
Douluo Dalu: King's journey

Follow Chen Jin's journey to the top, as he tries to change the system, one step at a time, no matter how long it may take him to accomplish his goals...

ChenXian · Cómic
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30 Chs

Chapter 23 The student is now also a teacher

Chen Jin opened the door to the cafeteria. The first thing he saw was a small silver haired child talking with Shao Xin. He didn't seem very exited.

Shao Xin on the other hand looked as if he was expecting whatever had caused the small child's mood.

"But I really really won't be able to fight?" Oscar asked.

"No. You won't, but a food spirit master is also extremely important, you can support others who do, when you're stronger you can even help hundreds!" Shao Xin knelt to be eye level with the small child and said kindly.

"... But I don't want to be just a helper..." Oscar looked down as he said quietly.

Chen Jin thought that a nice enough point to intervene.

"You don't need your spirit's help to fight you know? It would make it easier, yes, and there are things you probably will be unable to do like throw fireballs, but you can use neutral spirit power to fight" he said as he approached.

Shao Xin looked side eyed at him "Not everyone is as much of a monster as you are Chen Jin, creating spirit skills is supposed to be hard" he said a bit resignedly at the end.

"It really isn't" Che Jin responded with a smile.

From his training and creation of spirit skills he'd learned that they weren't that hard to create, especially compared to what they're said to be.

The problem was a sort of placebo effect actually, they thought they couldn't, so they didn't. That nobody trained their control didn't help matters too. Neutral spirit skills should be able to be learned by anyone, the rest depended on affinity.

He cut his musings short and continued "And even if he cannot create his own I can try to teach him the ones I created"

Oscar had been looking at him since he talked for the first time, a hopeful look on his face.

Shao Xin looked surprised at what he said "You would teach him your self created skills?"

"I did offer... Besides, my opinions on spirit masters are no secret, they rely too much on spirit rings. Frankly, if I don't teach anyone to see if it's possible or I'm the one whose abnormal I feel like I'm going to die of tedium".

Chen Jin frowned displeasedly before continuing "With the sheer variety that I will have there will be few to none people who'll be able to go head to head with me"

Shao Xin looked doubtful now "And won't that be a good thing?" Oscar had looked at him briefly while he talked before resuming his hopeful stare.

"Honestly? It's a bit of both but I, personally, am leaning more on the bad thing, from the spars that I did trough the last year I've learned that I like to put what I learned and made to test, which will be rather hard if no one can fight against me"

"It wo..." Chen Jin stopped himself when he received a hard clap to his shoulder.

"Then just try to teach the kid and be done with it, there's no need to gripe about the future" It was Zhao Wuji who said, Flenders having entered behind him.

Oscars look was starting to become a bit uncomfortable, the kid hadn't said a word since Chen Jin had first talked.

He looked at Oscar "What do you think, do you want to try and learn?"

The smaller child quickly nodded his head while responding "Yes! I also want to fight, I don't want to be a support!"

Shao Xin put his hand on his head at that "You know, you will still be a support spirit master?"

Oscar looked baffled at that "What? Why?"

"Even if you manage to learn the skills I'm going to try to teach you you're spirit is still a food type spirit, so you're spirit rings will be for supportive skills" It was Chen Jin who answered.

Flender decided to put in is own two cents two "What their saying is that if you manage to learn what this white haired little monster manages to teach you you'll be both support type and assault type. But you will have to put in a lot of effort, do you think you can do it?"

Oscar had a determined look on his face as he answered "Yes!".

"I'm the one who is going to see that" Chen Jin said amusedly.

Oscar had no idea what he was signing up for.


Authors Note here today, it was too big for the 500 character restriction.

Hello everyone!

This chapter was supposed to have been finished and posted last night, but I fell asleep while writing it. Perhaps writing while I'm lying down in the dark was not the best of ideas (I write on my phone).

As a reader suggested (MinMinOppa?) I went to the wiki of the fourth instalment to see what whappened in the war, and that changes things a bit, since it was the dragon god (for reason unknown) that asked for spirit beasts to be unable to ascend to the god realm, their suppression is probably not as hard as I thought.

And since his method of getting spirit rings doesn't actually help them besides not reducing their numbers as much he very probably wouldn't be killed for it, or even prevented from spreading it.

They would probably thank him if they could since spirit masters would be stronger in general and as such there would be more capable to inherit God positions or even create them.

So I have to revise a bit of the plot, change some parts too.

On the other hand I could completely ignore those developments, so let's see how it goes.

PS. That will only affect the route of the more towards the middle since the MC doesn't actually know what happened.

Thanks for reading!

ChenXiancreators' thoughts