe kick which slammed against the top of slug head, sending him flying down toward the ground. Tonya did not chase after slug's body, instead she just stayed in the air and watched.

Slug who was now on the ground in a crater the shape and size of his body, writhed in pain as he covered his ears with his hand whilst screaming "Damn you damn you damn you. I'll make you pay for this... I swear I will". He then stood up with shaking limbs, looked up at Toonya with a mixture of shock and anger. This kind of situation was out of his expectations and he had no idea how to react, all that was left for him was to think and act but due to the pain he felt from the sound, he could not formulate any rational thoughts. He was completely frozen and Tonya just continued to watch him in a calm and collected manner but her eyes betrayed her calm façade.

Tonya's cold voice interrupted Slug's thoughts and echoed throughout the sky like a thunderclap, "I told you a long time ago I'll get rid of you one day. Well today is that day". These words were like a bucket of cold water, snapping Slug out of his trance and reminding him of what he was facing now. He mustered up some energy and shouted back at her, "What! You've never said that before if you had I would have gotten rid of you! "

She shook head, Her voice now laced with venom she spoke "Remember Planet Nicury!"

His eyes widened upon hearing her, as he laughed "HAHAHAHA so you are a survivor from one of the worlds I conquered. And no I don't remember your pathetic planet. I have conquered so many that I don't bother with the names. This is like a recurring instance in my Life."

"I see so you don't remember who gave you that scar on your left eye" she stated with a smirk

As soon as he heard her, his laughter ceased and his expression became serious as he touched the aforementioned scar, a constant reminder of one of his greatest mistakes, "OH so Are you that woman?" he uttered with even more anger shown through his features.

"No" she responded and let her answer increase the tension in the air for a few seconds, "But I am her daughter" she added as she let a wide smile spread across her face. "And I will make sure you do not forget who gave it to you ever again."

"That impossible," he exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief. "You look nothing like her," he said hastily, his brows furrowing and eyes narrowing as he resisted the notion.

As soon as he finished his sentence, she gracefully took off her cloak in cinematic reveal style. A mischievous smile played on her lips as she delicately pressed something on her armguard, activating a hidden mechanism. Suddenly, a mesmerizing digital blue light enveloped her, transforming her appearance completely.

Her already beautiful face seemed to glow with an ethereal radiance, enhanced by luscious pink lips that contrasted with her striking big eyes. Her crystal clear sclera perfectly framed stunning blue irises, captivating anyone who dared to meet her gaze. Thin, dark eyebrows arched elegantly over her eyes, adding an air of mystery to her countenance.

Long, flowing tresses of hair cascaded down from her head to her back, like a waterfall of obsidian silk. Her height was impressive, exceeding that of Bulma, yet not quite reaching the lofty heights of 1.80 meters. And her ensemble, oh, how it accentuated every curve and contour of her figure. A tight-fitting, cobalt blue bodysuit hugged her form, leaving little to the imagination.

Not to be outshined, two metallic silver-colored shoulder guards adorned her shoulders, providing a touch of futuristic elegance. Matching armguards of the same color complemented the ensemble, showcasing both style and practicality. Completing the look, she wore sleek black gloves and meticulously crafted black slickline combat shoes, ready for any challenge that may come her way.

All that paled in comparison to her impressive rack, which, while not the largest, was far from the smallest. It was perfectly balanced, embodying the ideal proportions, just as all things should be. Not only that, but her body was shaped like an hourglass, with an incredible hip to waist ratio that accentuated her curves in all the right places. Every step she took exuded a captivating sense of grace and power, as if she could effortlessly conquer anything that came her way. Her mere presence alone was enough to make people pause and redirect their attention towards her, unable to look away, filled with a profound sense of admiration and awe. Truly, she possessed the aura of an ultimate warrior, commanding respect and admiration from all who witnessed her.

A chill ran down his spine in that moment, the air around him felt like it had become denser and the temperature seemed to drop several degrees. Slug knew he had messed up by accepting her into his army, but he also knew he had to quickly find a way to stop that sound. He took a deep breath and prepared himself for whatever was to come next, doing his best to put on a confident face.

