
Downgrade Hero

In the world of science, in the world of swarming Kaijus, in the distant future, Ravagers are the one who's on the frontline of the humanity's defensive force. But what would happen if the strongest of them wish to become an NPC instead? This is the story of Dani, and his desire of not even once to become the center of this world. Bad luck for him, that good fortune is always with him since he was a little. However, even when all the humanity is against him, even when the world is in danger, Dani's quest to become an NPC had just begun!

Cahyaism · Sci-fi
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14 Chs

Balding Lights

It's useless. In the end, I was still forced to come with them.

What's the rush? Why so serious and sour? Their faces that is, although I've given them special treatment of mine. Shouldn't they be happy after the free service I gave?

I mean, look at them, walking around me in sync. Keeping the distance so tight. Blocking the vicinity with their glowing, shining, shimmering, splendid hairstyle. Just need a bit of polish to make it 25-carat gold.

Baldy head, that is.

After escorting me all the way from the car, the other two left on the outside. Only I and Michael proceed to the mansion. This grand residence is so big, I don't know how many maids and butlers had greeted me along the way. From the driveway, garden, and even front double door welcoming us warmly.

Despite there being automaton assistants like the one I have, there's not a single one of them as far as I see since I stepped from the car. Only normal maids and butlers kindly greeted me as their master or whatever they call me. For the sake of politeness, I replied every each one of them.

Walking to the second floor, the wide, winding staircase revolves around a big lobby chandelier.

Hanging majestically with a precise and intricate carving on its stalk, branching to dazzling little lights on its edge like a tree on the ceiling. All of it is accompanied by the lobby and staircases with the same complex details and ornaments, engulfed in a grey-blue-bronze tone of the interior.

The complete opposite of what I have back in the apartment. Just plain refreshing white.

"Mr. Ezra is just beyond this door."

Michael stopped after we walk through the hallway, and I followed. To my left, is another door that Michael pointed. I glanced back at him before reaching for the handle. Letting out a big sigh.

"Good luck, Mister Daniel. I pray for your safety…" The door was opened. Michael told me with a flat tone. I stare back with a poker face at him.

Like, seriously? Can't you be more sympathetic than this?

A room with empty space in the middle was revealed before my eyes. Both sides of the wall, left and right are covered with racks, filled with books and data servers alike. Far in front of me, a desk with holographic screens hovering above it.

There, father is talking to someone. Pointing his vision to the window.

Even when I entered the room, he was still so busy answering calls from other people without even batting an eye at my appearance.

I walk closer to him. One, two, three steps. Pulling the chair in front of the desk. Waiting for him to end the call.

"…Do what is necessary. Negotiate with the stakeholders, talk to the ministers, anything. I don't care how, I just want everything sorted out tonight." One of the holographic screens is closed. The room is a bit dimmer after that.

"Finish? What is it that's so important to ignore your guest here?" I spat immediately. Crossing both arms with my leg on top of the other.

"How's your study, Dani? Is it fun?" However, Father turns his chair slowly at me, completely ignoring my words.

Supporting his body with both arms on the desk. From up close, his well-trimmed white beard and hair are more than enough to intimidate my presence here. Moreover, with those soul-piercing stares, I can feel the word "Failure." is popped out of his head.

This much is enough to give me the image of a certain uncle, the image of emotional damage…

"It's all good, Dad. Don't wor-"

"Of course, it's all good, when all you do is just procrastinate your graduation. Eight years, Daniel. You young people don't have any idea nor even care how much I did to make it all easier for you."

"Oh? You mean-"

"But, surely, once a child, will be always my little child. Spoiled rotten to the core. You don't need to think about a THING, at all. Just enjoy yourself like you always do. Being naïve. Being ignorant and all."


"IF. Then IF, you feel even a bit of guilt to your father here, then listen and obediently do what I'm about to ask- no, order you right now. I don't need a refusal from you."

He slammed the desk, emphasizing each word he said. Even though I opened my mouth, no words came out. Dropping my jaw like an idiot would instead. With a droopy look, I lean back to my chair.

"Minister of Defence has issued a Weapon Prototype Test tomorrow." I tightly clenched my fist as he continued. "Come, no matter what, even when there's a Kaiju rampaging or even a Stellarean tearing the sky apart. I don't want any excuse from you tomorrow. You have to attend the testing, because, in the end, this is for our family's good."

"Family, huh…?"

