
double chaos: SILVER

My name is silver, pretty weird name right well my life is quite a peaceful one ( do not believe me) and complicated ,my mom left me at a very early age , well I don't blame her she did it to protect me now all I have to do is to train to become stronger than anyone I could ever imagine, plonder the heavens and make the world go on its knees for me  I know I can't do it alone that's why I tagged along a few of my friends; Leo and Xander don't be deceived by their looks they are two heck of a monster and together we shall grow and defy the heavens.

immortal_dragon · Fantasy
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20 Chs

chapter 7: final awakening

By the time she was done,the rough looking metal was reduced to a smaller piece with a shinier appearance which gave out a more reflective glow 

" See , it's not that hard'' Alexa said looking at silver who was awestruck with his jaws down surprised with her show of strength and skill, she brought out another piece of metal from the furnace placing it on the refining table for silver who now got into a proper stance" let every part of your body be in sync with your hammer and legs fixed to the ground" Alexa said holding his hand and shifting his leg , she was practically pressing her body against his making him blush a little which he hadn't done in a long while , many of the people present weren't so surprised , only a few were surprised and Jason seemed to be one of them , having a heavy heart crush literally crushing a piece of metal that was close to him . " Let your conciseness flow through your body" Alexa said moving away before silver closed his eyes taking a deep breath and feeling the hammer getting ready to make his move, he began moving his hand beating the metal like Alexa thought him


" If I live like this I wouldn't last long" silver complained as he got home throwing his backpack on his bed ,he had a stressful day learning to refine and worse still he only learned only to remove at least half, with his progress it would only be a matter of time before he mastered it fully. " silver are you home yet" Lola's voice sounded and it seemed to be coming from the kitchen" yeah, I'm back" silver replied walking to meet her in the kitchen where she was cooking up something that there were going to have for dinner .

" So how was your day? you look stressed out"Lola asked noticing how tired he looked," painful, tiring and heretic" silver replied rubbing his aching shoulder " can I know what happened?" Lola asked " well Alexa forced to start practicing refining of metal now I feel as if I've being beaten hard" silver explained while Lola laughed knowing how close the two were " well she cared about you and at least be grateful" Lola scolded hearing his complaint silver wanted to defend himself but Lola didn't let him "I think that girl likes you" Lola said looking at silver whose eyes were somewhere else maybe trying to avoid his aunt's eyes

Silver actually liked Alexa but was afraid of telling due to the fear of losing his life because of the amount of admirers she had was something he didn't want to mess with so staying friends with her would be just fine , " I don't know" silver replied " you know keeping the truth away from her would only mean someone else will come to have your cake In Front of you" Lola advised but silver refused to bulge " it's better to let someone have the cake than eat it and lose my life, no way " silver replied shaking his head but his aunt knew him better than he knew himself  


Silver could be seen sitting in a bathtub filled with a light green liquid which was a medicinal mixture made by Lola who claimed it would purify him, " close your eyes and do as I told you" Lola instructed before and he closed his eyes absorbing the essence In the water, entering into his void where he noticed three giant balls which were the three power source Lola helped him seal , she wouldn't have been able to seal if there weren't weak at the time when he unsealed it but silver didn't believe him , he began to gather the essence around the purple essence which began to absorb it greedily at an alarming rate but silver didn't flinch instead used part of the essence to draw rune symbols around the purple essence which according to Lola would prevent it from becoming unstable and his other essence disturbing it when they finally awaken 

The rune  consist of twenty symbol which would surround the essence ball creating a strong boundary which would still allow him to use the ability retained within it, it would have taken him at least two months to do so but Lola created a shortcut, placing the advanced knowledge of drawing the rune's so he would only to worry about the essence to draw it and the elixir Lola gave maybe enough

He began to draw  the rune , while also slowly reducing the amount of essence the sealed ability absorb, he choose it because it was the weakest amongst the the three it wouldn't take time to tame  and unseal , he continued this way for a long time before managing to draw out the complete rune symbols" not that I'm done with this hurdle, time to go to the next" silver thought with a smile increasing the flow of essence into the purple essence ball while using the unsealing method to open the seal , cracks begin to show over time and grow continuously before breaking up , releasing the ability essence which tried to leave but the rune boundary didn't let it go through containing the energy

Silver continued to guide the flow until it began to materialize into a glass like material with the shape of a honeycomb, just then he felt a sudden surge of energy which began to flow into his void at a rate which he didn't expect. at that Instant his void began to go through a tremendous amount of change from a void filled with nothing to one filled with star's, a strange structure then formed inside the boundary housing the mirror, with time it began to take proper form which was huge tree with a wide base and thick branches having white leaves and flowers

Silver managed to get close to the tree which had a lot ancient looking symbols which was ancient like in appearance and he couldn't gasps the meaning of it , " ok time to leave" silver said with a calm smile already finished with the reason he got into the void space 


I'm changing the type of seals for elven; they only have spirit, arcane and chaos type of origin while humans possess all of them

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