

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 11


Xavier's Pov

"He's not answering his phone...it's been fucking five days" I said smacking my phone on my desk

"Xavier calm down..He's fine maybe all he needs is time" Issac said

"Not for five days...He's declining all of my calls and not coming for work then his phone is shut down and now he's not available any more what the fuck is that" I said running a hand through my hair

"I'm sure he's okay" Zion said taking a sip from his water bottle

"How are you so 'sure' that he's okay Zion?" I asked loudly. Zion widened his eyes and I saw nervousness in his eyes

"What?" He said trying to act normal

"Zion...where's my brother?" I said in a warn tone

"I-I don't know what are you talking about" He started to look everywhere but not in the eyes of any of us

"Zion we're all brothers we don't hide secrets" Klaus said

"He told me not to tell anyone" Zion said throwing his head back. We all yelled 'Zion' cause we all started to get tired

"Okay Okay...well the last time I talked to him was two days ago and he told me that he booked a room in a hotel that's near from here. I don't remember it's name actually and that he was with that girl he likes in the library that she owns and that he don't know when he's coming back....that's it" He said huffing

"That girl...That girl...did you try to call him" I asked

"His phone isn't available" He said

"Something is fishy" I whispered closing my eyes

"What are we gonna do then?" Issac asked taking a sip from his beer.

"Do you know when he usually go to this cafe?" I asked Zion

"Around seven thirty I guess" He said

"Okay we are going there" I said taking my blazer from the hanger. I pressed the button that was on my desk notifying my assistant that I want her. After minutes she knocked coming in.

"Yes Mr Elvis" She said

"The four of us are gonna leave. You control everything now and if we have meetings today cancel it...Am I clear?" I said narrowing my eyes at her making her nervous in a second

"Yes sir" She said looking down on the floor. I smirked at her nervousness. I walked out of my office door, the guys are following behind me. We got inside the elevator.

"What are you planning Xavier?" Klaus said putting on his coat

"We're going to the hotel that Corbyn is staying in" I said

"What? no bro. Corbyn will be mad at me if he found out you know where he is" Zion said

"Chill all I wanna do is to make sure my little brother is okay and leave that's it" I said while Zion groaned

We got out of the elevator walking to the main door of the company. We exit the company while i'm getting out the keys to my range rover

"We're going by my car c'mon" I said and all of them started getting inside my car. Zion beside me in the passenger seat, Klaus and Issac in the back laughing about something.

"You know the hotel?" Zion asked and I nodded

"He always go there after every fucking fight...I swear he's gonna be the death of me" I said huffing starting the car

"Can't we just let him do what he wants" Klaus said and I looked at him from the rear mirror

"Klaus you don't understand it cause you're a human, a normal person. If he fell in a witch's hands without training or being ready at all, he's gonna die... and I don't want that to happen to my brother" Klaus nodded

After minutes we stopped in front of the hotel and got out of the car. We entered the hotel and walked to the receptionist.

"Good morning, sir" He said with welcoming smile

"I'm asking for Corbyn Elvis is he here?" I said. He begin typing on his computer

"Yes he is. Are you related to him?" He asked

"Yes I'm his brother"

"Well sir he left two days ago and didn't come back and he need to pay for this two days " He said

"Two days" I said in a shock and he nodded

"Can we have the key to his room?" Issac said and the man nodded getting the key and giving it to them

"Me and Zion will get his stuff" Issac said taking Zion and walking to the elevator

"I'll pay for these two days" I said getting my credit card out of my wallet and giving it to him

"Don't you by any chance know where did he go?" I asked and he shake his head while apologizing. I typed my credit card password and done. We went to my car and waited for Zion and Issac

After 15 minutes. Issac and Zion came with Corbyn's stuff I pressed the button to open the trunk for them to put Corbyn's stuff in it, they closed it and entered the car.

"I told you guys something isn't okay" I whispered

"When we got to his room we found nothing but clothes no phone and no keys too" Issac said shrugging

"Where are we going now?" Klaus said

"To the café" I said starting the engine

"It's eleven o'clock right now I don't think we will find him there" Klaus said

"They go there everyday Corbyn and this girl I don't remember her name Corbyn said it to me and I don't remember...it started with a 'C' as well. Cecil? I don't know...anyway we're gonna ask if they came today or not. That's it" I said still trying to remember her name

"Well I hope we find something" Klaus said doing something on his phone

After another couple of minutes we arrived to the cafe that I also know cause for a complete month Corbyn would talk about it everyday till the name of it is stuck in my brain.

As I opened the café door the little bell that was above it rang signaling that there's is a customer came in which was me and the guys. I walked to the cashier girl she looked at me widening her eyes then tried to act normal.

