
I'm not really your nurse

"Aww! You're now reaching your smacking quota on me, Yumi!" he extended his body to cover his poor arm.

"I'm a writer. And I love writing. And I'm not like you. I love myself and that's enough. I also love to-" he cut her before her mind could wander again.

"Oh so?" unable to find any words to say, she answered before he could even ask.

"Yeah, I love writing and not some headache of a human being you're thinking of. My gosh! What were you thinking?" she made sure he understood this time. Chryxso fell silent for awhile as he contemplated what she said and realizing he misunderstood, he continued to ask.

"Then, what do you write?" not bothering with the smack she gave him.

"Stories. Most of them love stories." Mayu went to her usual starry-eyed self again.

"About love? Give it up kiddo. You won't prosper there. You don't look like you're someone who already fell in love or got heartbroken." he scoffed.

"I told you I fell in love. Whether I prosper in writing or not is not something that would make me stop. Not even you can make me stop."

"No wonder your family sent you here." he clicked his tongue.

"How do you know that?"

"Why else would they send you out here but to make you realize that you're not made to be a writer. Maybe you just bumped your head somewhere so you created some good ones before. Now that you're already healed, the temporary talent is also gone." she felt her heart pinched, he's just speculating but these are also the same thoughts that she has. He did not even bother to say it nicely to me, how callous.

"I did not bump into something okay. Why is my conversation with you always useless?" she snapped.

"You just don't want to listen. Why are you here as a volunteer nurse for me?" Chryxso felt like he'll die of her smacking if they continued on this topic so he swiftly shifted the topic to something else.

"I originally came here for vacation. My brother just asked if I can also look after you because your grandfather is looking for a nurse who can tolerate your temper." Mayu felt like this conversation is better than the previous one so she continued to answer his questions.

"I'm a mild-mannered person." he calmly replied. She scoffed.

"You think so?" she raised one of her eyebrows and eyed him suspiciously.

"Then why did you accept the job." he seemed to enjoy this topic so she just let him be.

"I did not accept the job. I'm supposed to come here with another nurse. She's your designated nurse and me? Grand vacation! Okay! She came over a day earlier than I did but when I arrived, I'm the only nurse standing. Talk about bad luck." Now I'm stuck with an old man like you, she added in her mind.

"Ow." he scrunched his face, as though he remembered something.

"Did you do anything to her?" this time was her turn to ask.

"Uh, sorta. I think I bumped into her going down the stairs. She's carrying my breakfast that time so she was not able to balance herself." he scratched his head and tried to force out a sheepish smile.

"Did you kill her?" she shooked his body so hard, he felt like he saw stars in his eyes. This woman's imagination is huge. He can't blame her though, considering his temper and her almost life and death experience with him, she would really think the worse.

"Stop it! I'll get dizzy. She got a strained muscle so I sent her to the hospital with all expenses paid. I also paid for the days that she'll be on leave. Anything else you want to ask?" he held his head and tried to balance his still dizzy self. Geez, this little lady is on the strong side.

"You really think you can buy everything with money." she snorted. Annoyed that he has money to waste while her cards are suspended.

"No. I just think that if you have to means to make your life easier, then you can utilize it." he didn't deny it and further earned him a dirty look.

"Whatever. Abnormal." she remarked when she realized he could not even see her annoyed look at him. Ugh, it's so frustrating!

"You're the abnormal one here. I don't see anything wrong with me." she looked at him gobsmacked. Oh, his level of confidence is something!

"Conceited!" she scowled.

"It's actually one good way of raising someone's self-esteem." not beating around the bush, he affirmed. Her eyes widened in disbelief and later realization of how smug the guy is.

"I think so, too. Yours is really high, even a plane won't reach it." Mayu heard him chuckle, she just pouted.

"So, what happened to your writing adventure?" he got back on track and asked her again.

"They got published of course!" she proudly said.

She remembered the time the publishing company called her and offered a spot to be a full time writer. She was so happy then. She vaguely remember a certain guy congratulating her - nah, that just might be her brother, she immediately waived it off her mind.