"What do you want? Revenge? Hahaha like I said earlier from time to time fools like you would confront me and guess what happened to all of them." he finally spoke with mirth, She looked at him with a predatory gaze and said "I don't want justice or some stupid things like that. What I want is to make you pay for what you did to my planet. I will make you suffer for your past transgressions! Believe that" she then summoned a blade of lightning into her left hand and pointed it at him.

Slug was now face to face with a very precarious situation. He knew he had no chance against her - with that high pitched sound blaring into his ears! But he could not back down either, and so without hesitation, he stepped forward and said "Bring it on then!"

In an instant, a piercing scream escaped his lips, accompanied by a resounding "HAAAAAAH HYAAAAH." And just like that, an orb materialized within his grasp. With calculated swiftness, he channeled his inner strength, releasing a potent wave of reddish-hued energy toward Taroung, not Toonya. "Coward!" Toonya exclaimed indignantly, keenly aware of his treacherous intent.

Slug, filled with rage and vengeance, let out a bone-chilling scream that reverberated through the air. His ki wave, crackling with malevolence, surged towards Taroung, tearing through the atmosphere with deadly precision. As Slug's attack descended upon his target, the tension in the air grew palpable, creating an atmosphere of both fear and anticipation. "After I take care of him, You will be next HAHAHAHA!" he exclaimed with boisterous laughter

Taroung whom had been observing the confrontation between Toonya and slug, suddenly saw slug throw a ki wave at him, he attempted to dodge but unfortunately Slug was much more powerful than him, thus the attack of slug was much faster than him reaching him swiftly and completely engulfing him in the energy attack. Soon enough, the attack dissipated and smoke covered Taroung body.


"Fool," Toonya scoffed with mockingly raised eyebrows, her voice dripping with derision. "Do you honestly believe we didn't take into account your feeble attempt to hurt Taroung to silence the sound? Give up even if you kill Taroung the sound will keep on playing" A mischievous twinkle danced in her eyes as laughter welled up, threatening to spill out in joyful tears that sparkled at the corners of her gaze.

After her statement, the smoke cleared, and Taroung was revealed to be fine albeit with minor burn marks on his armor, but no other signs of injury. "Hmph Give it up Slug. Today is the day you die!"

"TCH. you have really planned well for this.... huff... huff... how long have you been planning your little conspiracy?" Slug inquired with labored breaths

"why would we tell you that? We owe you no explanations" she said with indignation

"well I'll just get the answers from you right before I kill you." Slug declared , "It seems you made a destroyed world alliance. Are you two the leaders of said alliance HAHAHAHAHA" Slug Taunted with a sneer

In response, Toonya lunged at him with tremendous speed and force, she moved so fast it shocked even slug for a few seconds. She capitalized on that momentary distraction and slashed down her lighting ki sword on his right shoulder. In panic he hurriedly brought his left forearm in the sword's path to block it. His forearm was not enough to block her attack, it was cleanly sliced and blood sprayed from the wound. This was not the end, her sword continued on its path, upon making contact with Slugs shoulder. Toonya's weapon cut the whole shoulder and arm like a hot knife cutting through butter, it was effortless. All of this happened in a matter of seconds, and before Slug knew it, his right arm was cut off. Cursing he tried to back away from Toonya, but she didn't allow him the chance. With her sword now poised for another attack, she initiated another slash, Slug desperately attempted to use the remainder of his left arm to shield himself. It was futile. He felt great pain as Toonya's sword cut deep into his remaining shoulder completely severing it away from his body. With one final push of her blade the left side of his body was now completely useless and Slug was down on one knee in great agony screaming "ARRRRRRRRRG Damn you Toonya! You will pay for what you have done!" he yelled in a fit of rage. Toonya simply smiled as she watched her enemy suffer,

"You'll regret this!" he shouted with hostility as he suddenly opened his mouth and a yellow beam of light erupted from it completely covering Toonya. Due to the attack, smoke and dust covered the area Toonya was at.

