
Douluo Dalu - The Story of Sheng Feilong

[DROPPED] A Douluo Dalu Fanfiction in the timeline of DD3 (The Legend of the Dragon King). Follow Sheng Feilong, a young boy from the Sheng Clan, on his way to become a powerful Soul Master. Watch him grow up, train, make friends and enemies alike, in, arguably, one of the most interesting worlds of chinese webnovels. Will the outcast of a small Clan be able to break through humanity's limit and ascend to become a god? --- This is my first time trying to write something with more than like 1.000 words, so please bear with me! Release schedule: 1 chapter/day

Yozuka · Derivados de obras
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248 Chs

A Stand-Off With The Dragon King

The people watching the scene between Sheng Feilong's group and Long Yue and Dai Yun'er unfold gasped slightly in surprise. The two guests from the Star Luo Empire hadn't been at Shrek Academy for long, but most people of the Inner Court already knew of them; One being the princess of the Star Luo Empire and a 18 years old Soul King with extremely high Spirit Power.

As for Long Yue, there was no need to mention his strength; His feats of defeating Shrek Academy's representatives during their visit to the Star Luo Empire were already known to all. At first, people thought he merely won because those representatives were only Outer Court students, but that thought soon changed; The representatives of old were now the current generation's Shrek Seven Monsters.

Meanwhile, since Long Yue came here, people found out about his true strength and Spirit Essence, spreading the information far and wide; He was already a celebrity in Shrek Academy as well, yet these three unknown Soul Masters dared to provoke him like that?

However, unlike what people believed would happen, Long Yue remained rather calm. Dai Yun'er was about to explode and charge at Sheng Feilong; Her bad temper was also something most people were aware of, yet even she held back despite the insults.

Of course, among the Inner Court students, there weren't just those who'd never seen the three Soul Masters who provoked Long Yue. In fact, one of them had a disbelieving expression on his face, lowly muttering a few things to himself and the people next to him. Soon, the name 'Sheng Feilong' was mumbled about among the masses.

With the growing recognition of Sheng Feilong among the crowd, Long Yue's expression was growing increasingly unsightly to behold. If it was only Sheng Feilong, a single person, who had already proven his strength to him, insulting him, he could deal with that, but adding the mutters of the crowd to that? There was a limit to how much he could endure.

"She Feilong, do you think this is still the time of the Star Luo Empire's Genius Youth Competition?" Long Yue's voice caused the crowd to fall into silence, his anger nearly tangable for them. Yet, the one this anger was directed at, Sheng Feilong, didn't even flinch in the slightest, instead sarcastically replying in turn. "Do you still think this is the Genius Youth Competition, Long Yue? Back then, you were a Sou Emperor while I was a Soul King... I really wonder how long you would be able to last now, without En Ci or your Emperor, even."

Before the crowd could even process what Sheng Feilong was implying, their attention was drawn to Long Yue in unison. None of them dared to say a single word as the Star Luo Empire's Dragon King's Soul Power started to surge, fiercely spreading through the plaza. However, Sheng Feilong once again remained unimpressed. "Take Dai Yun'er and leave us alone. I will not repeat myself again."

Unsurprisingly, Long Yue had already become a Soul Saint after three years. Additionally, his aura was incredibly powerful, not inferior to a Soul Douluo in the slightest. Sheng Feilong finished his words, then slowly started letting his own Soul Power surge. The Soul Scholar rank, Soul Master, Grandmaster, Elder, Ancestor.

Soon, his own aura was that of a Soul Emperor, shocking many people as they could clearly tell how young he was, yet it didn't stop there. Slowly, but surely, it rose to be equal to a Soul Saint, causing Dai Yun'er's mind was already shaken; She herself was known as a genius, yet not only did she fail to catch up to Sheng Feilong, who was the same age as her, the latter was already on the same level as a Soul Saint.

Her, as well as the crowd's, shock didn't stop their; Sheng Feilong's power surged further, soon being equally matched with Long Yue, causing the latter eyes to shake ever so slightly. His aura clashed with Sheng Feilong's, not losing out in the slightlest, yet that was what bothered Long Yue this much; The last time, his cultivation was much superior to Sheng Feilong and he still lost, yet now they were equally matched.

What did that imply for him? When Sheng Feilong used his terrifying, evil Spirit Essence, he was able to play Long Yue like a fiddle, beating him black and blue even though his cultivation lacked more than ten levels behind. How strong would he be now that their cultivation was on the same level?

