

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 26

Harry Raftus as Noah Adams

Starr's Pov

As soon as I ran out from the club's area I started to run faster searching for any street that is far so I can calm down a bit and start thinking straight, I found a couple taking a U-turn and I immediately followed them that led to a narrow street, that looks dark and scary, to be honest, I thought that following them will lead me out but I was totally wrong when I found them literally starting making out in this stinky place I immediately hid between two huge trash cans which is awfully disgusting but I have no choice they might think I was following them and I don't want any problems.

After what felt like two minutes, I couldn't bear the smell so I took the courage to step out but after I stepped one leg out I heard plenty of foot steps running into the street so I aggressively hid back quickly that I hit my back on the wall. I peaked from the space between the two trash cans and found out that they are Xavier's guards.

"Hey you two, did you see a girl running wearing a white dress anywhere?" one of them asked the couple

"Why are you bothering us with some running chick" the boy said in a drunk tone

"Just answer the fucking question" the guard yelled holding him from his collar

"woohoo c-calm down man..no we didn't see anyone here" As he said that they left him and ran deeper into the street

As they disappeared I took off my heels throwing them aside and ran as fast as I can to the main street to find any person to help me, I stood behind a tree looking at the club entrance and I found a very good looking guy asking the security about his car which after a minute a red sport car arrived and he hopped in it , I don't know how I did this but I ran and stood in the middle of the street signaling for him to stop, my heart beats race faster as the car comes closer. the light of the car started blocking my view till I heard the aggressive sound of the breaks

"Are you dumb" he shouted as he rolls the window down

I ran to the window and start panicking "Please help me help me they're looking for me please I'm begging please" I said very fast as I'm trying to open the door but as expectedly, he has the lock on

"Who are looking for you?"

"Please I don't have time I promise I will tell you everything but just let me in" I cried making a deep eye contact with his blue ones and surprisingly I heard the sound of the lock

"Get in" he said preparing the engine and me with the speed of the flash got in and fastened the belt

He drove so fast while I'm looking at the club from the mirror feeling relieved as we go far then after 10 minutes we took the highway then he pulled over

"Why did you stop?"

"I need to know everything now, can't you see I'm letting a complete stranger in my car for no reason" he raised his eyebrows which made his eye color appear more

"Um yes you're right" I nodded

"there are..um what should I call them... a gang they kidnapped me and my sisters and they took us today to the club for an unknown reason and I escaped" I said shivering from cold

"The fuck?" he widened his eyes "For how long have you been kidnapped?" He ran his fingers through his hair

"More than 2 weeks"

"Who are these assholes? and why did they kidnap you"

"I really don't know what is their purpose, but if they took us today to a night club..i-i guess it's-

"Prostitution " he cut off my lying

I breathed "Yes"

"So what are you up to?" He asked looking at me like I'm a baby screaming and he doesn't know what to do with it

"I have to go to any police station"

"Umm" He took a peak on his phone "I suggest going tomorrow because for sure they will search for you near any police station so I guess tomorrow morning will be better" He said and I looked at him not knowing what to say, honestly I'm kinda scared of him I don't know what is the right thing to do

"If you don't want to it's o-

"It's not that I have something else to do...it's just I don't know where to stay!!" I said and he didn't answer me instead he started the engine

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Don't worry i will solve it" He said and i nodded not denying that i'm dead scared, what if he is a hunter!

We kept driving into main and narrow streets till we arrived to a public area that is filled with all kind of shops and restaurants.

He pulled over "Then" He looked at me "What is your name?" He asked with a sarcastic tone

I chuckled " Starr"

"I'm Noah nice to meet you too" He said and I giggled at his sudden change "Now Starr get out of the car" He got out and i followed him

"To where" I said closing the door

"I guess sleeping in a dress like that won't be cute right?" He raised his eyebrows

"You really don't have to, I just want any place to stay at till the morning and i-

"Shhh" He cut me off "We're gonna buy it anyway so save the talk" He added getting in the store but i took a grip of his forearm "Why?..why are you trusting me like this" I left his forearm "I'm sorry but it's creeping me" I looked down at my bare feet

"Consider it as payback for making my night interesting"

"What?" I asked in confusion

"Stop asking questions and choose one" He pointed at the pjs section, I started looking between them

And chose one that is a white t-shirt that has a big pineapple in the middle and skinny pants that is the same color as the pineapple

