
Doulou Dalu Rise of the Uchiha

Welcome everyone who is either new or a returner. This story will be set in Soul Land, as the title says but instead of following Tang San like other novels, mine shall walk a different path. Tang San will walk his usual story until the main tournament. The story will follow a reborn protagonist am not an original on a different story he will get wish's, but I will make restrictions on them, so they are not op in the beginning, and he will most likely have a harem not too big, not too small will take suggestions, and instead of twin spirits, he will have three because it's different more info on the auxiliary chapter. Disclaimer I do not own any of the shows or stories I write about; they all belong to the original owners the only thing that is mine is some characters that I create.

TheDaoSon · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

Chapter 19 Training And Intent

It's been 3 weeks since Zhuqing and the Siblings arrived and things were going smoothly. Silver had taken Jāngùi to his training spot while Madara trained Yōumêi and Zhuqing as asked to by Silver to which he didn't mind as he had nothing important to do.

Madara "stop exposing yourself "

Madara said well dodging a claw strike from Yōmêi while sending a kick to her chest. While this was happening Zhuqing dashed behind Madara sending a punch to his back.

Yōumêi ' Yes! we got him taking all those hits paid off '

That's right for the entire three weeks the two have been attacking Madara relentlessly but have been unable to hit him let alone touch him. So yesterday they came up with a plan.

-Flashback Begin-

Yōumêi " ahh!! I just wanna punch him once "

Zhuqing sighed " me too the worst part is that he doesn't use any spirit power "

That's right both girls we're allowed to use their spirits at first they refused but after a week of fruitless attempts, they caved in.

Zhuqing " we need a plan we keep running at him and it doesn't work "

With that, both girls sat there thinking of a plan and after a 1 hour of thinking Yōumêi spoke

Yōumêi " I got it!

Zhuqing " what? "

Yōumêi grinned "let's trick him "

Zhuqing " how do we do that? "

Yōumêi " simple ill be bait since am a front fighter ill distract him well you use your speed to get behind him and when he attacks me you make your move " she explained while giving a proud smile

Zhuqing " that could work but you can't make it too obvious or he'll know "

-Flashback end-

Zhuqing ' finally haah ' she sighed

But would someone of Madara's skill be caught off guard so easily no not even close

With a quick backflip, Madara grabbed her arm and got behind her.

Yōumêi " WHAAT! how it should've worked "

Madara laughed " yes against normal people it would have am quite offended that you believed this would work but good attempt and teamwork "

Madara said releasing Zhuqing

Zhuqing rubbed her arm " Madara why are you so fast even though you're not using any spirit power but we are "

Madara crossed his arms

Madara " who said am not "

Yōumêi " what "

Zhuqing" what "

Both girls said with surprise

Madara " what I never said I wouldn't "

Zhuqing " but how I cant sense anything "

Yōumêi " exactly "

Madara " of course you can't using spirit power is like breathing to me unless you're stronger than me than you can give up on trying to sense anything "

Zhuqing was shocked the most she had met many young masters because of her family can all of them were considered geniuses but she has never seen or heard of anything like this.

Zhuqing ' he's a complete monster and I'm being trained by him ' She didn't know why but her heart was racing and it confused her.

Yōumêi, on the other hand, was going nuts in her mind even though she didn't really understand what Madara meant her heart was going crazy and her instincts were screaming

Yōumêi ' I have to follow him no matter what ' she was determined to follow him

Zhuqing " how's that possible "

Madara " simple you two have to control your spirit power to use it but for me I simply let it flow for example both of you release you rings "

The girls did as Madara said and they both released their spirit rings

*woosh* two rings appeared both of which are yellow but that wasn't the point with their rings released their auras started getting stronger

Madara " this is what I meant your power isn't flowing naturally watch".

Madara summoned his gunbai and its spirit rings.

Zhuqing " h-how js this possible you're the same age as us right "

Yōumêi " t-t-this is a lot scarier than before "

What the girls were scared of was not that Madara's aura disappeared but from the color of the 2 spirit rings they were both PURPLE rings.

PURPLE Rings - A spirit beast that has lived for 1000+ years optimal for a person's third spirit ring.

Zhuqing ' this is common sense but he has 2 PURPLE rings that suggest that his first ring was PURPLE how could such a monster exist '

Zhuqing was correct normally a PURPLE was meant to be a third spirit ring but with his jade realm Madara broke common sense he truly was a monster

Madara not caring continued

Madara " tell me do you see the difference "

Zhuqing " can we talk about your rings first why are they both PURPLE? "

Madara " because they are is there a problem? "

Zhuqing almost passed out at his answer and question

Zhuqing' what do you mean is there a problem there's a huge one '

Madara " it doesn't matter what age my rings are because even if I explained why it would accomplish nothing would telling you increase your strength? no, it wouldn't now enough tell me what the difference is.

Zhuqing didn't know what to do and he was right knowing the truth would do nothing for her strength so with no other choice she moved on. While they Madara and Zhuqing were having their chat Yōumêi was standing there frozen not even paying attention she was too lost in her thoughts

5 minutes of silence later

Zhuqing " why can't I sense your rings? I can see them but I can't sense them "

Yōumêi " that's right I can't sense them but I can feel them "

Madara " good so you both finally noticed it's because I let them out without intent "

Yōumêi " what do you mean explain "

Madara signed " what I mean is that when people release their spirit rings they have an intent which in turn makes the rings release spirit pressure".

Zhuqing head hurt by what Madara was saying as he easily explained why spirit pressure is released when someone summons their spirit rings.

Zhuqing ' he did again is this what a true genius looks like than the ones I saw before were nothing but trash ' these were her thoughts

Unfortunately for her, it wasn't just Madara who was a genius, yes Madara came up with the technique but the person who figured out how spirit pressure and spirit rings worked was mostly thanks to Sasaki, unfortunately, that's a story for another time.

Madara " Now then for the reason you can't sense mine is because I had no intention's think of it like this when both of you summoned your rings you had the intentions to show me. As for me I simply let my rings flow out ".

The girls had blank faces

Madara saw the faces of the girls and sighed the only reason why he was explaining was that he wanted all his teammates to learn this he wanted them to control their intentions and learn to master them he already had this talk with Sasaki and Arata and they were at least a little better Madara realized this was gonna take some time.

Madara ' what a nuisance '