
Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Observe how Ning Bai, big brother of Ning Rongrong aim to be at the top. ------------------------------------------------------ I don't know anything that you recognize all rights go to the author. The cover is not mine. --------------------------------------------------- This is my first time writing something and English is not even my second language so I will be thankful with the correction of grammar and orthography. Constructive comments are appreciated, plis avoid toxic comments.

picaco · Cómic
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257 Chs

Hell Road

"What are you doing here, Blanch?" San asked me with suspicion.

"I'm also an Arena champion, I simply took advantage of you opening the Hell Road and came along with you" I answered.


"Let's say that not all people have the luck to be backed by a Deathgod" I explained. San made a thoughtful face and then seemed to realize what I was talking about.

He looked at me "Why are you injured?"

"It's nothing important, but not everyone has easy opponents like you to fight" I teased him. "As we are both here, we can travel together this Hell Road, it would be a pity for you to die here" I said smiling.

"Do you really think that I would let you? You almost killed me!" He accused.

"Yeah, and that 'almost' is the most important. If I wanted I could have easily killed you, but I didn't. Don't worry I don't plan to kill you, at least now" I grinned "Let's gain both the Deathgod Domain.

He watched warily at me before nodding "Don't try anything strange"

I smiled "The same for you" I then signaled the narrow road "This is the only way to go. Of course, unless you decided to jump to the abyss, I don't really recommend"

San looked around confirming that what I said was true. San invoked his Blue Silver Grass Emperor, a blue with golden veins vine grabbed around my hip, bounding San and me together "With this our survival will increase"

"Or one will drag the other to his death," I said smiling. I starting walking to the narrow road "Let's go"

We walked following the narrow road, even if it was narrow it wouldn't pose any problem for us to even fight here as our equilibrium long surpassed what a normal human is capable. Tang San always followed behind me, with a warily look not looking away from me.

After walking for some time, the blood abyss under us seemed nearer, this road had a small, almost imperceptible, inclination, this caused to descend little by little. As we were approaching the blood I could feel the Killing Intent becoming richer. In this place I wouldn't have lost the clash against Black, not that I could complain, I resisted thanks to be in Slaughter City, if we were outside, even with the use of Oreos, maybe, it wouldn't be enough to surpass the increase in the Heart Sword caused by Slaughter City.

The Hell Road is explained to have 3 tests, each one more difficult of the previous one. After walking some time, I finally saw the start of the first test. A Golden Bat appeared beside us, following it, appeared a countless amount of Golden Bats. I turned to San "I will let you the ranged attacks, I won't attack this trash unless they came near"

San shot a needle from his sleeve, however, it was evaded by the Golden Bats. Bats have one of the best sensory systems thanks to their radar, the Golden Bats are no different, it would be difficult to hit them with weak weapons. From San, a blue aura surged forming blue domain.

"tsk!" I clicked my tongue, this high vitality domain made want to puke, it was against my own. If there wasn't that he used to take care of the bothersome bats, I would have destroyed it immediately.

With the domain activated, the bats started moving erratically, losing their good perception. San shot some needles this time hitting multiple enemies. The Golden Bats seeing that the situation wasn't good, kept distance from San, a distance that San's domain couldn't reach. They started batting their wings creating a wind force, trying to throw us from the narrow road.

I ignored them, continuing walking. Once we walked some kilometer more, while being annoyed by the Golden Bat, it finally appeared the boss the first test. A giant Three-headed Golden Bat King, with ten meters long wingspan, faced us.

I turned to Tang "Let this to me". He looked at me warily but accepted wanting to know what I would do.

The Three-headed Golden Bat King charged toward us, it opened one of his mouth trying to swallow us. "It seems that being here, make him hungry" I invoked my Black Sword, the little crack already repaired, on my left hand. As the Bat approached us "<One Point Domain: Slaughter" black aura surged around my sword. I slashed at the middle head of the Bat that tried to bit me. My sword cut easily through like made by butter, beheading it.

"Graaaaaaaah" the Bat shrieked. It flew away while batting his wing creating wind blades that shot to us. San seeing the wind blades, tried to expand his Blue Silver Emperor Domain. But before he could I used my own "I said it's mine! <Sword Domain: Slaughter>" Black aura surged from my sword creating the domain, pushing San's once that could only go back protecting San.

The wind blades dispersed in contact with my domain. "Graaaaaaaaaaaaa!" the Bat shouted. At its shout, all the little bats reacted, they came to the Three-headed Golden Bat King. The Bat King started eating them with its remaining heads. It shined red and its beheaded head started to grow again. It didn't stop there and continued eating more bat, seeming to become stronger with each kill.

