
Douluo Dalu 3 | Divine Destruction

The Golden Dragon King was a being of pure destruction and chaos, a dragon of madness whose own power corrupted its sanity. Eventually, its tyrannical strength couldn’t endure the waves of damage caused by his greed. He was defeated. After his death, the Golden Dragon’s power was granted to a newborn child, a child with memories of another world.

TrapLover · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Science Wins Wars

"What a grand reception you've prepared!" Imort spoke happily as he walked toward the Spirit Pagoda, hundreds of spirit masters blocking his path, the strongest of which was only a peak spirit douluo.

In this case, it wasn't a problem of quality but rather quantity. He was the strongest in the room but he was heavily outnumbered. Coincidentally, he was quite good at pest control so he would have no issue with the situation.

"What are you doing here invader!" The Spirit Douluo, the deputy branch head, shouted righteously despite being one of the cruelest of the scientists experimenting on their target, a true hypocrite in the flesh.

"I am the Third Slayer of FUG, Imort. It is an honor to have the pleasure of killing you all." Imort spoke happily, his pleasant demeanor not changing for a moment despite his horrid and threatening words.

Normally such a thing would get a few confused reactions, however, they were all well trained members of the Spirit Pagoda, they knew better than to get distracted with an enemy in front of them if they wanted to live long.

"FUG? You're one of the Slayers of that crazy cult?" The deputy commander questioned him in bewilderment. Never had a so called Slayer been seen before yet here one was before him, there wasn't even anything hiding his identity.

"Cult? I suppose that would be correct. However, I prefer you consider us people dedicated to our god." Imort said with a smile, oddly willing to continue to speak to them despite it being clear they were using the time to charge their attacks.

"I'll call you lunatics whatever I damn please. Fire boys!" The deputy head shouted, a flurry of abilities ranging from a sword of fire to the torrent of hail raining down on him. There were hundreds of abilities yet very few were worth his attention.

Not even moving the ground itself rose up to defend him, its surface taking on a more metallic shine. Around the earthen barrier, the ground had sunk roughly half a meter down with a width of a meter. In total, the ground had dipped roughly an extra 50% of the size of his wall.

"It looks like they've begun already." Imort observed, his eyes locked on the clouds above that had been distorted from intense blasts of wind. There was an intense battle happening up there, at least that's what it appeared like.

In truth, it was just one man wasting all his energy on attacks while his comrade taunted and played with him. It was less of a battle than what he would do shortly. Still, his senior was almost done so he should hurry.

"While it has been fun… please die for me." Imort requested from them with a gentle smile, metallic spikes forming from the ground and rising faster than the speed of sound. Nobody besides the spirit douluo could react but even he lost an arm in the attempt to save his life.

"What… are you?" The deputy head questioned him, fear in his eyes as he gazed at the third Slayer. Earthen walls and metal spikes forming from the ground faster than sound without a single warning. It was horrifying.

"I'm just a scientist like you all though it does bring me harm to consider you such. It truly is a shame for you to have such a perfect opportunity only to waste it due to your own foolishness." Imort spoke regretfully, sincerely shaking his head in pity.

However, underneath the one armed Spirit Douluo the blood seeping down his arm finally reached the ground. Taking control of his blood now that it had entered 'contact' with him Imort manipulated it to heat up and vaporize, instantly causing the deputy head to explode.

"Perhaps you'll have better luck with your studies in the next life." Imort sincerely prayed for the man whose blood now stained the metallic wall before him. Surrounding him was a small mountain of corpses yet he still held a soft smile on his face.

There was another thing Imort was frequently called amongst the members of FUG, the Mad Scientist. While it was true that Imort held enough morals to not experiment on humans without cause it did not mean that he was not extraordinarily cruel to the captured enemies he was granted. In some ways, he was more like the devil than his god.

"Now then. I suppose I should prepare the stage for my god." Imort spoke to himself, an excited almost childlike smile on his face as he thought about it. It had been years since he'd seen his god fight which was a spectacle itself but this was different.

His god would destroy. It wasn't a fight, it wasn't a struggle, it wasn't difficult, it was just… erasure. Soon, this building and all that it held would no longer exist alongside all the sins that had been committed here. His god was administering judgment to this place.

Tapping on the ground with his foot his energy began to spread through the earth as he stole all the energy in the area, no plant nor insect was safe from his grasp. He took every drop of energy in the area without regard for any damage. Everything here would cease to exist after all.

Controlling the gathered energies his white energy was dyed brown as a large barrier made of more soul power than double his reserves was formed. The barrier surrounded the entirety of the Spirit Pagoda and even reached the underground facility. It was completely separated from the rest of the world.

This was possible due to Imort's martial soul, Alchemic Law. He could create anything if he had enough materials as long as he followed the law of equivalent exchange. Even the process of gathering soul force was done using his martial soul.

Gathering more soul power than they possessed with the life of everything around him as a cost his martial soul allowed him to gather enough energy to rival and perhaps even surpass the reserves of a peak limit douluo.

"All for the sake of my God." Imort said reverently.

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