
We can have a decent talk

"I have a lot if things in mind. Like, if I can talk to my younger self, who would be more annoying? Or if I can bring back the time when my mum was still living, I would love to hear her voice. Or if there's another life existence in the other part of the universe."

"Don't you have any other topics you can think of? You know, something realistic and available here on earth." he gave in to her alright but that doesn't take his annoying self away from his words. She just let him be though.

"I do. Have your ever thought what position we stand if our country ever becomes a monarchy? Who knows, I'm this country's princess and you're my foot cleaner." She stuck out her tongue. Oh, I'm a genius! Should I make it into a story? Hmmm.

"Nah, I think I am the king and you remain a dream," she scrunched her face as she looked at him.

"What?" It looks like he got into her own fantasy but now he's building his own world.

"You know, I'll be doing everything in my power to prevent your birth in my lifetime. I feel like whatever version you come, you'll still remain as my headache." Mayu looked at him. This guy...

"Who knows I'm your child in that lifetime," she played along.

"I'll probably hang myself to die," Chryxso immediately quipped. How dare him!

"Then go hang yourself. Since you're very eager to die, I'll even put you on a skewer."

"Hey, I'm not a barbecue."

"Yeah right, you're a stew."

"What?" Mayu figured they'll just argue all day if she kept to it so she decided to change the topic.

"I'm hungry, let's eat."

"We just had breakfast." he said matter-of-factly.

"We'll, you had breakfast. I did not finish mine." she insisted.

"Whoever told you to skip on you breakfast." he argued.

"I lost my appetite," because of you. She stood up and grabbed the basket with their packed food inside. She did not see Chryxso, who has been leaning on her side, suddenly fell on the grass. She heard him mutter under his breath as she quickly helped him up. He brusquely pulled away from her, refusing her help.

"What we're you doing? Have you been sleeping?" Mayu tried to keep her laughter to herself.

"I'm not sleeping, we're just chatting!" he yelled.

"How did you fall like that?" she inquired.

"I'm just trying to rest. But you stood up so I-" he suddenly stopped when he realized he said something stupid. Mayu raised her eyebrows. How dare this man!

"And you made me your leaning platform. You deserve that fall. What am I, your portable sofa?" he chuckled while she scolded him.

"I did not say that so you could laugh." she rebuked.

"Well, I find it funny that you said you're a portable sofa when you're not even soft," he continued speaking. Mayu raised her head in exasperation.

"I'm not fat." she said flatly. Speak again or else...

"I noticed. You're not skinny either. Just healthy." Mayu stared at him. Did he just praise me?

"Don't get your hopes high little lady." Oh, nevermind, she thought. He remains someone who can easily make her blood boil.

"Duh," she went back to her basket and grabbed some sandwiches.

"Would you like some?" she offered while chomping on the food.

"I'm not hungry." he declined.

"I did not put poison on these," she extended the food to his mouth which he took a bite off. Mayu was shocked, she just extended it to tease him but did not expect him to bite. And that was a big bite! My food!

"Liar! You're a pig!" Chryxso just chuckled as he gulped down her sandwich.

"Wanna see my muscles?" he raised his shirt to show off his abs and she momentarily let her eyes feast on it. All the muscles on their right places, not bulky but not flat. Just right- just macho. She sighed internally and munched on her food again.

"Going nude is not allowed here, there's a penalty fee of fifty thousand." She said casually but she kept staring at it as she chewed on her food. He let go of his shirt to cover his midriff and she got disappointed. She suddenly felt the food getting bland. Ugh, my thoughts are getting dirty. This guy is dirty!

"I don't believe that penalty you just invented but I'll still cover it up because you're not allowed to see it. Parental guidance."

"Shut up!" it looks like Chryxso started to become sensitive to her ever changing mood as he immediately changed the topic before their argument escalates.

"Why did you take up nursing?"

"I want to be rich."


"You did not hear me? I said, I want to be rich. I want to earn lots of money and be rich." His face clearly showed his surprise. What an honest woman!

"Well what happened?" he continued asking.

"What do you mean 'what happened'? Of course, I became a nurse." Mayu gave him a look that clearly said 'are you stupid or very stupid?' not that he can see it though.

"No, not that. Why are you still here? I thought the offer abroad is higher than here locally." he adjusted his position to a more comfortable one as he continued with their discussion. Mayu passed him some sandwich to munch on while she ate her fill which he gladly took. At least she's nice enough not to starve him, he thought.

"I'm on vacation. Can I not take a rest?" she said in between each bite.

"Oh so you're based abroad?" he concluded.

"No," he just made an 'ah' sound then continued asking her again.

"Where do you work now?"

"For now, I work for you." she replied.

"What? So you really don't have a job?" his face is torn between the look of pity and annoyance.

"I just said I work for you." she remained calm not perturbed by his reaction.

"Apart from that 'silly' offer of mine, where else are you working?" he pressed on.

"I worked at the hospital, let's see" she counted on her fingers.

"For the last month before I resigned." she continued to answer him.

"What? How old are you already? You're more than twenty-five and you don't even have a stable job. My goodness, no wonder you're giving me too much headache. Your family is probably having the same headaches, too." Mayu pouted, more than hearing people talk about her height, she hates it more if people say she's a problem child. And the way Chryxso looks at her made her think he thought the same way about her.

"You're actually right. I'm their biggest headache. But that's not because I don't work," she wanted to correct this kind of presumption people have of her.

"Care to tell me what happened?" her face brightened up, ready to explain her situation. Her eyes got twinkly as she answered.

"I fell in love," she turned at the guy, smiling from ear to ear. He looked at her with scorn. Her smile faltered. What? What did I say?

"And you have the guts to mess with my own love life? Yumi, I may be falling for the wrong woman but that doesn't mean that I'm wasting all my energy on my situation. Look at you, what happened to that love of yours? I bet the one preventing you to go abroad is your lover." Mayu shrugged her shoulders. She never expected anyone to understand her and since he's no exception, she won't bother expounding. Whatever.

"Let's just say you're right," she said, never bothering to correct him. I'll just waste my breath.

"See! What kind of attitude is that?" he reprimanded. His stern voice made her feel defensive. Hey, hey, that's not the tone you use when you know nothing about me, mister!

"Chryxso, you don't understand." she stiffly replied but did not offer any more words which definitely agitated him more.

"Yeah right! Talk to yourself." he snapped.

"I told you Yumi, he won't listen. Just go back to you food so your mind won't fill with negative thoughts." she spoke.

"What are you doing?" he turned to her, his forehead in a knot.

"I'm talking to myself." she said in response.

"You're impossible!" Chryxso just shook his head.

"Nah. I'm not hard to reach, I just have standards."

"Do you still know what we've been talking about here?" he asked.

"Yeah, about my first love." she giggled as she replied.

"First what? You sound like a love sick fool," he sounds disgusted as he said those words.

"No I'm not. Or maybe I am." Mayu didn't feel like explaining anymore. Whatever you think suits, I've no problem with it anymore, she smirked.

"Forget that guy. I'll guess he doesn't even got a stable job." Her forehead knotted when she heard him. What guy?

"What job?" she looked at him. What's this guy talking about?

"You're insane. Your family's decision to send you here to forget that guy is a good one." Mayu knotted her forehead this time, seemingly realizing what he meant by his earlier tirade. Oh!

"What guy? I'm not in love with some stupid guy?" he eyed her suspiciously.

"You're gay?" He covered his chest and had a look if fear on his face. She just glared at him.

"No I'm not." What is this guy thinking about? His thoughts are so random. Chryxso relaxed his stance before he continued asking again.

"You're not human," this earned him another whack on his arm.