"I just want to ask some questions. Can I?" I said and she nodded

"There are always these two people that come here everyday. A man and a woman did they came today?" I said thinking about what I said feeling like it came out wrong

"I'm sorry but Today's my first day at work so I'm new here. You can ask this guy with light brown hair over their he has been working here over a year" She said smiling a little.

We walked taking a seat waiting for this guy to come over our table. Issac raised his hand signaling for him to come to our table. He came opening a new page from his note ready to take our orders. When he looked up at us all that came out of his mouth was

"Jesus Christ" He mumbled and we all chuckled

"What do you want to drink today Misters?" He said taking the pen out of his pocket

"We don't want anything I just want to ask something?" I said

"What is it?" He said narrowing his eyes not in a scary way it leans more into a funny way

"There are these woman and a man that usually come here everyday. Do you know them?" I asked hoping for a relief answer

"Can you describe anyone of them?" He said

"Well the man is tall, thin, long brown wavy hair" I said

"With green eyes and a bit of hazel in it and comes to stare at a girl he likes like a creep" He said rolling his eyes

"Yes Yes That's him" I said nodding my head

"Celeste and Corb something?" He said

"Fucking yes" I said grinning at him. Celeste that's her name. Celeste

"Yea what about them?" He said with curious eyes

"Did they come here today?" I said

"No, I don't know why. Celeste used to come here everyday for a year but she didn't come today or yesterday or the day before. It's weird maybe she got caught on something" He said shrugging

"Both of them?" He nodded

"Do you have her number?" Zion asked

"Yes...Well I used to, my phone broke yesterday and it won't open so for now...no I don't have it" He said taking his phone out of his pocket showing us the big crack in the middle of the phone.

"Do you know where she lives?" I said and he shake his head

"Celeste is a little bit mysterious and secretive but all I know that she owns a library two blocks away from here and she and Corb something, used to go there after drinking their coffee"

"Two blocks away?" He nodded

"Today's is my lucky day...four hot guys in one day Oh God" He groaned closing the note leaving us laughing at his words.

"Our next destination is the library" I said smirking standing up ready to get out of this café with the guys following me. We hopped into the car and I start driving to the library

"What kind of movie we're in, cause I'm already tired" Issac said rolling his eyes

"Shut up" I fake smiled at him.

After ANOTHER couple of minutes we finally arrived to the library we went inside it and found people reading, studying and typing on their laptops

"How can I help you?" We looked at the voice and found a pregnant woman smiling at us

"Is Celeste the owner of this library?" Klaus asked

"Yes, she is, is there any problems?" She said with frowning

"No but she used to come here with a man this last few days right?" Klaus asked again

"This kind gentleman Corbyn right?" She said

"Yeah that's him...Did anyone of them came today or yesterday...the day before?" I asked making eye contact with her

"No actually all she told me is to run and take the lead of the library for a few days and after that I didn't hear anything from her or Corbyn" She said shaking her head

"Well Can I have her number?" I asked getting my phone out of my pocket

"I'm sorry sir Can't do that...I never saw you here before and no one of you is definitely her friend...She kinda made me swear and guarantee to not give anyone her number unless she told me to" She said apologetically

"I'm Corbyn's older brother" I said strictly

"I'm sorry sir I can't do that I really am" She said

"You don't get it I can't find my brother and the last time he was with her" I hissed

"Sorry" She said shaking her head

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN BY SORRY" I yelled and everyone turned to look at me

"Xavier let's leave we don't want to make a scene" Klaus said grabbing my arm

"See you soon..." I looked at her name tag "Carla" I said smirking making her immediately holding her pregnant belly with a scared look on her face. We walked out of the library I snatched my arm out of Klaus's hand taking my phone dialing Aurora's number after seconds she answered

"Hi there" She said giggling a little

"Meet me in my office in 20 NOW" I said entering the car then ended the call

"What does that have to do with Aurora?" Zion said sitting in the passenger seat

"She's a witch" I said coldly

"What the fuck do you mean by she's a witch?" Zion asked

"She's a hybrid, her mother was a witch, her father was a human. Her mother died in her early ages so Aurora I guess took her mother's book learned and practiced from them how to be a witch and she became a book worm" I said

"How do you know this stuff?" Issac said

"Do I look like a dumbass to you?" I said pointing at myself while Issac shook his head

"That's why She's always holding a book" Zion mumbled "but it wasn't a witch book I think it was a novel or some shit like that" I didn't answer him "She put the witch book in the novel right?" He said with a bored look in his face

"Bingo" I whispered

After ANOTHER COUPLE OF MINUTES we arrived to my company we entered it then walked to the elevator waiting some seconds then walked straight to my office. The moment I sat on my office chair I let out a breath. My assistant came after me

"Yes, Mrs.Evan" I said

"I canceled all the meetings you had today and I reschedule it for you.. and The people from another companies wanted to see you today for deals and I told them to come another time" She said giving me my schedule

"Thank you Mrs.Evan you did a great job" I said looking at the schedule then back at her smiling a little

"When Aurora comes let her in" I said. She excused herself. The moment she went out the moment Aurora came in with a huge grin on her face. Her smile disappeared when she saw Zion, Klaus and Issac.

