

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 33

Celeste's pov

It's been 5 hours, I have been sitting doing literally nothing I tried to sleep but I couldn't, Luna is Listening to some music, River is asleep, Xavier and Zion are having a drink at that fancy bar while Issac is talking with Starr about some medical stuff Corbyn was asleep too, Corbyn has been ignoring me lately and I don't know why, he stares at me, he sometimes smiles at me but he doesn't talk to me like before I don't know why and I didn't bother to ask because of the tragedies that has been happening

"What are you listening to?" I asked Luna

"An audiobook, do you want to listen with me?"she asked but I shock my head while smiling

"I will go to the toilet" I said and headed inside leaving them searching for the toilet

I stopped the air hostess "Excuse me where is the toilet?"

"Walk straight then left" She smiled and I followed her directions

As I held the knob I felt a strong push on my back pushing me inside "Who i-"

I turned around "Shhh" He put his fingers on my lips

"Corbyn?" I whispered "What are you doing?"

"I missed you" He whispered smiling down at me

"Oh really so you didn't talk to me for how long? Weeks"I rolled my eyes trying to move back to create some distance as I'm literally feeling his warm breath on my cheek

"I was protecting you from Xavier" He played with my hair


"Can we talk about that later love, I wanna take an advantage of this moment" He came closer to me and pressed his lips into my neck slowly and I widened my eyes  shivering in shook. I felt electricity all over my body and butterflies in my stomach, He planted soft kisses going upward to my lips then I couldn't help but gave in and kissed him back fisting  his t-shirt and felt like his lips puzzled into mine perfectly robbing the oxygen from my lungs he moved his hand to my lower back, I immediately arched my back from the his sudden action feeling like my body is on fire and suddenly there were a knock on the door saying

"Hey Romeo, Xavier is looking for you" Issac knocked on the door and I flinched

"Coming" Corbyn said so fast but quite

He fixed my hair "I really wanted to have our first kiss somewhere more comfortable but I honestly don't care" He kissed my forehead fast and got out

"There's lipstick in the corner of your mouth" I heard Issac making fun of corbyn

When he left i let out a breath that I didn't notice i was holding in "Oh my god" I looked at myself at the mirror, i fixed my appearance, got out and sat back next to luna

"You took too long" She said

"Uh sorry" I felt my cheeks burn but looked away, I took my phone and put the headphones on to avoid any conversations

My eyes met Corbyn's , I blushed and shut my eyes drifting to sleep.


Someone woke me up and I don't remember who, i looked at the clock it's 2:00 AM here in Morocco

We landed, got that boring stuff at the airport done then we waited for our tour guide

"What is his name?" Issac asked

"Zeiden" Xavier said as we went down an electric stairs

"Here he is" Xavier pointed at a very good looking guy, he seems like he is in his late twenties, bronze skin, light brown eyes, tall figure and wavy hair.

"How are you all, hope you had a comfortable flight" He said with an accent that is really cute

"Fine" River smiled

"The car is waiting for us, outside shall we go?" He asked and we nodded then headed outside, the weather was so different like the humidity is much higher i guess, but we got into the car, the ride took about fifteen minutes, the driver pulled over in front of a very luxurious hotel, I kinda smiled at the sight of it, I love traveling..like i always do with my sisters, but this time it's different, i'm not worrying about memories, house, new job, new library, moving packs and leaving beloved ones.

"Welcome sir, hope you have a nice experience" The porter said smiling widely

"I'm already loving this place" River leaned and said

"I know right".

They took our luggage to OUR SWEET, Xavier booked a freaking sweet.

Because we were so tired we silently went to bed every two took a room, i'm sleeping with luna, she drifted to sleep and i showered quickly and slid under the soft covers and scanned the room with my eyes in love with the decorations that has the Moroccan culture taste to it then i noticed that there is an extra door in here "Maybe it's a common door with another room" I mumbled to myself while closing my lids, i was about to drift to sleep but failed when i found fingers around my wrist, I flashed my eyes open, It's corbyn

"Corbyn, are you out of your mind" I whispered as quiet as i can

"Come with me" He pulled me

"I want to sleep" I whined whispering

"We are gonna sleep" He whispered with the most inconvenient way ever, then i felt luna walking up "Go, go" I whispered pushing him to that common door, i got into his single room and he closed the door

I crossed my hand "Ha! What do you want!" I raised an eyebrow

He came closer "I will tell you" He said slowly still coming closer then he pushed me at the door like he is hunting a prey "Corbyn" I giggled nervously trying to push his chest away