"Perfect! I didn't kill you before, because it would have been a hassle taking care of the little ones, but now that you're together..." I grinned. I held my sword with both hands and backed it at my right side "Sword Heart!" black aura surged from it, brightening the surroundings. I stepped my right leg forward "EX-" I swung it upward diagonally "-CALIBUR! Morgan!" shooting a powerful pillar of black light.

The Bat King commanded to its minions to stay beside him, making a barrier to protect it. This was completely useless, the pillar passed through them, not stopping for even an instant, disintegrating them. The light pillar continued arriving at the Bat King who faced the same fate as his minions, dying without any resistance. The light pillar continued until it crashed to the ceiling "BOOOOM!" creating a loud and huge explosion that made all the Hell Road tremble, multiple rocks falling from the sky, we were lucky enough that these rocks didn't fall on the narrow road.

I looked at Tang San and couldn't help to smirk at his shocked face. At that moment a sensed something, I turned to the place where the Bat King stood and see that something remained falling to the blood abyss. Seeing what it was my eyes opened shocked, then I grinned. I jumped out of the narrow road, slicing Tang San's vine with a light swing. "What are you doing?!" shouted Tang San surprised.

Lightning started forming around my right leg forming what it seemed a wolf's paw. <Right Leg Spirit Bone: Air Walk>. I hit the air under my right foot jumping towards the Bat King's remains. Before it approached the blood too much I caught it, it was a pair of giant bat's wings, over them stood a shining black ring "It seems I'm really lucky, how much despair had you felt, Bat King" I said to myself smiled. I touched my bracelet storing the wings, the black ring with them, in my storage bracelet.

Then, I kicked the air again returning to the narrow road. Landing on it safely, I withdrew my spirit bone, the lightning disappearing. I turned to San "I was the one helping you, do not think for even a moment that is the other way around"

San glanced at me warily and nodded, not even daring to ask about the bat's remains. After this brief interruption, we continued walking following the narrow road.

We continued walking until we face against a kind of a serpent that was coiled around the narrow road, it was 10 meters long with a characteristic 9 things like-mushrooms over its back, if it wanted, it could break the road instantly putting a little pressure. It wasn't any problem, with my spirit bone, there wasn't any need for the road, a little part destroyed wouldn't pose any problem.

If I remember correctly, this was an ancient beast, it didn't cultivate based spirit energy, so it wouldn't form any spirit ring. A very strange beast to be in this world. I turned to San "Your turn" I could have killed it alone, it wasn't like it had any problem with it. Its strength wasn't so much, its strongest force was its poison and that wasn't really much of a problem. But, I wanted to see what Tan San is capable of.

San stepped over me facing the serpent. The serpent detecting our presence hissed showing its long and thin tongue and crawled towards San. Its mushrooms started shining with a red light, it opened its mouth and spat a red flame, the flame surrounded by a red fog that was poison.

In San's hands appeared his Clear Sky Hammer, he twisted hitting the flame, dispersing it. He then touched belt storage and sprayed some liquid around that neutralized the poisonous red fog. San continued towards the serpent trying to hit it with his hammer. Surprisingly, or not so much if you already know it like me, the serpent evaded the attack tilting its body to the abyss, spinning around the road, its body following is. If it continued doing it, maybe it would have some hypnotic effect spiraling like that.

San jumped back gaining distance. He started running to the serpent, swinging his hammer and flipping his body around, little by little gaining more momentum, black winds starting appearing around him, a terrifying power condensing in his sword that grew with each swing.

The Serpent seemed frightening by San's strength, all its mushrooms started shining. "Perfect, now is the time" I jumped in diagonal outside the narrow road, I activated my spirit bone <Air Walk> I kicked the air, jumping to the road landing some meters in front of Tang San. The Serpent didn't have time to react at my new presence, its mushrooms opened and from them, it shot different colored fog, they didn't target San directly, they were converging a little behind me.

I opened my arms, receiving the gases, that passed through me and converged behind me, condensing in a ball that was shot to Tang San. I could notice the different poison entering my body, altogether the may have created a poison impossible to stop, I vomited some blood.

Tang San, stopped his charge, and swirl around the poison ball, the wings flowed around it causing it to change its direction shooting up. He continued without stop towards the Serpent, he passed me without stepping over me and crashed his hammer to the serpent. The serpent tried to evade it like before, but the hammer was so strong that it even had its own gravity that attracted the serpent not letting it evade. San hit it "<Disorder Splitting Wind>", destroying it in a gore scene of serpent's remains raining. San turned towards me with a confused face.

