
double chaos: SILVER

My name is silver, pretty weird name right well my life is quite a peaceful one ( do not believe me) and complicated ,my mom left me at a very early age , well I don't blame her she did it to protect me now all I have to do is to train to become stronger than anyone I could ever imagine, plonder the heavens and make the world go on its knees for me  I know I can't do it alone that's why I tagged along a few of my friends; Leo and Xander don't be deceived by their looks they are two heck of a monster and together we shall grow and defy the heavens.

immortal_dragon · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

chapter 6 : learn refining

a hard knock came to the door while the duo where talking and when it opened, a boy was behind it holding a box which he thought contained a large amount of black sand metal which was part of the things he ordered" here is what you ordered for" the boy said in an angry tone seeing the duo together , silver on his own part only shrugged not minding his attitude

 He turned to look at Alexa who had a" no as an answer" expression" don't even think of telling me to refine it for you, the least I could do for you is to teach you how to refine" Alexa said knowing him very well and that he was going ask her to help him do it,  shaking her head telling him a straight no which was her answer being fed up with his weak character and also his unnoticed increase in strength " please just help me" silver pleaded continuously but she still refused and after a while she only agreed to refine the metal on the account of him learning how to refine and he had no other choice but to go

Alexa first lead to the schools library where books on refining were kept and and they began to go through, looking for the best method of refining for him to learn, but most of them were difficult for silver,"they had no other option but to settle down with the training method used by Alexa and it known" heaven hand's" refining method. When silver began to study it he noticed that the method the hammering style used was co-ordinate the whole body in a manner in which it can an use explosive force in the hand without hurting the body and also at the same time tampering the body increasing the physical prowess but the problem was that it was extremely painful from the start and also slow and to attain it real ability,one would have to continue practicing it 

Alexa later took him to the refining section of the Academy which had a lot of furnace that released a tragic amount of heat that caused him to sweat almost as soon he entered " this place sure is hot as hell " silver said looking around trying to remain stable amidst the scorching heat " if you think this place is hot , then you are gonna be up for an unexpected one " Alexa replied causing his brain to go numb , looked at her with a scared expression not knowing what to say, he felt scared even hearing that it was a low temperature at that time meant the temperature always rose higher than he was currently suffering

"Hey quit dozing off and follow me" Alexa shouted forcing silver back to reality, " well, it's my luck" silver said in a low tone and a painful smile following Alexa 

Silver and Alexa arrived at her favorite furnace which was already per-heated before she got there with a few hammer's on her table each ranging from different weight ," try this one" Alexa said tossing a hammer to to silver who tried to hold it but it forced him to the ground , creating a loud sound which was loud enough to draw the attention of everyone present including teacher's. "good gracious, why me ?" Silver asked In an low tone trying his best to raise it off the ground, he wouldn't want to use his essence to increase his strength, the way Lola had taught him because nobody knew about him awakening and that made him even more angry , having something yet he couldn't use it

" if it isn't the lazy boy silver, what brings you to the refining room? or did you come here to give us a funny time?" A familiar voice asked and that Increased his anger . Jason Birok is known as the fourth best student in the school and one Alexa admirers who picked on silver with every opportunity he gets and he tries to do it to the fullest.

" Mind your business, you were working before I came in so you won't die if you shut up" Silver replied, giving up on the hammer squatting and trying to figure out what he was going to do and not minding Jason'' and what if I don't, what can you do?" Jason asked already surprised at his reply because he hardly said anything " nothing, just watch you make a fool out of yourself" silver replied in an " I don't care" manner which infuriated him and made everyone laugh at Jason who was  now in front of silver who still didn't mind reliving his sweet moment, he hadn't burned him before and made him look stupid In Front of many people

" Just go back to your work" Alexa shouted, already fed up with Jason's words, she also enjoyed what silver did to him and Jason had no other option but to comply as that is what will save him from a good beating since she was way stronger than him ." Isn't there a lighter one "silver asked looking at Alexa who was looking at her list of hammer's to find the suitable one for him and it didn't take her long before she found one which she gave to silver which although was heavy but was better than the first one" this is much better" silver said with a smile getting into the hammering stance which was very wrong in Alexa's eyes " just watch and learn" Alexa said stopping silver before picking up another hammer on the ground and getting into the the hammering stance , her aura changed almost immediately carrying a more tense and dangerous one

She moved her left leg back a little, raising her right hand up while golden essence began to gather around her body before moving her hand in an almost instant speed hitting the hot metal releasing a reverberating sound and wave that pushed him back many times, each strike carried a lot of power causing it to reduce in , and her waist swayed as she continued to move her body in a flexible manner