"Here this one" I showed it to him

"Oh nice..i thought you're gonna choose one of those" I looked to where he was pointing at the babydoll section

I took two steps back looking horrified "I think i should go"

"Hey hey" He giggled stopping me "I was just kidding to see that specific reaction, i swear I don't have any bad intentions"

"Don't scare me like this again, my emotions are allover the place right now" I chuckled whipping a tear that was sliding down my cheek

"Alright i apologize"

He looked down at my feet " I think you need a sneakers or something" He said searching for one

"Here" I said snatching a flat shoe from an iron basket

"Amazing lets check out"


"Thank you so much" I said wearing my flats and hooped in the car

"Thank me when we get your sisters back" He said starting the engine


He pulled over out side a very luxurious hotel "Come on, Get out" He hopped out

"Wait, i don't have an ID" I yelled running after him

"You don't need one when you are with the owner" He yelled back as every security is saluting him

"What? the owner?" I mumbled smiling to myself

He booked two rooms, he said he will stay in a room next to mine so he can make sure i'm ok. He stopped at a door then slid the key and red color turned into green making a cute pip sound

"Sleep tight, if you need anything i'm your neighbor for the night" I smiled nodding at how sweet he is

"Noah thank you so much, I don't what would have happened to me if I didn't stop your car" I said

"That car scene was horrific" He rolled his eyes and I chuckled

"Good night" I said and got in taking a deep breath to calm down and the view of the luxurious room made me feel a ten times luckier, I wonder what is happening with my sisters

I got in the bathroom took the quickest shower ever because i can't stand on my own feet no more, changed into the pineapple pj then threw myself on the silky bed but immediately guilt filled my heart while admiring the bed wondering what is happening with my sisters what if they caught them? Tutoring them? I wonder what Xavier would do if he caught me!!

I closed my eyes covering my body with the soft blanket trying my best to drift to sleep but my thought are screaming in my head "UGH" I yelled sitting up "Why can't i sleep even though i'm exhausted" I whined

I walked to the balcony, slid the door and got in

"Wow" I mumbled at how the balcony is so vintage looking with a modern touch  i can see all the balconies next to me, I sat on the chair staring at the view, A huge tree with white flowers caught my attention..it reminded me of dad he used to sing to me under a tree like this which was next to our house when i cry..I literally can her his voice in my ear

I hummed " I'm as restless as a willow in a windstorm..I'm as jumpy as a puppet on a string..I'd say that I had spring fever..But I know it isn't spring" I sang tears blurring my view

"I-i know. It. Isn't. Spring.." I finished tears rolling down my cheeks

"Your voice is soft but don't cry next time you ruined it" I jumped in my place letting out a small scream, I looked at my left to find Noah in the balcony leaning while looking at me

"You scared me so bad" I cried

"Why are you crying more?" He laughed "I feel like i'm talking to a toddler" he continued

I chuckled while wiping my tears " I'm just a little sensitive"

"A little?" He opened his mouth " Excuse me miss i think you meant super sensitive" I giggled

"Why are you still up and crying miss Starr?"

"I couldn't sleep" I stood up and walked to lean on the balcony's wall that is near his

"The overthinking ha!"

"Exactly...i just wonder what is happening with my sisters"

"How many sister do you have?"

"Three..we are quadruplets "

"There are four of you!" He wondered


"There are four Starrs" He Chuckled "That could be a hotel rating" He Chuckled more

"Let me talk you funny" I stopped him " We are not identical"

"Nah, it would be more fun if you were" He said and i rolled my eyes

"Hey, i'm just kidding to make you smile" He said

"Can I ask you something!"

"Mmm go ahead"

"What did you mean by me making your night interesting...i mean you were in a club hours ago and you own a hotel"

"Yeah i got it"

"You are probably wondering a good looking guy who was in a night club and turned out to be rich have a hotel why does he bother helping right?" He asked and i nodded

"The truth is i'm a complete loner or i can easily say i chose to be lonely rather than being surrounded by fake people...liars"

"Two years ago, i was on an car ride with my Mom, Dad and my little sister on our way to have a vacation till the driver decided that we had to stop immediately because of a lack in the car...but sadly enough he couldn't control it so it fell in the woods...crashed into pieces, I lost all of my family and I lost this too" He continued then fold his pants upwards and I saw a prosthetic leg

"I'm so sorry i shouldn't have asked this i'm so annoying i know"

"The story isn't finished yet..After the accident and after i took all responsibilities of my father's money and hotels all the people around me changed including my girlfriend who left me after seeing my leg..everyone around me were here because of my money not because of me..they treated me like I'm different all because of this stupid leg, till i got them all out of my life" He finished then wiped a tear was going down his cheek with a stern face

"But I don't think that living alone is the solution" I said and he looked at me with a dark expression

"I don't think either, I know it's not the fucking solution do you know where was i going before you stop my car!"