However, before it could come to this extreme clash of top masters, a light-hearted, female laughter broke the stifling silence in front of the Sea God's Lake. Accompanying this laughter was a similarly light-hearted, male voice. "My, my, it seems our dear guests from the Star Luo Empire and Daedalus can't wait for the Fated Date Festival to start. Dear friends, if I may ask, for what maiden's hand are you two fighting?"

The voices caused the various Inner Court students in the crowd to gasp aloud. All of them turned to the source of the voices – the middle of the Sae God's Lake – only to gasp in surprise again; The people laughing and joking so casually with those two monstrous Soul Saints were Tang Yingmeng and Lan Muzi – The chief students of Shrek's Inner Court and personal disciple's of the Light Dark Douluo Long Yeyue!

Tang Yingmeng was a beautiful young lady in her twenties, clad in Shrek Academy's Inner Court student's robes; The unadorned clothing accentuating her beauty even further. Next to her was her martial brother and fiancé, Lan Muzi; A tall and handsome man in his twenties as well, with sharp features and a warm smile on his lips.

Both of them were calmly flying the air above the Sea God's Lake, floating over to the shore where the crowd, Sheng Feilong's group and Long Yue and Dai Yun'er were. Although they didn't precisely let their aura radiate off of them, people with sharp senses could clearly tell that those two were Soul Douluo's already despite their young ages; Their presences even overshadowing Long Yue and Sheng Feilong.

Truth be told, Sheng Feilong didn't know who these two were, but knowing their strength and the fact that they came from the direction of the Sea God's Pavilion was enough for him to tell that they were important people. Adding the fact that both of them knew that he, Huang Jialong and Yuanen Yehui came from Daedalus caused Sheng Feilong to retract his aura.

Long Yue did the same, though more reluctantly, only thinking of doing so after Sheng Feilong's aura had already vanished; He wanted Sheng Feilong to know that he would never willingly admit defeat. Unfortunately, the latter didn't even look at him any longer, instead facing the two Soul Douluo's floating above the Sea God's Lake with a smile.

"Seniors, I apologize for the disturbance. It wasn't our intention to cause a scene during Shrek Academy's festivities." Sheng Feilong replied with a passive smile; Clearly, he didn't really care about the commotion he caused, nor the festivities, but he was currently representing Daedalus during their visit and had to act the way now that his identity was made clear.

Lan Muzi kept his warm smile the whole time, seemingly not bothered by the way Sheng Feilong spoke to him and looked at him and Long Yue. "Ha, ha, there is no need to apologize, Brother Sheng, Brother Long; It makes me glad to welcome two talented young friends as you to Shrek Academy's fated Date Festival. I wonder if the five of you, including your respected companions, wish to join today's festivities?"

Lan Muzi's words caused the crowd to perk up immediately. If those two monstrously powerful Soul Saints joined in on the competition for the hearts of their beloved maidens... Most of the males' faces turned a bit sour and many of them shot nasty looks into Sheng Feilong's and Long Yue's direction, yet neither of them cared.

Sheng Feilong smiled, returning to Yuanen Yehui's and Huang Jialong's side before lightly shaking his head and grabbing Yuanen Yehui's hand. "I thank Senior Brother for the kind invitation, but I will have to decline. I have already found the maiden deserving all of my heart."

A surprised expression flashed on Lan Muzi's face while Yuanen Yehui's face turned bright red as she lowered her head. Next to Lan Muzi in the air, Tang Yingmeng startling giggling in a lovely manner again. "Oh my. Little Brother Sheng, you really know how to flatter a maiden. I'm jealous."

Lan Muzi laughed a bit awkwardly while Tang Yingmeng only continued to giggle. She glanced at Huang Jialong, who already shook his head before she could say anything, then turned towards Long Yue and Dai Yun'er. "What about Little Brother Long and Princess Dai? Will the two of you graze our little festival with your participation?"

Surprisingly, Dai Yun'er accepted the invitation immediately, dragging Long Yue with her. She had seemingly already forgotten about the conflict with Sheng Feilong just now and was much more interested in the Fated Date Festival.

Following Lan Muzi's lead, the male students, plus Long Yue, went away for a few minutes before returning wearing costumes and masks. The only difference now were their physiques, making it hard to tell the different students apart. Lan Muzi returned to the air above the Sea God's Lake, announcing the beginning of the Fated Date Festival's first phase, the Match Made In Heaven, as the female students appeared on lotus leaves floating on the water, one by one.

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