
Downgrade Hero

In the world of science, in the world of swarming Kaijus, in the distant future, Ravagers are the one who's on the frontline of the humanity's defensive force. But what would happen if the strongest of them wish to become an NPC instead? This is the story of Dani, and his desire of not even once to become the center of this world. Bad luck for him, that good fortune is always with him since he was a little. However, even when all the humanity is against him, even when the world is in danger, Dani's quest to become an NPC had just begun!

Cahyaism · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs


It's four in the morning, and my eyes are already wide open.

Not exactly four o'clock, since it's been a whole ten minutes of dialing Michael's contact number. Besides, I can't keep myself slack off. I have to prepare everything and anything that I needed before leaving this place.

I know that no one except insomniacs and people with a lack of manners would call at this hour, in the middle of the night what's more. But to hell with it, I've sworn to God that I'd told him to stay awake even before chickens are out to bark and start a karaoke session first thing.

The ringtone ended. I'm trying for the last time. Still not picking it up, what is he doing…??

[Hello? Who is this?]

"Who is this, my ass! This is your damn beloved master calling you!" With the dark still surrounding my now-is-fixed apartment, my voice is more than enough to brighten up the room. "Did you just wake up?"

[Ah! Mister Daniel!] The voice of him being surprised, was coming along with something clanging in the background, [My apology, sir! I overslept even though I said I'd be of some use to you!]

"Don't phrase it as if you're sincere enough to reject a luxury sedan I offered you, Michael." I sighed, and a chuckle was coming from there, "Overslept you said? Are you sure you weren't pulling an all-nighter for that new Japanese cartoon airing live, whatever it is called?"

[I-It was not just a cartoon, okay?! It's a- Ahem, forget about it. Please wait a bit while I'm getting ready, sir.]

"Quick, Michael. I need you for this instance, right at this moment. At five, not even an hour away, my father will be already in his room. Looking through the data or whatsoever in his servers as morning routines. Block him. Hack it. Make the whole mansion panic as if a hacker intrudes on the whole facility. Buy me sometime before he sets his eyes on me and sends a whole convoy to drag me out for the meeting."

[Understood, sir.] The call quality is filled with so much noise, I believed he's frantically running across his house now.

"Keep it low profile, I don't care how you'll pull it off, hire some hacker if you have to, and I'll reimburse the expenses. Surely you don't wanna get fired and be detained if you were to be found out, right?"

[I-I'll manage, sir. I think the latter is the real problem here.] He fell silent, [But, don't you think a car is still a bit… you know.]

"Yes, yes, whatever, we will discuss that later. That's not the important thing now!"

[Of course, it is, sir! It's not even at my working hour. Consider this as overtime!]

"Fine, got it. Now off you go!"

The call ended. I cut it off immediately from the comms module on my ear. Look, even in this situation, he's still demanding a negotiation for his payment, even though I've told him before that I'll give him anything but a new wig.

No, that's not it. If he wants a hair transplant, I'll fulfill his wish happily, so that I could catch him lacking with my signature haircut later.

Now with that is already handled, I need a few more things.

My hand reaches the small table next to my bed. Pushing a small button in the drawer.

Yes, like those classical spy movies that anyone watches, the wall on one side begins to transform with just a tiny bit of noise. Shifting to the side to open up a small passage enough for a man.

This might be unusual for people hundred years ago, but hey, trust me, this one is just another mechanic of luxury safe for elites. Still a jaw-dropping experience for the middle-tier working class though.

All these techs, I didn't ask for this when I moved, but we must put good use of the facilities, right?

I step inside, the once-dark room is now lit with yellow lights coming out from the corners. Gently lighting up the entire room. It's not as big as my bedroom, but enough to fit the whole arsenal of mine in it.

The armory, in other words. With a complete set of my suit and weaponry hung onto the wall. Shotguns, pulse rifles, hand cannons, energy daggers, blaze katanas, sometimes I'm amazed by how neat of a person I am.

Yes, I DO have all these weapons, it's just that I forgot to bring any and ended up borrowing Mia's. I'll make sure to pay her back the next time we meet.

With all this equipment, what I actually need is the suit. Not the whole thing, of course, otherwise my backpack won't fit all of them. I can't cache all of these things.

The lights shining from the sides illuminate every sharp edge of the dark grey armor plate. Each plate and every part of the suit is hung separately. Gallantly displayed clearly to anyone who entered this armory.

I cache the entire right armpiece, from the shoulder down to the fingertips, while instantly wearing the inner layer of the suit under my clothes. A dark blue cloth sticks to my entire right arm and hand by then. For the exoskeleton layer, it goes straight to my backpack's memory.

Out of my bedroom, the armory is closing up behind me. I immediately throw my gaze at the clock projected on the kitchen wall. By then, ten minutes is already passed.

"Michelle, how's my flight?"

"So far, so good. I've prepared your car also." Her voice is replying from the dining table. The light above her shines on part of her face, while the blue light from the holographic screen lit her from the front. "I managed to book a flight at 7.30, sir."

"Seven-thirty? Is there any flight earlier?" I opened up the fridge, looking for something to cool off my hustle.

"Yes, but none of them is the destination of your desire. Or, do you want to change plan?" Michelle leans forward after I pick a cold bottle of tea from the fridge.

"That won't do. I've already made up my mind with the whole thing." I wag my hand. Sitting next to her. I decided to give a same kind of drink for her, putting it on the table.