"I thought you wanted us alone" She said pouting in disappointment

"Well you thought wrong?" I said "Meeting room my friends" I said walking to the meeting room with Klaus and Issac following me while Zion took a grip of Aurora arm and pushing her towards the meeting room. He forced Aurora to take a seat on the chair. I closed the door and locked it.

I walked slowly beside her, leaned on the table, crossing my arms and looked down at her "My brother is missing" I said

"What do you want me to do about it?" She said sarcastically

"Well I really don't know...some witch stuff" I said shrugging

"W-What are y-you talking about?!" She stuttered

"She stuttered man..I'm impressed" Issac said putting his fist while laughing

I smiled looking down at her "I want to know where's my brother" I said

"I don't know where he is" She said getting up walking fast to the door but compared to me she wasn't that fast I took a grip on her forearm and forced her to sit in her place. I grabbed the chair arms And leaned slowly to her level

"Do you see that word dumb and stupid written on my forehead?" I whispered and she shook her head

"You're not a good actor are you?" I whispered again and she stayed silent

"You practiced witchcraft after your mother's death" She looked at me with widened eyes

"But guess what because of your father your not immortal....So I can kill you in a blink of an eye" I said putting my hand on her heart

"You thought you can get away with those weak lies of yours...even my untrained brother knew you were a hybrid witch" Her eyes started to water

"Please" She whispered

"I want to know where is my brother NOW" I yelled and she flinched while nodding

"We have to go to my house" She said sobbing

"Let's go then" I said taking a grip of her forearm and walked out of me office and then out of the company

"Let her sit between you and Issac" I said to Zion, because Klaus is a normal human she can escape him easily so I put her between the hunters.

After 30 minutes we arrived in front of her house we walked to it. Aurora opened the door letting us inside she walked slowly to her room and we followed. I looked around and found books scattered around in her bed but beside all of that her room seems normal.

"Before you start If you tried something on us you're gonna be killed remember three hunters on a hybrid witch" Zion said with a warning tone. She looked at me and I put my hand on my heart signaling that if she did it her heart is going to be in my hands if she did anything.

She got some candles out of her wardrobe and put it in a circle "I'll try to see him in visions...do you have anything that belongs to him...a coat? Wallet? Anything?" I furrowed my brows

"Yes wait a second..Xavier your car keys" I gave them to Klaus and he ran outside the house after seconds he came with Corbyn's coat and gave it to Aurora. Aurora went to the bathroom and bring a weird shaped bottle of oil I guess and pour it in a circle in front of every candle.

"Not a single voice" She said putting the coat in front of her, opening a witch book, putting it on the coat then sat crossed legs

"Incendia" Suddenly the candles light up. I widened my eyes in shock and looked at them and they have the same look as mine

"In this night. I call for my might. To gave a vision. To give me the sight" She repeated it couple of times until we found her scrunching her eyes. After seconds of silence her body vibrated a little in a creepy way then suddenly she gasped opening her eyes immediately

"The missing quadruplets" She mumbled

"What?" We all said

"The four missing witches "

"What does that have to do with my brother?" Aurora walked to her library panicking getting a book and opened it on certain page

"In 1962 the man who ran with his four daughters, the quadruplets and till now no one knows where they are...The historical mystery" Suddenly it clicked in my mind I remembered my mom telling me and Corbyn about them

"My brother is with them" I asked in disbelief and She nodded

"I couldn't see there face cause the spell that I used is weak the strong spells is always with the real witches the moment my mom died her book completely disappeared" She said running a hand through her hair

"Did you see anything about them?" Klaus asked

"All I saw was your brother being tied to a chair. Talking about the quadruplets they're four girls two blondes, two brunettes and one of them has two different colored eyes" She said

"Two different colored eyes" I whispered angrily

"My brother is with missing four witches...great" I said running my hand on my face

"What are we gonna do know?" Zion asked

Aurora walked to her desk getting a big map opening it above Corbyn's coat. She got to lit candles and put each on beside the map.