I smiled, took out from my storage a Red Velvet Oreo and ate it. Controlling the Red Velvet energy I made it flow around my body, pushing the different poisons around my body, making them converged in one. The combination of the 9 poison was considered the strongest snake's poisons, taking them separately, and making me immune to them thanks to the Oreo and then fusion them in the strongest it was a safer way that directly taking the condensing form of it.

After 15 minutes, I was completely healed. Having gained an even bigger resistance to poison and complete immunity to snake related. The ball created by the serpent was kind of its external core, with a big destructive power that left the body very weak having it threw it out. Tang San continued looking at me strangely, surprised of my survival. I smiled at him "As I took the bat remain, I will let you keep that" I said signaling the ball, the core of the serpent "I don't really have any use for it, as I didn't know how to use it. But something tells me that you do" I smirked.

He nodded only coldly saying "Thanks".

With these two of the three tests were finished, it was very easy in my case. The truth was that in Hell Road the biggest problem was the narrow road, all the monsters trying to break it would make you difficult to continue. However, with my spirit bone, this didn't pose any problem as I could simply jump around. I could have even skipped killing the serpent simply jumping around it. In this place, having the possibility of flying was a cheat, only having to worry about the Killing Intent.

We continued following the road, we didn't encounter anything else, but it was becoming hotter and the Killing Intent was rising exponentially, little by little nearing to the blood river. I let the Killing Intent permeate me, I could sense my Slaughter Intent growing, becoming stronger and in the same case more uncontrollable.

After walking some time, we were very near the blood river, only 50 meters under us. Tang San stopped still and took out in his hand some strange mushroom and threw it at the blood river. I opened my eyes shocked [Oh, fuck! Mayi is dead].

San turned to me "This was a very special herb. I don't think that you are a degenerate like the people living in Slaughter City, that herb can increase the effectiveness of a poison 4000 times. This blood river goes to the City, with the herb in it, it would kill all the degenerated there, destroying the Slaughter City"

I looked at him coldly "You really think yourself as a righteous God, with the right to choose the fate over the life of others. You never knew their circumstanced" I thought about Mayi and the killed by myself Black "I won't blame you, you had the power to do it, and use it. But, don't think for even a moment that you did the righteous thing, it was only your selfish act. Let's continue I want to finish this" I continued walking. San stopped there looking thoughtfully, after some time he ran catching me.

When we were over 20 meters of the blood river, my eyes turned red. I couldn't control it more, the Killing Intent was so strong that it was affecting my mind. I could try to control it, lowering its effect, but that will cause my strength to not increase. I let me being invaded by it. I turned to Tang San "Hahahahah" I started laughing madly. I charged to him invoking my Black Sword and slashed to him. San hurriedly invoked his hammer and blocked my strike. I pushed him at the ground and jumped over him landing at his back. I put my sword at over his neck and smirked. I swung my sword.

San closed his eyes in fright, but not feeling the strike he opened again. Finding me 5 meters at his back, the road between us broken by my sword. I looked at him "If this continued, I would kill you. Run, I will let you 10 minutes of advantage" He looked at my red eyes realizing what happened, he nodded and ran to the exit.

I fall to the ground and laid there, my Slaughter Intent becoming uncontrollable "hahahaha!"

After what I thought was 10 minutes, I stood up and continued walking. Each stepped my Slaughter King increased, a chaotic black aura surging endlessly from my sword and myself. I continued walking while slashing at my back destroying the road with each step. I feeling of killing anything growing in me.

Finally, I saw a light 100 meters away, it was the exit from Hell Road. Between us, the narrow road dived into the blood river. Being needed to step into the river if you wanted to go walking. My rationality was nowhere to think about, but detecting live on the other side. A starving feeling pushed me to that place, killing all there. I charged to the light, to life, running wasn't fast enough. I activated my spirit bone <Air walk> jumping multiple times kicking the air I passed over the blood river.

Passing through the light the chaotic aura around me stopped, it started converging uniformed around me, creating a round dome around me. This was a new domain, the Deathgod Domain! This calmed me a little, enough to recuperate my sanity.

I looked around finding myself surrounded by trees. I unleashed all my accumulated aura in all directions "<Double Domain: Slaughter Sword + Deathgod>" the black aura expanding around the area, all the trees rotting and dying in few seconds.

I breathed profoundly and expired the air "It's good to be outside" I said smiling.