
Douluo Dalu : Journey To The End

Reborn in Douluo Dalu, No OP System to help nor Powerful family or Rich beautiful fiance to help Lin Tian : "I will see this this life journey of mine to the end" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- my first time trying to write Fanfic, expect it to be problematic and has many imperfection. hopefully i'm able to see this novel through to the end as the name is also my wishes Note: been busy IRL and updating the novel become unstable for now

kardel_Master · Cómic
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57 Chs

Chapter 43:

Three days have passed since Zhuqing accepted Lin Tian's offer. now, Zhuqing has fully recovered and able to start her training.

The first thing Lin Tian do is to help her open the Main meridian on her body so she will be able to cultivate the lower version of his cultivation technique.

Lin Tian create the lower version of his technique in preparation for him adding more people into his group, the effect of the lowered version still much better compared to normal cultivation since it will increase their body strength and Spirit Power at the same time. Also, they will be able to use all of the skills he created which need the user to control Spirit Power inside their meridians.

there's also a fact that only by cultivating the original Primordial Heavenly Technique would others able to teach the lowered version. with this preparation, his cultivation technique can become famous on the whole continent but cannot be stolen by others.

(AN : previously some suggest creating something that will allow Lin Tian to control or to make people unable to betray him, but personally I think it is too much since even till Douluo Dalu 4 I never heard some created skills or item that could do so other than Evil Spirit master and it is also limited to those with unique Martial Spirits. I Just don't want to broke the world too much.)

Lin Tian currently doesn't plan to teach the original Primordial Heavenly Technique to anyone other than Xiao Wu, she is after all his girlfriend while Zhuqing is only an acquaintance at best and not even a friend currently.

of course, if there's a time when she became someone close to him he will share the original technique as a sign of trust.

the opening of the meridian is not too difficult since he will only open the main large meridian, as for the small and hidden will be done by herself through cultivating the lowered version technique.

it was this process of opening the meridian that causes the increase of body strength and also trains the user Spirit Power control. Spirit Power will flow through the whole body washing it just like some wuxia cultivation techniques.

Zhuqing was really surprise by the effect of this cultivation technique and when Lin Tian explain this technique is created by him she saw him as a true monster. Lin Tian being strong at such a young age is something that can be explained by being talented and having large resources to cultivate, but being able to create his own cultivation technique and a really powerful one like this was really something that even her father the patriarch of a large clan unable to do.

while this was happening Lin Tian's group are currently continuing their journey in a carriage, this time Lin Tian's aim is somewhere near the Heaven Dou Empire Capital.

there he plans to subjugate the 4 single attributes Clans, these four Clans are currently trying to recover their strength after being abandoned by the Clear Sky Sect and hunted by spirit Hall ten years ago.

Their hatred against the Spirit Hall is the best reason why Lin Tian can trust them if they decide to join him, having the same purpose or enemy is the best thing that can help a group of people connected to each other.

"Alright I Have opened the main meridians in your body, now you can start to cultivate with the technique I just taught you. Try to adapt for a few days and later I will teach you some suitable fighting skills for you."

Zhuqing nodded listening carefully to his explanation on important points on cultivating.

"Also you will have to start training physically, even though Spirit Master relly on Martial Spirit and Spirit Power doesn't mean you can neglect your body strength. In a fight between two people of the same level, a little difference in skills and physical strengths can affect the victory and defeat."

as Lin Tian says this he is thinking of his old weight to Zhuqing, with his body reaching Spirit king level such weight training is no longer useful to him. only through gravity training can he train his inner body or using Spiritual Medicine to nourish it.

Finally, he takes out his old storage bracelet that was given by Master previously and puts the weight he used for training previously and a few thousand gold coins inside.