"You finger" She said holding a pin

"Why?" I said

"You want to know where's you brother so your finger" I gave her my thumb she used the pin to pinched my finger she pulled me towards the map and my blood dropped in the middle of the map. She closed her eyes and started the spell

"A trace of paternity clothes so dear, A lock of hair to track far or near. Find our phoebe, point the way. Track his spirit, find his today" She said opening her eyes. My blood start moving to the left then returned back in the middle and starts going in circles.

"I don't think they're in Africa" Issac said rubbing the back of his head

"That's not a good sign" she said "They probably made a spell to make their location disappear from the map" She said

"But that's not hundred percent true we can do that again in the middle of the night maybe it will work" She said looking at the map

"Why does it go in circles?" Klaus said

"When it can't find the place it goes in circles" She said snapping her fingers making the blood stops

"What If it didn't work?" Issac asked

"We either have two choices. One to find Celeste number which is difficult and track it...or track Corbyn's number" Klaus said shrugging

"I don't think we will have Celeste's number so lets go with Corbyn's" I said getting my phone out of my pockets dialing his number which is still not available

"It's now 6:30 PM let's try on 12:00 AM" Aurora said gathering her stuff and putting them away

"What should we do now?" Zion said

"Wait" I said

"I'll take a nap" Issac said getting out of the room

"I'll do that too..I'm tired" Zion said looking at Aurora "guest room? Extra bed? Anything?" Zion asked in a bored tone

"Follow me" She said and Klaus and Zion followed her

I walked out of the room looking around the house and found Issac sleeping on the couch with an open mouth. I guess I've to take a nap too. Today was a very long day. I looked around and found another long couch. I immediately threw myself on it ready to drift off to sleep.



12:00 AM

"Xavier...Xavier c'mon wake up it 12:00" I stirred in my sleep then opened my eyes and found Aurora looking at me

"It's twelve?" I mumbled in a raspy voice

"Yes wake up" I stood up getting the blanket off of me that I guess Aurora put on me and Issac

"Issac c'mon wake up" I said but he didn't move. I pushed him lightly made him stir but still didn't wake up

"I'll push you off the couch" I warned. I found him opening his left eye and closing it again

"I don't care" I said taking a grip on his shoulder and elbow and pushed him to the floor

"What the fuck man?" He shouted

"I warned you" I walked to Aurora's room and found Zion and Klaus standing their with black circles around their eyes and a tired look

"I swear, I'm gonna actually kill someone" Zion said in a raspy voice. I looked at Klaus who was holding his back with a painful look on his face

"Don't even question me about it. He made me sleep on the floor" He said

"I don't like anyone sleeping beside me and don't forget I was the one who asked for the bed first" Zion said while Klaus rolled his eyes

"Whatever" He mumbled

Aurora came with Corbyn's coat and the map and the two candles. She put Corbyn's coat in the middle with the map above it and the candle beside each side of the map.

"Incendia" The candles immediately lit up. She came up to me with the pin. I give her my other thumb, she pinched my finger while I was yawning. She pulled me towards the map and my blood dropped in the middle

"I'm tired" Issac said

"Shh..quiet" Aurora said taking a deep breath and closing her eyes "A trace of paternity clothes so dear. A lock of hair to track far and near. Find our phoebe, point the way. Track his spirit, Find his today." She opened her eyes and all of us turned to at the map. It moves to the left again then returned back to the middle and start to go in circles. All of us started to groan and curse

"Are you mentally okay?" Issac yelled talking to the blood on the map

"Track Corbyn's number Klaus" I said looking to Klaus

"Is he available yet?" He said

"I really hate Corbyn at the moment " Zion said. I dialed Corbyn's number and my eyes lit up when I hear the first rang I end up the call "He's available"

"I knew at the end, that we would track him so I brought my laptop" He said taking my car keys from my blazer pockets and going out of the house

"Thank God" I mumbled

"Thank you Aurora" Issac said looking at Aurora

"Never mind" She said looking at me then back at her stuff

We left Aurora's room and sat in the living room. Klaus came in with his laptop sat between me and Zion and Issac curled up in a ball closing his eyes sleeping.

"You can sleep. I'll wake you all up when I find it" Klaus said

Zion went to the guest room, I went to the couch that I slept on it earlier and Aurora straight to her room.


"I FUCKING FOUND IT" I wake up feeling my heart racing. I looked at the screaming voice and found Klaus typing on his laptop while grinning, from the rush I fell on the floor. Issac and I ran to Klaus sitting beside him. After us came Zion then Aurora.

Klaus pointed at the screen "Here... it's only hour and half away from Aurora's place so if we went to Xavier's house it'll be only an hour away" He explained

"Either way we have to go to my home...We have to get ready for those fucking quadruplets"
