
Opening act

"Now let's receive one of the favorites, the representative of our Heaven Dou Empire, the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy!" Finally, they announced us.

We entered the stadium, showing us towards all the people. There were a lot of people, too much to count them.

"Heaven Dou for the win!" "Heaven Dou is the strongest" We were cheered by the crows.

Inside all the other teams already were there, us being the last one. It could easily see the Elemental Schools with their respective vivid colors. I could also see all the other academy. I didn't spend too much time to see Shrek. I was shocked they were dressed with a very ugly green snot color full of advertisement.

I couldn't help to get angry, Rongrong would never dress like that. (How can they force her to wear it? Some heads are going to fly!)

After a little presentation of our team, announcing our names and praising us. A useless act, how I hate these formalities, I need to keep smiling hiding my anger and boredom.

"Let's give our greatest encourage to our empire's pride" said Xue Ye, the Emperor, causing a round of applause. Xue Ye was sat in gold like a throne at the plateau, the best position where only the most important people were. There were 2 people sat next to him, even if a little lower in position, they held a similar power.

On one side, there was the Platinum Bishop Salas, the representative of Spirit Hall in the Heaven Dou Empire. He was an old man, was dressed entirely in red robes, wearing a pentagonal platinum hat. He seemed bored and didn't try to hide, with a posture that seemed that he was sleeping. Being a Platinum Bishop it shows that he is a spirit douluo rank.

On the other side was dad. As the schoolmaster of one of the strongest schools, he had the right to sit there. Dad looked at me and smiled. He really takes advantage of every moment to improve his image.

Finishing the presentation, it came the time for the opening match. This will be the only match for today and it will be completely randomly selected. It didn't have too much importance but it was to give some exited to the public that came.

Bishop Salas was the in-charge to 'randomly' draw the two teams that will fight. After taking two papers that were delivered to the announcer. The announcer was a man who seemed to be 50 some years old with some type of microphone type spirit, being a spirit elder specialized in communication, his ability improving his voice.

"For the opening match will fight... Heaven Dou Imperial Academy second team! Versus... Shrek Academy!" announced shouting.

All of us abandoned the stadium, we had reserved seating at the sided. After some time, the ring became empty.

Then the fighters of both teams entered. From Shrek, there was Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai and 4 others who I didn't know. (So they are hiding their strength).

There were closed no zero cheering being an unknown academy the people didn't expect anything. I could listen to the people, how this match was prepared to show the strength of the Heaven Dou second team against a very weak team, being very easy to see which team will be.

When the Heaven Dou Imperial second team entered, they were boasting, doing poises, they really exuded arrogance thinking that this will be an easy victory. Their captain even entered the ring for the spectator's side, jumping with some somersaults landing with a smile.

I facepalmed "How can they be so morons?! They are weak as fuck and are boasting" I said to my other teammates.

"I'm really ashamed to be of the same academy" said Yan.

"They will lose terribly" said Mayi.

"How much do you expect them to last?" Osler said "I bet 10 gold coins that they eve last 5 minutes"

"5 minutes? I will forget them if they last more than 2" I said.

"We are in public, behave a little" Tianheng said. Then he thought a little "I bet for 3 minutes"

"1 minute!" said Mayi.

"They are nobles, let's have some faith in them" said Yan "6 minutes?"

"Be good with them" said Lingling "I bet for more than 6 minutes"

After betting for the match we concentrated on watching it.

Like we all expect, it was an overkill from Shrek. They could even fight 3vs1 versus Mubai. Even if it could easily that the 4 other members of Shrek were weaker than the main team, they were stronger than the other team. When Shrek main 3 used their skills, they defeated the other team instantly.

"Boring" complained Mayi.

"Not even 1 minute, Mayi wins" announced Osler. We all gave 10 gold coins to Mayi.

"I only pray to not being compared to the second team, what an embarrassment. It will be a lot better for them to not participate" said Yan.

"Really, I a terribly bad performance" I said.

After the match, it was decided the next days' match. The only a little interesting one being Shrek Academy vs Elephant Armored School.

With the match decided, the opening ceremony finished, throwing some fireworks. The other members returned to the academy. The other members decided to not see any other match, being only in the preselection phase they're not really worried to know about them, as the truly powerful one they will hide their true strength. If anything remarkable happened they will be informed, so they preferred to ignore it and concentrate on their training, preparing for the finals.

In my case, I decided to stay there and have a talk with dad. I also decided that I would see some of Shrek's matches, to see if Rongrong participates in some of them.

Outside of the arena, I was waiting for dad. After a little time, dad approached me.

Dad smiled "An interesting match, eh? Bai?"

"If for interesting you refer for pathetic, yeah! I truly interesting one" I said.

Dad laughed "I would meet Rongrong, to congratulate her team. Do you want to follow me?"

"I want to tell you something before that" I requested.

"I am a little just of time so be quick, Bai. If not we could always talk about later" said dad.

"It's only about Rongrong. How can their team dare to dress her like that? You must do something about it" I said.