"I was going to end it all..."

"You wanted to kill yourself?" I gasped

"Because i'm tired of being like this, pretending that i'm ok, having all that i need but not being able to enjoy it...when you stopped my car out of nowhere i took it like a sign from destiny telling me not yet"

"So thats why you told me i made your night interesting" I said

"Yes" He breathed

"You know what, now i'm ten times thankful that i took the courage and stopped you"

"Me too" He yawned "I guess we should sleep"

"Good night"


We woke up two hours ago, had breakfast and now we are heading to a police station.

He pulled over in a hidden area far from the police station "I will go alone" I said getting out


"I don't want you to get involved " I left him and as i was starting to walk towards the station I heard a familiar voice

"Starr" Luna shouted

I gasped " Luna" I ran and hugged her tightly "You escaped!"

I saw Noah getting out of the car, As i broke the hug while smiling big at my sister's face but she wasn't smiling back "What's wrong Luna?"

"I missed you Starr" I widened my eyes at the voice and immediately guards came and took Luna

I turned back aggressively "Xavier!" I walked backwards till my back hit Noah

"Who are you?" Noah asked

"Noah go now please " I whispered pushing his chest

"Is this the one who kidnapped you and your sisters?" he walked closer to Xavier

"No no he isn't " I panicked

"Yes i'm, what are you gonna do about it" Xavier fired

"We are literally next to a police station what do you expect!" Noah said holding me from my forearm pushing me behind him

Xavier nodded "Mmmm i guess you're right so let's end it here" Xavier pulled out his gun pointing it at Noah's forehead

"NO" I yelled standing in front of Noah

"Kembo po transi" I did a boundary spell around Xavier

"What did you do?" Xavier yelled trying to move out of the circle he is in but failed

"Y-you are a witch!" Noah stuttered

"Yes i'm"

"Undo it now or with a click i'll let my guards kill you two" Xavier warned

"And if i did, you will let him go and i'll go with you"

"Starr, no" Noah hissed

"I have to, i don't want you to get involved in this"

"Aven safa sa belise, de la mer" I mumbled undoing the spell

"Leave" I ordered to Noah

"Let's go" I said walking towards Xavier

"But if you are a witch how can he control you! Or is he-

"NAH YOU KNOW TOO MUCH" Xavier turned back yelling and shot Noah immediately in the forehead

"NO" I screamed running to him and keeled on the floor as his body fell aggressively

"Noah" I tapped on his cheek

"Noah don't die because of me please, NOAH" I cried

I stopped sobbing "You fucking filthy monster" I stood up as all I feel is flames of anger rising in me, I feel like every cell in my body is burning " You should die" I said looking directly in his eyes

"I will let you taste pain, it's worse than breaking every bone in your body, the feeling of each brain cell exploding inside of you" I said feeling like each single strand of my hair is growing as my feet is flying off the ground as anger rise more in me then everything went black.

"SIGALIS, INTRANSIUM, EXALIS, EXALIS, OMNAS, QUISA OPERUM,SIGALIS,INTRANSIUM, EXALIS, EXALIS. OMNABEN LIBRAS, SIGALIS, INTRANSIUM, EXALIS, EXALIS. OMNAS QUISA, OPERUM, EXALIS, EXALIS."As i screamed the spell contacting with every powerful ghost i know to go torture him, The sound of his screaming filled my ear filling me with satisfaction "MAKE HIM TASTE DEATH" I screamed feeling a strong wind that flew my hair followed by his Chocking

"STARR ENOUGH" Luna's shouts filled the air


"STARR HE'S DYING STOP" Luna screamed

"STARR" I opened my eyes to meet the sky, i fell on the ground as i was feet above it

I was so dizzy to stand up and blood was dripping from my nose, I looked at the 'Chocking to death Xavier'

"Help him he can't breath" Luna yelled

I glared at him and mumbled "Phasmatos incendere ad pulvox." He threw up blood and started coughing till he fainted.
