
Chapter 20 New Name

(A/N: Hello everyone DaoSon here I just wanna celebrate the fact that we passed 200k I meant to put his into the previous chapter but I wanted it to be on this one I wanna say thank you to everyone who's been following the story and I hope you continue to Thank you 👍👍👍👍👍😁)

With only 1 week left for the big auction, Madara and the team's training has been going smoothly, Sasaki and Arata's fitness training has gone from stamina and ability training to pure ability training.

For YƍumĂȘi and Zhuqing after three months of beatings, he gave them a free month to cultivate or train by themselves, or if they wanted they could fight him more one chose to fight while the other chose to cultivate you can guess who.

Madara " hah it's been 3 weeks you realize you'll be left behind in sprit rank the whole 3 months you only reached rank 13 YƍumĂȘi "

YƍumĂȘi was on her back gasping for air that's right the one who chose to fight was YƍumĂȘi no surprise there and what Madara said was true she's been so obsessed with fighting him she's neglected to cultivate.

YƍumĂȘi " not y-yet "

She said well trying to slowly stand up

Madara sighed " why don't you stop stalling and tell me what you want "

YƍumĂȘi " hehe so you noticed "

Madara " it would be strange if I didn't "

YƍumĂȘi closed her eyes and started to gather resolve

YƍumĂȘi ' you got this no you need this for you and JiāngĂč what's the worse that can happen '

She took one last deep breath then stood up and walked towards Madara.

Madara " hm "

Madara watched YƍumĂȘi stop a few feet away from him and was surprised when she went down on one knee

YƍumĂȘi " please allow me to join your clan and carry the Uchiha name, "

She asked with respect and a lot of desire

Madara laughed " sorry I'm not laughing at you I was just surprised now than "

Madara sat down crisscross he closed his eyes and a second later he opened them with the Sharingan activated

Madara " Sit "

YƍumĂȘi sat down

Madara " so this is the reason you refuse to stop fighting me "

YƍumĂȘi " hehe I just couldn't figure out how to ask "

Madara " I see well then let's begin first stare into my eyes and answer my questions understand? "

YƍumĂȘi " Yes "

Madara " good first why? "

YƍumĂȘi " Because my instincts are screaming at me to follow you! every time I see or feel your power I get excited! that's why I haven't felt like this to anyone else "

Madara " intriguing next do you believe you have the power to carry the Uchiha name "

YƍumĂȘi " no not yet but I will that's a pact I have made to myself to become strong enough to carry the name unhindered "

To be honest, Madara had no reason to do this as he already knew the siblings were strong and loyal. But what type of clan leader just lets people carry their name none Madara has to establish that his name is not to be taken lightly.

Madara " hm let me tell you the three values of the Uchiha Life, War, and Peace these are the values I live by. Now tell me does the flame of life, war, and peace burn within you "

YƍumĂȘi answered immediately.

YƍumĂȘi " Yes I yearn to as I live for war while I fight for peace," she said with her very being

Madara stared into her eyes with his Sharingan and saw no fear no lies only respect and determination. Which caused him to smile.

Madara " As Lord and Leader of the Uchiha Clan I welcome you to the Uchiha clan and I grant you the new name of Uchiha no longer are you just YƍumĂȘi you are now YƍumĂȘi Uchiha do you accept "

YƍumĂȘi bowed " I accept the Uchiha name "

Madara " Then I also grant you the title of warrior you will live for the Uchiha and go to war for the Uchiha and you will fight for peace for the Uchiha. And you will not allow any disrespect to our name do you accept "

YƍumĂȘi " I accept the title of warrior Lord Madara "

Madara " good you may rise "

And on this day the first Uchiha was named the first of many and that the name of YƍumĂȘi Uchiha would come to be feared by all as the Uchiha's strongest warrior but that's a story for another time.

YƍumĂȘi couldn't hold it anymore and busted with joy

YƍumĂȘi " I did it!! I became an Uchiha finally after three months of waiting! "

Madara sighed " did you even tell your brother you were going to do this "

YƍumĂȘi " hmm," she said with a grin

Madara "I thought so haa nevermind let me remind you that you now carry my name do not disappoint me now go cultivate "

YƍumĂȘi " yes my lord " she bowed again

Madara " don't do that and don't add lord were still teammates and friends no need to be so formal "

YƍumĂȘi " mmkay "

Madara sighed again while flashing away YƍumĂȘi watched then headed towards the other girls to show off.

5 minutes later Madara arrives at Silvers location

Silver " brat what are you doing here "

Madara " tired "

Silver " haha that's the first tell me what could make you tired "

Madara "I now have a clanmate "

Silver " I see so YƍumĂȘi finally asked took her long enough"

Madara " yes it was a very tiring process "

Silver " so do you still plan on asking that girl you said she was quite interesting "

Madara " I do she was very unique her emotions were like an open book I could sense no darkness in her heart it was extremely pure and she's quite smart in certain subjects "

Silver " well good luck and be prepared we leave-in two days for the town "

Madara nodded and went to his sleeping spot. But in another location Suotuo city to be exact a certain girl could be seen

Girl " achoo ah someone must be talking about how great I am hehe "

Was this the girl Madara was talking about well we"ll just have to wait and find out won't we.

Next chapter