"Celeste" He smirked down at me

"Can't we just sleep and relax because we were freaking traveling for 12 hours, aren't you tired" I said still trying to escape

"Yes i'm very tired" He looked at every part of my face as he said this

"But i need you more than sleep" He added as he caressed my cheeks "Coryb-" he cut me as he pressed his lips into mine softly dissolving the tiredness of the day as my mind concentrated on him instead of my tried back, He broke the kiss and lead me to the bed



"Good morning " I opened my eyes and saw Corbyn looking down at me with happy eyes and a gentle smile. I felt a smile on my face as I nuzzled my face in his warm chest

"Morning" I whispered feeling him playing with my hair

"Did you sleep well?" He asked me. I looked up nodding at him still having a smile on my face

"And you?" I shyly whispered

"Perfect" He said. I turned around getting up covering myself with the covers

"Where are you going?" He asked

"To shower" I stand up wrapping the covers around my body already feeling his eyes on me. He stood up too walking to me, towering me with his height

"What are you doing?" I asked

"I think we should shower together you know to save some water" He said smugly

"I don't think so" I said running to the bathroom throwing the covers on the floor before closing the door and locking it. I giggled when I heard him groaning. I got inside the shower closing the glass door and turned on the shower and start rubbing my hair with the shampoo. Smiling as I remembered what happened yesterday, Ignoring the part when suddenly his eyes went darker and his urge took over and was about to attack me but he fought it thankfully.

After 20 minutes I opened the glass door and stepped out of it wrapping a towel around my hair and wrapping the rope around my body. I opened the door exiting it

"I'm starv-" I stopped my words as I looked up seeing Xavier basically glaring at me and Corbyn rubbing the back of his neck

"Good morning Celeste" Xavier said in a bitter voice pitching his bottom lip glaring at the both of us

"Didn't i tell you to stay away from her!" Xavier said gradually losing it, like he's going to explode

"You what!" I asked and he looked at me

"What Cel? Do you think i want my brother to get killed because of you!" He looked at me from tip to toe

"Your talking is with me" Corbyn hissed

"I talk, talk and you never listen, so lets try and talk to our lovely Celeste" He faked a smile

He walked closer "Stay away from him, you're welcomed with us here until we find the book" He ordered

"Xavier don't get involved in my fucking life" Corbyn yelled taking my hand in his

"Do you both wanna get killed?" He yelled

"Killed by who?" I yelled feeling my throat tightened

"The fathers, you two idiots" He said and i went silent

"I can deal with that on my own" Corbyn broke the silence

"Really?" Xavier wondered in a scary way


"Ok" He rubbed his chin and suddenly he launched and pushed Corbyn to the wall with his forearm pushing on his throat, I screamed at the sight of Corbyn choking so hard

"FREE YOURSELF NOW CORBYN DO IT ON YOUR OWN, SAVE YOUR DAMN SELF AND YOUR GIRL NOW,DO IT" Xavier screamed as Corbyn face turned blue, no matter how strong Corbyn actually is he won't be stronger than his full trained strong brother

"XAVIER LEAVE HIM" I screamed holding his arm trying to let him pull him away, he left him and Corbyn fell on the floor coughing i went to him

"I understand" I whispered in a verge of tears

"I know that you are afraid of what they would do to him, but why can't i love the one i chose without any one putting rules or borders, what if i loved a hunter, what am i a criminal? Is this a sin? I loved him and he loved me so what is the problem" I cried

"Because it's our nature Celeste, it's in our genes we kill each other and thats it"

"Fuck nature that makes us killers, we aren't animals we can challenge nature if we want, but that animal behavior that you and the fathers are following is so awful" I stood up looking at Xavier who is searching for words

"I don't want to put any of us in danger, If Corbyn doesn't want this anymore i'm not gonna stop him" I wiped my tears waiting for them to speak

"I'm sorry Xavier i know that you care about me but I won't leave her"

"Do what you want, but don't come ask for help when they are after you" He left and i cried a little then felt Corbyn arms wrapped around me from behind

He kissed my neck "I love you" He whispered


"This bus will take us to Imlil which is a small village in high Atlas Mountains of Morocco, it's 1800 meters above seal level" Zeiden said as we hopped into a very cool looking bus which he said can go through the mountain roads

"Do you have all your supplies ?" Zeiden asked and we all nodded

"Wonderful Let's go, And yeah I brought some Moroccan snacks for you to try during the ride" He smiled

"Thank you" Luna smiled at him warmly
