
Douluo Dalu 3 | Divine Destruction

The Golden Dragon King was a being of pure destruction and chaos, a dragon of madness whose own power corrupted its sanity. Eventually, its tyrannical strength couldn’t endure the waves of damage caused by his greed. He was defeated. After his death, the Golden Dragon’s power was granted to a newborn child, a child with memories of another world.

TrapLover · Cómic
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110 Chs

The Fourth

Wandering through the pure white halls of the underground facility Tang Wulin took note of many things. It was all as Pephomemore Seto had explained, however, he took special care to remember it as it was similar to where he stayed in his previous life.

The facility was over ten thousand meters underground yet seemed no different than if it was on the surface. It was quite impressive but fairly normal for the time period. In fact, the Tang Sect had many buildings much larger at this depth and they hadn't even discovered their main base.

The building was large with dozens of rooms, some more cage like than others. In these rooms there were people no better than puppets, people who were quite literally moving corpses, and some, a rare few, held the will to live another day, the drive to survive.

Suddenly alarms begin ringing, their shrill sound sending the entire facility into a downward spiral of chaos. Scientists that once peacefully performed their acts of cruelty now rushed into the hallways, a mix of wrath and fear on their faces.

They all ran down the hallway toward the shelter however they paused, their spiritual sense showing them an image that made no sense. Standing behind them was a large dragon made of blood thousands of meters long, its crimson eyes staring deeply into their souls.

It was only for an instant, but everything paused, their brains shut off and their senses turned off, their bodies instinctive response to avoid going mad at the mere sight of the blood dragon behind them.

And then… nothing. At the same time their bodies turned off they began to simply… fall apart at the seams, their very being being erased from the fabric of reality, the only traces of them remaining being the crimson flakes of annihilation slowly fluttering to the ground.

Spreading the power of annihilation through the air the doors to all the fancy cells in the building were destroyed at once. He opened over fifty doors yet out of them all, only fifteen people stepped out.

Destroying the space between him and them he forcefully brought them to him, their weak bodies protected by a film of annihilation formed just over their bodies. It was similar to a skintight suit but it didn't actually touch their skin.

Instantly the fifteen children panicked, each stepping away weakly and looking at him with fear however one was different. He did step back however it wasn't out of fear, it was to increase his chance of survival and escape.

The individual in question had long grey hair disheveled from dirt, sweat, and other grime. Unlike the other children, his aquamarine eyes were scanning the area carefully, taking in each and every factor that could be used to his advantage.

Strangely enough, the teen's body was pristine as though it had never been touched including the areas underneath his gown. Compared to the dozens of scars both big and small littering the other's bodies it was miraculous.

"I am Grace Mirchea Luslec, the First Slayer and Founder of FUG. Introduce yourselves." Tang Wulin spoke, the malicious and insanity inducing aura around his body vanishing like nothing more than a mirage. Even the film of annihilation surrounding their body vanished.

"I-I'm subject 261-M." A young child no older than ten years old, just above the current age of Tang Wulin, said nervously, a deeply instilled fear of human beings instilled into his very core however he stood in front of his twin sister in order to protect her regardless.

"I'm subject 178-F." A young girl about 20 years old said emotionlessly, however, it was different from Tang Wulin. It wasn't like his inability to understand emotions, she simply could no longer feel them.

The rest of the subjects identified themselves, each looking at him in a mix of fear, expectation, and awe. It was a strange sight to Tang Wulin who had once been in a similar situation, one that he couldn't understand.

'I thought they resembled us Professor but it doesn't appear that way.' Tang Wulin thought to himself, turning his attention to the main reason they had come to this location, the Slayer Candidate.

"I am Subject 13." The Slayer Candidate said seriously, his voice calm despite the potential danger Tang Wulin possessed to him. He was confident he wouldn't be harmed no matter what happened. This FUG wouldn't risk harming their goal after all.

"I see. I shall give you all two options, die here or… live for my sake." Tang Wulin questioned them seriously. There was no aura around him yet an invisible pressure descended onto them all making them all squirm in place.

'Such ordinary words have such power!' Subject 13 thought in pure surprise, his eyes wide. He had thought that the child in front of them had a spatial martial soul and was merely the middleman between FUG and him, he thought his claims of being the founder were baseless boasting!

"Choose now, die here or live. The choice is obvious is it not?" Tang Wulin questioned them, his figure seeming incomparably large in the children's view, the pressure threatening to destroy their minds. He looked like… like a god!

"I chose to live!" Subject 13 shouted between gritted teeth, the pressure attacking his body immediately vanishing. Falling to the ground he breathed heavily to return oxygen to his lungs that felt like they had been punched repeatedly.

"Good." Tang Wulin spoke, a ghost of a smile on his handsome face. "I trust you all share the same opinion?" He questioned the rest of them, receiving a chorus of silent nods in response causing him to nod in return.

There was a large degree of variety in their courage however none of them lacked the overwhelming desire to survive, the desire bordering on obsession that made them willing to sign a deal with the devil merely to ensure they survive.

"Then leave." Tang Wulin spoke, his hands once more tearing a portal in space for them to step through. Looking at each other hesitantly they all nodded seriously and began to make slow steps toward their ultimate destination, their weak bodies making it nearly impossible.

The two at the front, the youngest of them all Subject 261-M and his twin Subject 261-F, began to fall to the ground however they was caught before they could do so, a tight yet gentle grip holding them both upright. Looking up he saw the one named Grace Mirchea Luslec gazing back at him.

"Do not falter. Do not let your weakness deter you. Break free of your shackles using your own strength." Tang Wulin demanded coldly, his words oddly kind. Nodding seriously they all began to stumble toward the portal one small step at a time.

Every step felt like hell to their weak and malnourished bodies that have been subjected to torture in the name of science for years on end yet their own desire to survive pushed forward. In comparison to their overwhelming desire, the pain felt like nothing.

Standing in front of the portal the fifteen subjects were exhausted beyond belief however they all held relieved and proud smiles while tears of joy dropped from their eyes. They had finally been saved. Who cared if it was by the devil?

"Congratulations. Now rest, I shall take care of the rest." The cold yet reassuring voice of the Devil sounded in their ears.

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