
Douluo Dalu: To Be Immortal

In a twist of destiny, Huo Ying's life takes an unexpected turn when he's thrust into a realm he thought only existed in the pages of fiction. Reincarnation was never part of his plan, yet fate seems to have another plan for him. Now, he finds himself reborn in the fantastical world of Douluo Dalu, a place filled with mythical creatures and incredible powers. But there's a catch - unlike the typical protagonist he has read about, Huo Ying doesn't possess any systems or golden fingers to aid him on his journey. Armed with nothing more than his deep knowledge of the story's plot, a mutated Blue Silver grass, and the meager innate spirit power of one, he embarks to grasp the ephemeral dream of immortality. The stage is set, and the lines between good and evil blur as Huo Ying writes his own fate in a world he once believed was mere fiction. ... Writing for fun~

Adelle_oo_ · Cómic
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5 Chs


Pitch Black.

A state where he could not feel nor see anything.

Was he in hell?

How did he end up here?

Ah! He remembered.



He died.



There was a large truck that seemed to be rushing toward an unassuming girl who seemed to have strayed in the middle of the road.

Ying looked at this scene with not much emotion.

You know, it's not the first time such things have happened. After all, do stupid things and win stupid prizes.

Straying into the middle of the road in a green light can only be called stupid and careless. It doesn't matter if it was a young child or not; such behavior would certainly qualify them for a Darwin award.

With a quick glance, Ying saw that there was a woman who seemed to be scared out of her mind.

"I guess I found who the mother is, at least."

But all these things didn't have anything to do with him.

"Let's not ruin my day watching such a gory view." Ying had just started to walk when suddenly he heard something.

Looking sideways, it seemed the truck that was going to hit the girl had suddenly turned to save her life only to coincidentally chance upon him.

Glancing at the incoming red truck, Ying only had a single thought.



"Ah! F*ck."


South of the Nouding City, Duo ling Village.

In the early morning as the sun started to rise, the entire village was in a state of buzz.

Today was the day of the spirit awakening. Every child reaching the age of six would go through the process of spirit awakening and awaken their respective martial spirit.

"Quiet." An old man wearing the Spirit Hall robe appeared in the middle of the ground. He was wearing a crutch, but there was a sense of dignity in him.

"Each and every one of you will get the chance to awaken your martial spirit, so be quiet." His hoarse voice silenced everyone.

Seeing this, the old man nodded and spoke, "Children, form a line first; Grandpa will awaken your martial soul."

The old man seemed to have a soft spot for kids.

Hearing this, everyone formed a line obediently, with excitement in their eyes.

Among these kids was a cute black-haired boy. He also seemed to be full of excitement at a glance, but his eyes had a thoughtful glow in them.

"So, it begins."

The kid was naturally Ying or, as per his new name, Huo Ying.

After getting randomly killed by a truck, he was reincarnated into this new world. It was a familiar world for him; this was the world of Douluo Dalu.

"Reincarnating into a fictional world. What can I say, fate is really strange." Ying couldn't help but think so.

In this life, he was an orphan who was picked up by the old man. His mother and father were already dead, and his identity was nothing special. He did not come from a noble clan, nor did he have a special golden finger, as many netizens called it.

After an initial bout of confusion, Ying quickly adapted to this world. There was no choice but to do so. He forced himself to play the smart yet sensible kid and didn't show any abnormalities.

After all, who knew what might happen if he was shown to be too special?

Moreover, knowing that this was the world where supernatural power existed, a world where a man could surpass life and death, Ying was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

While his thoughts quickly moved, the awakening ceremony continued.

There would be the occasional "ohs" and "ahs," but all of them would be for naught.

Everyone awoke martial souls like hoes, sickles, and blue-silver grass, but no one possessed any innate spirit power.

This was very normal. While everyone can awaken their martial soul, very few possess innate spirit power. Especially in a remote village like this, where even a single soul master was rare.

Soon, it was Ying's turn.

Seeing him step up, the old man's eyes shone with hope.

'I hope Xiao Ying awakens a good martial spirit; after all, he is a very bright kid. Moreover, I have raised him for six years.' The old man prayed for luck.

As a soul master who had come out of this same village, Ming had worked all his life and was able to obtain the status of a deacon in the Spirit Hall. Later, because he was old and childless, he returned to the village and took the position of village chief.

After Ying's parents passed away, he took it upon himself to raise the child. Fortunately, Ying was very organized from the start and never really made him worried; even this kid seemed to respect him a lot.

Thinking like this, the old man's eyes softened a bit. "Xiao Ying, don't worry, just stay still."

Ying nodded respectfully and called out sweetly, "Trouble, Grandpa."

Ming controlled the golden light to flow towards Ying, and under the guidance of Ming's spirit power, Ying suddenly felt something coming out.

A faint and thin spot of light suddenly rose out of his hand, as a weak grass suddenly sprouted out.

It was Blue Silver Grass.


Writing for fun.


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