"Then, allow me to give the recap for your bookings." Michelle clears up her throat, nodding after bring the bottle closer.

"An hour early. Berlin-Moscow, Berlin-New York, Berlin-Singapore-Jakarta, Berlin-Toronto, Berlin-Turkey.

...An hour later. Berlin-Kyiv, Berlin-Dubai-Sydney, Berlin-Tokyo, Berlin-Rio De Janeiro. For your flight, Berlin-Dubai-Shanghai. Total, ten bookings under your name. Is this enough?" Michelle lifts her head.

The screen on the table is now filled with the list of flights. I sigh after taking another sip of my tea, "Yeah, these should be enough of a distraction. It's a shame it can only be booked under my- hold on. I have an idea."

"What is it, sir?"

"Did you already place the bookings?"

"Not yet, that's why I want to make sure first, sir."

"Perfect. Make it under Rio's name." I said snapping my finger while this immoral thought crossed my mind. "I don't know how you'll do it. Do something about it. Identity fabrication, AI-generated personal ID, whatever. Don't wanna leave a trace behind at my departure." Without any questions asked, she nodded.

Sorry, for everyone involved.

But I swear this is the last time I have to go to such a length. This will be the last time I have to deal with fame, lavish lives, relentless media, and my annoying father before I have a fresh start. Even after the sunrise, I'm sure the media would get me surrounded by them. Forcing me into a sudden interview before the meeting later.

Selfish? Sure, of course. I might be the biggest hypocrite after saying how wrongful my father's selfish act was, leaving his wife and son for some business tomfoolery.

Like father like son, they said. So be it.

Walking across the entire room, I grab the remaining items. Wallet, OHD scanner, my beloved hat, and a black coat in my closet. Even Kanya brought me packs of fried rice without even me asking her to. Lastly, my Handphone, or E-Gauntlet as I mentioned previously.

Because, you know, it's a HAND phone. A device with the function of a phone in a form of your hands, get it?


After the imaginary comical drum in my head, I realize there's no comedic value in pun jokes, with no laughter from the reader or viewer or whoever is reading my mind now.

Yes, You, I'm talking to you! Laugh would ya? At least light up my mood and intense atmosphere here!?

Anyway, I'm ready to go. Taking my place on the teleportation device by the balcony. For some, it may looks like some sh*tty water closet that is placed randomly. But trust me, this thing saved me from sticky situations more times than nights of a restaurant's sandwich feast.

Besides, taking a poo with the view of the balcony won't be so bad, right?

"Are you… sure about this?" Michelle asked caressing her palms. Staring at me with her gloomy eyes.

"Yeah, I'll be leaving. Well, your job hasn't finished yet once I'm off. You still have to keep them busy, make whatever excuses for anyone that want to see me. Block them from coming nearer to this place. Say that I'm feeling sick, that I'll be late, or even run out of underwear. Anything, Michelle. After that, it's up to you."

"Understood, sir." A giggle slipped between her usually rigid lips. Retracting her eyes into a thin line. "Or, should I take care of them for you?"

"Michelle! Anything but Hitman Mode!" In the swiftest moment, my expression changed. Crap, she got me with her teasing and ended up letting out a controlled laugh. Whatever, seems like it's working.

My hand reaches for a button on the side. Turning it on before the talking toilet-slash-teleportation device is configuring the coordinate with my Hand phone.

Now, I'm sure you remember that time when Michelle popped out of nowhere yesterday, while I was doing my assignment. She came from the teleportation device linked to the previous car that she gave.

Unless you've listed the coordinates and places that you've visited before, none of this would work. Based on that, so far, I've made four.

My old car that is now in the possession of the journalist, my personal room back in the mansion, and campus, somewhere over there, in a shabby shack or something. I forgot where is it, but surely don't wanna disturb a couple's night ritual at this hour.

And, with those things in mind, I don't have any other choice than the last one.

Pressing the button on my hand phone, confirming the pop-up that keeps on popping up on the screen three times consecutively. It's started.

As if something is grabbing me from underneath, my bottom is clutching onto the seat tightly, before a wave of blue impulses surrounds me. Slowly spinning, and get faster as time passes. The once seen sight of my room with Michelle and Kanya standing is now hazy with blue lights.

Oh boy, it's here. Transferring rate at its peak. My head starts feeling dizzy, my body is a bit sick, and my clutch is getting tighter onto the seat.

<Spatial Flush has commenced!>


All of a sudden, it's gone. All of it.

What's left, is the darkness around me. I'm here, finally!



I immediately fell. Turned out, I was teleported midair. Crashing straight to the ground. But, what is this? It feels warm.

"W-What? What the hell is happening??"

Someone is wriggling beneath my body. A male voice. There's no doubting it. This is the right place.

"Yo, did you just about to sleep, Rio?" I greeted him after jumping off him. Directing my gaze at the computer right before it was shut down. "My bad I came without any notice."

"Huh? Dani? How did you?! What?" That face of his, dumbfoundedly staring at me from the bed.

I shake my head, "Hear me out, I need you to do me a favor."

"I won't hear you out! I was going to sleep after those assignments yet you just appeared in my room! What's the catch here?"

In silence, I stare back at him. Letting out a big sigh, "Come on now! Just do me a favor and you won't have to be accused of fabricating personal data!"

"You… what..?!" is what was left as I dragged him out of his room. Straight to my car waiting in front of his house.