

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 34

Zion's Pov

9:45 PM

We got out of the bus and start walking inside the forest following Zeiden because he was searching for a place to build our tents to rest.

After minutes of walking he found us a suitable place that is covered with tress branches from above and our tents is going to be in the middle of it. We start taking off our bags. I groaned stretching my back in pain. I looked at the guys and found them throwing their tents on the floor and starting to build them and girls were trying to. After a while we finished bullying the third tent while the girls groaned and whined

"You guys are gonna build our tents right?" Luna said huffing

"And what are you gonna do? Watch us" I said gritting on my teeth

"We're gonna lit a fire" Starr said looking at the floor collecting some sticks

"C'mon Issac" Corbyn said patting his back to build the other two tents that belonged to the quadruplets. As we finished the tents We turned around rubbing our hands together to push the dust out of them, we turned around and saw that the fire was already set and the girls gathered around it.

"H-How did you do it that fast?" Klaus asked in shocked tone. He was as shocked as all of us

"Magic" River said in a singing tone

"Now let's eat we're all for sure are starving" She said turning on the electric stove taking out the bacon and eggs and sausage from the ice box. We all sat down in a circle trying to warm up our bodies waiting for girls to make us food.

"What is our next move Zeiden?" Xavier asked

"We got to let the girls translate the map again" He said making Xavier nod He walked to the girls

"Translate the map again we need it" Xavier said pointing at the book

"But the food?" Luna said looking up at him with a frown. Xavier leaned down to turn off the stove

"We need it" He repeated. The girls stood up huffing. Starr got a hold of her bag and six candles setting them around the book, They held hands and took a deep breath

"Merabas Hic Libatal, Confremun Signas. Omus Quisa Tentum Exalis, Merabas Hic Libatal. Confremun Signas. Omus Quisa Tentum Exalis" The said it out loud and repeated it again

"Merabas Hic Libatal, Confremun Signas. Omus Quisa Tentum Exalis, Merabas Hic Libatal. Confremun Signas. Omus Quisa Tentum Exalis." This time they said loudly just like the other time and the fire of the candles increased suddenly

"Dissera portus" They whispered five times

"Guys get ready for the killing pain it will hit any moment now" Issac whispered making us all get ready mentally

"No mentre la prophecie que la veo le otra ve" Luna screamed and candles and the fire went off

"No mentre la prophecie que la veo le otra ve" They screamed together at the same time and the wind start blowing harder

"Merabas Hic Libatal, Confremun Signas. Omus Quisa Tentum Exalis, Merabas Hic Libatal. Confremun Signas. Omus Quisa Tentum Exalis." After that Xavier followed by Corbyn falling down on their knees screaming in pain then me and Issac followed them holding our heads. The pain was unbearable just like the last time after seconds feeling like hours the pain stopped.

"Incendia" luna said to lit up the candles but something about her voice brought pain to my ears

"Are you guys ok?" Celeste said and went to help Corbyn to stand up

I tried to stand up but fell down again, I couldn't balance myself, the pain this time was much stronger, I'm breathing heavily and it's not bringing comfort it's just making it worse

"Zion! Do you need help"Luna said offering me a hand while her voice sent nerves of pain in me

My gaze fell on her hand, all I saw was black and my pupil got wider, I couldn't help the urge and pulled her under me chocking her tiny neck while groaning making the air filled with gasps. Her different colored eyes widened at me and tried to take my hands off of her. I wanted to stop but I just couldn't

"Zion" Xavier shouted taking a grip of my shoulders throwing me away from her. Making Corbyn and Issac wrapping their hands around my arms and Klaus putting his hands on my chest pushing me back. Xavier helped Luna to stand and all her sisters ran towards her. Xavier walked towards me pushing Klaus away and punched me making my head turn to the other side

After that punch I stopped fighting and felt my brain came to it senses and felt my body relaxed. I turned my gaze to Xavier who was glaring at me.

"What the fuck was that?" He groaned pointing back at Luna who was still in shock

"I don't know what happened to me" I hissed snatching my arms out of Corbyn and Issac grips

"Something came towards me I felt my brain shut and everything went out of my control" I said looking at Xavier straight in the eye

"I knew punching would make you come back to your senses" He said still keeping a straight face

"It really did" I said rubbing my left cheek

"I apologize for that" He said his lip twitching up in a smile. He turned around checking on Luna for a second then turned his gaze to me again

"It's okay I deserve it" I said giving him a man hug. I turned around to Luna who was sitting with Starr while River and Celeste were making the food with a tired look on their face. I walked to Luna which made her flinch suddenly

"I'm not gonna hurt you believe me all of this were out of control... sorry" I said feeling uneasy and uncomfortable

"It's okay" She said smiling kindly. I nodded turning around going to the guys who was holding the plan

"As we see in the map the cottage supposed to be here" He said pointing at it in the map "So we're gonna head north tomorrow at 9:00 AM in the morning" He said making us nod

"The food is ready" River said serving us our plates


"Dude go smoke it away" Issac said throwing the pillow at me

"Just smoke one with me" I said offering him one

"No...leave the tent" He whisper yelled

"I'm scared of getting lost" I chuckled

"Zion please leave I really need sleep" He said begging me

"Okay..Good night" I said getting out of the tent taking a puff from the cigarette. As I was walking looking at the forest admiring it, taking a puff every now and then and thinking about everything happened from last month till now. I felt my leg step on nothing before reacting fast I fell in a fucking hole on my knees. I hissed in pain as I stond up rubbing my knees. I looked up to see the distance between me and the surface and no I can't go up there on my own

"Help" I yelled trying to climb out of it but failed miserably

"HELP" I shouted "I hate my life right now so much" I mumbled to myself

"GUYS HELP ME" I shouted again. I tried to climb again but fell on my knees again

"GUYS" I cupped my hands around my lips to call for help. After I don't know how of me just close to panicking

"Zion?" I heard a a familiar female voice

"IN HERE" I shouted feeling hope in my heart. In seconds of me still looking up I start hearing feet tapping on the dead leaves. River face appeared suddenly with a smile on her face

"What brings you here?" She asked trying to hide her laughs

"How did you even know that I'm in here?" I asked her back

"I was going for a walk and my witch brain felt you telling me the poor Zion is crying and needs some help" She said laughing

"Just get me out of here" I said raising my hand up

"Oh do you need help...I can't believe I would live to the moment to see you beg for help" She said putting her hand on her lips laughing

"You're fucking immortal idiot" I said starting to get annoyed

"Whatever" She said bending down giving me her hand as I raised my hand to grab it she snatched her hand back giggling

"I swear to God you're gonna regret it" I growled

"I swear to God" She mocked me

"River what are you doing here?" Klaus's deep voice appeared suddenly filling the air

"Klaus I'm stuck in here. Help" I said in a rush

"What are you doing in here?" He asked bending down giving me his hand and River did the same by giving me her hand while huffing

"I fell" I said while holding his hand and with my other hand I grabbed River's hand and they immediately pulled me up and I was helping them by pushing this hole wall.

I let out a breath in relief and glared at River who's looking at me with an innocent look making me shaking my head in annoyance

"Why are you out here anyways?" I said turning my head to Klaus

"Um I-I was going for a walk" He said making me narrowed at him suspiciously for a second at him stuttering and his nervousness

"Okay...Thank you by the way" I said in appreciation