"Here you can have this, inside it is the weight lock that can be used on your arms and legs for physical training. there are several grades of weight from light to heavy which you can use for a long time, I also put some money which you can use to buy daily things you need."

receiving the bracelet she directly checks the inside and Zhuqing was shocked by the amount of money inside, even as a daughter of the Zhu clan never hold such a large amount of money. normally she could only receive up to one hundred gold each month from her clan.

but for Lin Tian, this amount of money is simply too little, after all the elixirs tea that he consumed daily already cost ten thousand gold. of course with his Gourd liquid, he can reduce the amount by a lot, but even so, he doesn't have any problem spending millions for making those elixirs.

"No need to worry and just use the money and you can ask more from me in case it is not enough."

"Thank you." after saying this she becomes silent and went back to training again, Lin Tian is now able to see the shadow of Zhuqing from the Main story inside this young girl. cold, speak only when it's necessary, hard-working, and always aiming to become stronger to survive.


A few days later.

The carriage finally stops in front of a plot of land surrounded by tattered white walls.

this land is the location of the speed clan which Lin Tian able to find through his restaurant information. Among the four single attribute clan, the speed clan is the poorest because they don't have any special skills that they could use to make money, for example, the strength clan has their good blacksmithing skills, Defense Clan has their construction skills and finally, The breaking Clan has their medicine and poison making skills although not at the level of making elixirs like Lin Tian.

Speed clan actually has some potential to become an information broker due to their unique Martial Spirit and high reconnaissance skills. but being the enemy of Spirit Hall and abandoned by the Clear Sky Sect cause them to have no power backing at all in this endeavor. After all their Martial Spirit has no attacking Spirit Skills at all and will be bullied by others without any backing.

Lin Tian, Zhuqing, and his bodyguard start walking to the gate of the clan and are finally stopped by the two guards waiting at the door.

"Halt! who are you and what's your purpose coming to our clan?"

"Greeting I'm here to meet your Speed Clan patriarch, please told him that I have some business proposal that will benefit both of us."

Hearing this the guards are making looking at each other while making a weird face, their clan being poor is something that they know the best since no one wanted to do any business with them because their Martial Spirit has zero attacking power and has no value to befriend at all.

Now suddenly a young man came and said about making a business proposal that will benefit them, of course, they will have a weird reaction and suspicions.

"Umm, sir please wait here for a moment we will relay your message to our patriarch."

after saying this one of the men directly went inside really fast, Lin Tian with his Spiritual Sense can see their movement with ease and confident he can run faster than him, but he predicts if other Spirit master of the same level was to race against a member of the speed clan they will have no chance of winning at all.


Inside the patriarch room.

Currently, Bai He is walking back and forth with a worried face, her granddaughter Bai Chenxiang has run away from the clan. Of course, he already ordered some elders to search her and with their reconnaissance abilities soon or later she will be found.

But he didn't plan to let the elder take her back, since he knew the reason why she left. Changing fate is something a lot of members of his clan have tried by absorbing Spirit ring with attacking capabilities.

Bai He knows the result will be useless since he one of the most talented people in his clan at his young age ended up wasting his talent by trying to change fate. Their clan has the method to redo this mistake through a special ritual, but it is not without any price.

The price Bai He that has to pay at the time is getting a special mark on his right palm, a huge decrease in cultivation Talent, and huge damage to his body. this caused him to end up stuck in Spirit Douluo for years without any hope of reaching titled douluo, he of course sometimes lamented the fact that will never reach titled douluo in his whole life because of his youth recklessness.

In the end, he didn't regret the choice he makes because in each generation of their clan there will be always some that try to defy their fate. Even though futile they never stopped doing so, like a bird trying to fly reaching the sun only ended up burning itself.

*Knock *Knock

"Patriarch I'm sorry to disturb you, there's someone outside that asked to meet with you. He said that he has some proposal that could benefit both of us."

Hearing this Bai He stop walking and think for a while.

"Alright, you can bring him to our guest room, I will meet him after a while."

the guards accepted his order and leave, little did they know this small meeting will change their Clan's fate completely.