"HAHAHAHA That'll teach you wench. I am Slug the most powerful being in the cosmos" Slug uttered with pride

"How are you the most powerful in the universe? didn't you lost to Cold?" Toonya's voice was heard from withing the smoky veil. Slug was in shock, he didn't think anyone would be able to resist such a powerful attack from him.

"YOU... you survived that n-n-no this is impossible!" he spoke rapidly with anger and indignation, Then he loudly uttered "HAAAYAAAAAAH!" as he moved his ki to activate his regenerative ability, however as he was activating the ability, a small ki blast came from the smoke and dust filled area before him, it landed on his chest and made him yelp a "ARRRRGH" in pain as it pierced a hole into his chest and emerged from his back.

"LET ME HEAL IN PEACE YOU BLASTED WOMAN" He yelled toward the smoke in frustration

"idiot why would I let you heal" she responded with contempt as she emerged from the smoke with a bluish oval psychic shield around her.

On the ground behind her, there were two burnt deep trenches of soil that extended for several meters with an area in the middle which was completely unscathed, It was quite the remarkable sight.

Toonya, entirely unharmed by Slug's attack looked at him with laughing eyes. As the dust particles flying all around due to the energy blast completely settled, she yelled out, "You underestimate me at your own peril!" her shield dematerialized and she rushed at him in a spiral motion, to prevent him from properly aiming and hitting her with a mouth beam. The spiral motion of Toonya confused Slug and she landed several punches on his face, making him stumble back. She kept attacking with a variety of peculiar martial arts techniques which were reminded him of that woman a few year back He had never seen these moves executed before and it made him annoyed at not being able to defend himself properly. Toonya kept on attacking with vicious strikes landing on Slug upper body and his face. Slug was eventually rendered powerless as he fell on the ground, 'exhausted' from Toonya's onslaught. She stood above him and declared, "You are no match for me!".

"Damn it!" Slug exclaimed angrily, his frustration evident in his voice. "The only reason you can overpower me is because of that high-pitched sound that resonates through my ears!" He gritted his teeth, feeling the unfair advantage stacked against him.

Thoughts of trickery swirled in Slug's mind as he locked eyes with his opponent, hatred burning in his gaze. "How about this, I'll entertain your vengeance without letting my henchmen interfere, JUST STOP THAT SOUND!" he proposed, his voice laced with confidence.

"HAHAHA," Tonya burst into laughter, her voice echoing through the expanse. "You think I care? You actually believe you can deceive me into a so-called 'fair' battle? That won't work. I have learned, through countless heart-wrenching experiences, that creatures like you, devoid of empathy and full of malice, do not deserve the luxury of a fair fight."

Slug, fully aware of his failed attempt at trickery, coldly whispered, "How did it feel to have your mother wither away before your very eyes?" With an insidious glint in his gaze, he meticulously observed her, his every motion calculated. As he spoke, he [paused momentarily, knowing the impact his words would have on her. Deep within, he felt a surge of power resonating through every fiber of his being, memories flooding back...] and suddenly, it struck him like a bolt of lightning. "Ah! I remember now. Planet Nicury, home to an extraordinary population of psychics. My men reveled in the abundance of Nicuran females. It was scenarios like those that made me lament my Namekian heritage, bereft of such frivolous pleasures..." A maniacal smirk crept across his face as he added the final words, "But let's not dwell on what could have been, shall we?"

"SHUT UP" Toonya screamed out with anger, as she stumped on his torso, she did it once and a large crater formed underneath the namekians body, blood spurted out of his mouth mixed with saliva. the second time the crater became even bigger, she repeated this action several more times without stopping as unextinguishable rage consumed her.

"Toonya be careful!" Taroung yelled of the top of his lungs as he increased the frequency of the high pitch sound .