Dad laughed "You really worry for Rongrong"

"I saw her face. At first, she seemed to want to die for embarrassment" I said.

"Okay, don't worry I would move some threads" dad accepted "Do you want something else?"

"Not that we could talk about it now. Let's go with Rongrong"

Dad nodded and we went to search for Rongrong. We found her leaving the arena accompanied by her teammates.

We introduced ourselves to Rongrong's teammates. Then she introduced all of them, even telling their spirits and spirit rank. Dad couldn't help to try to rope them to the clan when he learns of their talent. By their expressions, they didn't seem too interested, with the exemption of the 4 weaker ones that participated in the last match.

Rongrong acted strange when she presented Oscar to dad. Her voice was lower than normal and she seemed a little nervous. Being a food master with so much rank at such a young age it's really strange. But he was really shy and nervous never daring to cross my sight.

After the presentation dad explained that he wanted to talk alone with Tang San to inform him of something important. Tang San accepted while all the others left for their academy.

When dad, Tang San and I were alone dad guided us to somewhere "After knowing who is your father I asked around to learn more about him. I'm bringing you to meet someone who knows about him" dad explained. I lifted my eyebrow suspicious of dad.

Dad guided us inside a tea house. We went to a private room, inside we found Xue Qinghe waiting for us with a smile.

After a presentation and a little talk about Tang San's father, praising him and telling his exploits, his fight against Spirit Hall... Tang San thanked us and left the room thoughtfully.

For all the conversation, Qinghe maintained his prince-like behavior, smiling calmly, trying to make a good first impression.

When Tang San left "So, did you want for Tang San to meet Qinghe?" I asked dad "You already knew that information, and even with that you hide important thing, only telling the minimum necessary to obtain his favor"

"I'm glad that you understood it" answered dad "Tang San will become a powerhouse in the future, it will be very useful to have a good relation with him. As we support Qinghe as the new emperor is normal to wide his connections"

I sighed "As manipulative as always".

Dad smiled "It's being an adult"

I turned to Qinghe "So? What do you think of Tang San?"

"He has a lot of potential. He doesn't look like a normal 14 years old child. His calm and collected attitude with his spirit rank and power at that age, it already made worth to have a good relation with him. If we sum his father, I really would like to recruit him" Qinghe explained.

"With his character, it may be impossible. Keep a good relationship first, treat him like a friend, not a subordinate" advised dad.

Qinghe bowed "Thanks teacher for your directions"

Then Qinghe turned to me "Bai, what do you think about the tournament?"

"Even if there's some good team, I don't think that they could win. Of the actual teams, we only need to be wary of Spirit Hall. Shrek is a special case, they grew a lot very quickly, so if they continued to grow like that, maybe they can put a fight. But as now, I think that our team is the one with the highest probability to win" I explained.

"Win, take some honor to Heaven Dou. It will be great to take the wind of Spirit Hall's sails and taking three 10.000 years spirit bones" said Qinghe.

After that we ate all together while talking about the tournament, I was told that in the finals, all the teams will be accompanied by Qinghe as a representative since his father can't leave the empire.

After saying goodbye to Qinghe and he left dad told me "For tomorrow match, Shrek Academy vs Elephant Armored School I would like you to accompany me. This match was done

in purpose by Bishop Salas to lower Shrek reputation and I know that the schoolmaster of the Elephant Armored School will accompany Salas, so you being there won't be anything too strange. The opinion of a young generation surely will be enlightening"

"Dad, are you teaching me to become the next clan head?" I asked.

"What makes you think like that?" He answered with a question.

"You're always explaining how the clan and important people works, like this. You are inviting me to meet some very important people. You never did anything of this to Rongrong" I explained.

"It seems that you discovered me. I would like you to be the next head. Rongrong is too mischievous and straightforward. I know that she has the talent and if she strives a little she will be a good one. But I'll prefer you, you will manage all the clan's matter fine, you passed off the test that I put to you" Explained dad.

"It's only that I will be better? I don't think so. If I succeed you, a lot of elders of the clan will oppose it, it is impossible that you don't have it in consideration, the clan is a support one, it didn't have much sense to have me as his head. I am as an elder is enough"

"I will tell you the truth, Bai" dad said seriously "The clan's head is a lot of responsibilities, it will limit you, you must always think cool, keeping your true emotion hidden. Even if I think that Rongrong could be a good clan master, the position will break her. She can't keep herself, she will be crashed by the responsibilities. In that front, I know that you will keep better, your older, your more mature. I trust you to this"

"Fuck! What will you do if I escape? I abandon all behind and leave the clan" I asked

"It will be your decision and I will accept it. But are you really sure you will leave Rongrong?" dad answered.

I surrendered "It seems that I would be the next clan's head. Dad, you are a manipulative demon" I said angrily.

"Don't worry, Bai. You will also learn to become one" said dad leaving the room while laughing.

Then I returned to the academy, I lay on the bed organizing the new information "Fuck" I couldn't help to said tiredly.