"You sure understand how much I love you, my only son, my only family that I have. Therefore, I think it's essential to maintain our company's relationship with the stakeholders. When you think about it, it'll all come down to you in the end to receive the privilege and fortune that I'd built for you."

A serious look yet a trying-to-be-warm expression of his. Knotting both his hands on his face. I can't. This façade, this all nonsense, I can't hold it anymore.

I scoff blatantly at his face. To hell with the surprised face of his.

"I dunno what's going on inside that old brain of yours. But what right do you have to say, it's all for my beloved son, or something when all you do is just manipulate things?

…I couldn't count how many times you bought off the college official, and I was always the one who had to deliberately fail my classes. Even professionals like them won't let anyone graduate with such embarrassing scores, you know?"

…Expanding the business for MY sake? Even when it means throwing your own son to the frontline of the defense force? I pray you would be so ignorant of my wish to retire from Ravager as nonchalantly you forced me to join them and take her position."

…Hell, you don't even f*cking care when Mom died from overworking herself here! And you? You were still busy with those precious partners, colleagues, and stakeholders nonsense, and even went overseas when it happened! Why didn't you live with them all at once instead if it's more important than your BELOVED family and son here!?"

The room was filled with my raised voice. Feels like the nerve on my neck is about to explode for a second. Letting out all the vexation that has built up inside of me. Shortly, the room is quiet again, filled with computer noises.

I… I still can't get over it. When my mother passed away, when I felt so desperate that I didn't know who am I supposed to rely on, when I needed someone to comfort me, how come he said he has something more important to attend to?

Is your dying wife and your shocked lonely little son not enough of an excuse for you to even glance at us?

What the hell…??

"Dani, my order is still the sam-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know right?" Tears gathered on my eyes already before I realized it. I wiped it off with an heavy exhale. "I didn't say that I'll refuse. Attending the testing, building relationships, and developing the business is a must for you, anyway. You don't even care about other people, I get it."

"Good. They're expecting you to come at 9 in the morning. Please rearrange your schedule, or cancel even if there's any. This is crucial for both of us, and I look forward to it." He nods solemnly, without any sign of remorse.

"…Got it. I'll manage somehow." I stood up hurriedly after knowing the change in his facial tone, into a relieved one. "Be kind to others, respect your elders. That is what Mom told me long ago. Just so you know, I'm doing this not because of you, but for Mom. Take care, Dad."


The echoing sound of the door behind startled me, even though I was the one who closes it. Out of that room, I throw my gaze around. To the right, to the left, only to exchange glances with Michael who's still standing at the same place. How long has he been here?

"…So, it's pretty bad, right?" He spoke first after the awkward silence between us.

I shake my head, facepalming. "After I entered, the rest is history. You know that better than anyone." After beckoning him, he tails my footstep through the hallway.

"Sorry, Daniel, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. But, it's rare that you snap back to Mister Ezra. Might be nerve-racking, eh?" A nervous chuckle slipped out of him. Might even consider why he brought the topic up in the first place from the sound of his awkward tone. Rubbing his now shiny head.

"It can't be helped. My voice was too loud back there, even soundproofing wasn't enough."

"Also, I apologize for the sudden come and for being harsh during your part-time. It's just, Mister Ezra asked me to bring you here by any means."

"Even if it means losing your fluffy hair? Quite a downer for me have to shave it down." I smirked, and he hissed loudly.

"T-This is nothing compared to Mister Ezra's wrath. I have no problem at all. A small price to pay, both to make him satisfied and as an apology to you…"

As soon as he said it, his shoulder slouched. I glance at him, realizing something. "I get you. But the remaining guilt must be irritating, right?"

Michael whips his eyes at me, "Oh… Yeah. If you asked me like that, of course, It does."


"Yes, sir?"

The hallway is still stretched ahead of us, but I stopped abruptly a few meters away before the staircases. Michael followed every single of my movement with a confused look when I turned at him.

Sweeping my gaze to the surrounding. No one is here.


"Who would you prefer? Me or my father?"

"Huh?" Is what he said as he stares at me pondering. "That came out of nowhere, sir."

"Don't think too hard about it." I wag my hand in the air. Clearing my throat. "Let me rephrase it, would you keep your mouth sealed, if you were asked to help me run away?"

This took way longer than it should. Please kindly blame to my endless wave of assignment for the late update. Until next time, people!

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