Suddenly, a reddish beam of light was unleashed from slug's chest and it completely consumed Toonya who thought at that moment 'OH Crap I messed up'


The epic power struggle between Vegeta and Angila raged on, neither side yielding nor granting a single precious moment to catch their breath. In the midst of the relentless clash, Vegeta began to feel the tides turning against him. Weakening with each passing moment, he found himself delicately balancing two formidable ki blasts. One directed towards the unforgiving ground, desperately seeking to prevent Angila's powerful arm from mercilessly slamming him to his demise, while the other valiantly countered Angila's overwhelming Ki wave, determined to defy the forces that threatened to turn Vegeta into mere specks of space dust. The stakes were high, the tension palpable, as the battle of wills waged on relentlessly.

"Give up already!" Angila confidently voiced out with a smirk, his eyes gleaming with triumph. "MONKEY!" he taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance.

But Vegeta, the proud warrior that he is, refused to yield. With indomitable spirit and unyielding fire shining in his eyes, he fired back, his voice resolute and defiant. "Never," he howled, his words resonating with steady conviction. "I am the prince of all saiyans, Vegeta, and I will never be beaten!"

"Heh heh heh, I have all the time in the world," Angila gloated, confident in his superiority. "As for you, you are getting weaker rapidly," he taunted his opponent, Vegeta, a trickle of malicious delight in his voice.

But suddenly, amidst Angila's arrogance, a jarring, high-pitched whistling sound sliced through the air, sending tremors of annoyance and pain through his being. His focus shattered, Angila's scream of agony mingled with the howl of the sound, struggling to remain standing and grip Vegeta's leg. As his consciousness teetered on the edge of evaporation, his vision blurred, leaving him bewildered and disoriented.

"Who is the bastard making that sound?" Angila exclaimed, his eyes darting in frantic search of its source. Eventually, he traced the noise back to Taroung, a spark of frustration igniting within him. With a surge of determination, Angila summoned his arm back to its original size, relinquishing his grasp on Vegeta's leg.

In that split second, as Angila's hold on Vegeta weakened, the Saiyan prince was propelled upwards by his own beam, narrowly escaping the path of Angila's Ki wave that still surged forward, fueled by residual energy despite Angila's withdrawal.

"Tch.... damn it!" he muttered under his breath, frustration evident in his tone. His ears were assaulted by the incessant and unnerving sound radiating from Taroung's direction. The irritation welled up within him, as he couldn't help but place the blame squarely on Taroung for this unfortunate predicament.

He looked up at Vegeta, who also appeared to be experiencing some issues with the sound. However, despite the disruptions, Vegeta seemed to be in a much better place than Angila, who had sensitive ears that could detect even the slightest irregularities in audio.

Suddenly, he felt a tremendous force collide with his back, propelling him through the air. With lightning reflexes, he instinctively tapped into the depths of his inner strength, harnessing every ounce of ki to perform a graceful somersault, defying gravity's pull. As he gracefully landed on solid ground, he swiftly turned his gaze towards the source of the impact. Standing tall before him was the figure of Medamatcha, wearing a scowl that spoke volumes of his displeasure. 'Ah shit maybe I shouldn't have used him as a shield' Angila thought at that moment


Hey everyone! Just finished another chapter, hope you enjoy it! If not, well, STUFF IT. I'd really appreciate your help in reaching a wider audience with POWAH stones. I'll do my best to update as many chapters as possible. By the way, if you haven't noticed yet, my chapters are typically around 3.5k words on average, but I often write even more than that for example this chapter is like almost 5.5k words. This is mainly the reason why my updates can be a bit slow. Most fanfic on webnovel have around 1.5k words per chapter, lol. Anyway, I can write 3.5k every day, but I also have a life to maintain alongside this hobby of mine. Also English is my second Language. Thanks for understanding!

One more thing, here is a pic of Toonya. I chose this one because it perfectly captures the Dragon Ball Z art style. Used SDXL with Toriyama's influence to create it. Enjoy! she is delicio- BAD BOY BONK

I've already posted a pic of Taroung, but in case you blinked and missed it while zooming through, here's a friendly reminder. 😉