"Oh, and you're here for more inspiration?" he shifted his body towards her, he's handsome face already inches away from her. She gave him a once-over. Mayu held her breathe as she bit her lower lip and blinked. Mmmmm. Can I swallow him whole? I can't breathe, move away!

"So, am I passing your standards?" he asked in a raspy voice.

"Huh?" she woke up from her reverie and realized he's already breathing into her face. That smell of mint is refreshing but what's the deal with his face? Does he want to shove it on her face? As if she can eat him whole! One at a time please, her evil mind spoke. Oh, her mind is really getting dirty! Her badly needed a bath.

"You're standards for an ideal guy." he asked almost teasing. She blinked in annoyance.

"Duh! You're not even my type!" she furrowed her brows together and moved away from him. There, the temptation is gone. He's now safe! What?

"We'll duh to you, too. What I'm asking is if I fit to be a prince charming in your stories? I know that I fit it well but I don't know the extent of your standards. Who knows you're just interested on writing stories about cute boys." he sat back comfortably on his previous position.

"I don't write anymore." she blandly replied and looked away, her eyes clearly showing resistance. She smiled as she sighed.

"But you just said-"

"That was before when I'm still stubborn and my old man is still young. My grandfather suffered from stroke just a few weeks ago and I still keep on blaming myself even if my brother reassured me it's not my fault." she answered. It took a while before he broke the silence that suddenly enveloped the atmosphere.

"I'm sorry." he said softly.

"You should be since if did not happen, we might have never met and you won't have a nurse that rankles you." Mayu smiled, obviously back to her cheerful self again.

"I don't mind it." he said smiling. When Mayu saw it, she felt terrified. Why does his smile give me goosebumps?

"Are you trying to mollify me? I'll tell you now, whatever plans you hav-" she tried to warn him but he just cut her off with his signature smirk and said.

"Not really. I just think my life could be interesting while I enslave you." Mayu felt her jaw dropped and it took a lot of effort to keep herself from strangling this guy beside her.

"And you admit it now. You're evil." he just laughed. Mayu just shook her head. A little while later, she already yawned.

"Why am I feeling sleepy this morning?" she groused. She just felt her head being led to his chest. She sniffed him - so fragrant.

"Sleep for a bit. I'm guessing you stayed late last night preparing the packed lunch." she did not complain, she settled in the same position and closed her eyes.

"Wake me up if you get hungry. I've marinated some meat over there and you may mistake it for another food." she let her sleepiness take over. What he said about staying late last night is true. After her war of words with the guy, she decided to prepare some food for a picnic as she tries to befriend him.

"Yeah," she heard him say before sleep took over her being.

"So you already got married." Mayu saw a girl talking to her.

"Yes," she smiled sweetly while holding the hand of the guy beside her.

"She's not letting me go anywhere. I'm going to be stuck with her forever," they laughed at the guy's response.

"Oh really? The guest room is open fo you tonight." Mayu raised her brows and responded blandly.

"Honeybabes, sweetiepie, my one and only, sweetheart, my love." the guy's attitude turned 180 degree immediately as soon as she said those words.

"You can hug the pillows and kiss them until you get tired of it." The guy on the driver's seat laughed so loud - that was her brother.

"I can finally have some peace of mind now since you'll be in charge to looking after her. Trust Mayu to do all kinds of tricks on you!" he teased.

"I don't mind it as long as she's the only one doing those tricks on me." The guy beside her wittily replied. Mayu smirked but her joy can't be hidden from her eyes.

"You got yourself one great guy dear sister," she heard her brother say.

"I know,q so both of you needed to get married as well. Yumi, if my brother would still not propose to you, you should leave him and I'll let you meet my heart's brother. He's a much better man than him." she teased the couple in front.

"Why are you plotting against me? I'm your brother. Yumi, don't listen to him." Her brother's complaining voice can be heard as he steered the car along the way.

"Thanks man," she heard the man beside her talk again. Her bother slowed the car down before he turned to them and opened his mouth to speak.