

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 12


Celeste's pov

After the tragedy that happened hours ago, When Corbyn fainted I undid the locking spell and my sisters came running downstairs and of course the sight of me drowning in blood with a purple reddish neck wasn't satisfying to all of them especially River who immediately tied Corbyn's body to the chair again, but at least I came out alive right?

Then they took me upstairs and helped me change my clothes, wash my bloody face then luna did a healing spell that she learnt from dad which didn't work quite well in the healing process but at least it reduced the pain a lot, Now we all are sitting in the basement waiting for Corbyn to wake up.

"Do you feel better now Celeste?" Luna asked patting my shoulder

"Yea better than before" I said

"I swear to God when he wakes up I'm gonna destroy his brain cells" River grind on her teeth

"River, it's ok you don't have to, now" I said holding her hand

"What do you mean by 'its ok' He broke a freaking chair on you" She rolled her eyes

"It's not his fault, he couldn't help the urge"

"Stop defending him" She rolled her eyes

"I'm not defending him, I'm just saying what I know" I said starting to get annoyed

"And what do you know?"

"That he isn't a monster River he resisted his urge even though he was weak physically but mentally he's very strong and the evidence is that I'm here in front of you alive"

"You love him, don't you" She said making eye contact with me

"River stop it please" Starr interrupted

"Why are you all against me, I just don't like anyone of you to get hurt" She said furiously while standing and she was heading to the stairs but all of us were interrupted by a very harsh cough from Corbyn and immediately all our gazes fell on him and River ran back and stood in front of me followed by luna while me and Starr are behind, He slightly moved his head up scanning the room like he's trying to remember what happened but fast enough his sudden change in face expression made me know he remembered. We kept glancing at each other until I walked forward but River's strong grip stopped me "Corbyn..!" I said

He looked at me "It's gone...the pain is gone, I still have the feeling that I want to kill you but it doesn't hurt anymore" He said literally scanning every inch of my body with a sad expression

"Thank God" I breathed

"If you think, I'm gonna forget what you did to her then you're very wrong" River fired

"If it was my choice I wouldn't have done it" He said calmly

"But you did, so sooner or later you will pay the price"

"River" I hissed elbowing her

"Don't shush me" She walked forward towards Corbyn "You're so weak do you know that?" She said with an evil look

"Yes and I don't mind it"

"And I adore that because you're gonna regret not listening to your brother when he told you to train" She whispered

He chuckled" I like your tough personality even though you're a woman"


"Corbyn are you sure there's no pain? " Luna asked

"Yes I'm positive" He assured her

"Can you untie me now?" He asked moving in his place uncomfortably from the tight ropes

"No, I don't trust you" River said crossing her arms

"River, please enough with this we have a lot of things to worry about now" I huffed

"There is nothing more important than HAVING A FREAKING HUNTER IN A HOUSE FULL OF WITCHES ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MINDS" She yelled and suddenly Corbyn's face went dark with a terrifying expression

"YOU KNOW WHAT IF I REALLY WAS UNTIED I WOULD HAVE CRACKED YOUR HEAD BECAUSE YOU'RE SO FUCKING UNBEARABLE" He shouted at River then flinched a little like he was shock from his own words

River smirked" See! It's his nature i'm not gonna untie him end of discussion"

"Ok, ok don't untie me but in a return i want something" He said

River chuckled "And who told you I'm gonna make deals with you, so you can add your condition"

"River I said enough, What do you want Corbyn as a return?" Luna hushed River

"Leave me with Celeste I want to talk to her" He said and I was surprised because I didn't expect this at all

"Fine" Luna said and River's mouth dropped open

"This easy?"

"River meet me upstairs I want you now" Luna ordered going upstairs with Starr, then suddenly I found Corbyn screaming from pain and I turned my gaze to River and found her extremely, furiously focusing at him so I knew immediately that she is hurting his mind "RIVER STOP" As I shouted his screaming stopped "Why?" I pushed her shoulder, she ignored me and walked to him and leans towards his ear

"Did you feel this? I will make it ten times worse if you hurt her" She said and followed Luna closing the door

I huffed running my hand over my face "Sorry about that"

"I hurt you very bad right?" He said looking directly into my eyes which made me nervous

"Don't think about it" I said trying to act like I'm physically fine

"Don't act normal...look at your body, it's fucking red and purple every where" He groaned

"I didn't want to be this, to be a monster not controlling my actions, I'm so sorry Celeste"

"Me too I shouldn't have talked to you in the first place..B-but I don't know what made me do it" I said moving around in circles

"I'm so surprised you agreed to do this just to ease my pain..why?"

I pouted " I honestly don't know why I trusted you that you won't kill me"

"Earlier you asked me if I wanted to know you just because you're a witch and it was an urge, before what happened I really didn't know what I was feeling my mind was chaotic...you wanna know what is in my mind now?"

"Mhm" I mumbled while nodding

"I know what I'm about to say will creep you out a little....l've been watching you everyday in that cafe for over a month, You attracted all of me from the first day I saw you in the cafe, I stopped there by chance just to order a take away, then everything changed when I saw you sitting with your fuzzy jumper, knees up to your chest, reading that red and black book you kept reading for a week and two days, I don't know what happened to me that exact second but all I felt is 'Oh man she's different, she's attractable, I wonder what is she reading, I wonder what brought her here, I wonder if she's alone or waiting for someone, I wonder..I wondered everything' Then I brushed that thought away and went to work like usual but the next day, I found myself skipping breakfast and came to the cafe even though I don't need to, Just hoping I'd see you there and I did, That kept repeating repeatedly, everyday fighting my inner issues to collect the courage and talk to you till that day I fucked up my first impression with you" He stopped smiling a little at the thought "So I guess Celeste all of that can't be an urge and if it was I would have killed you" He added raising his head to see me and my big smile

I smiled more "How didn't I notice?"

"You were always in your own world with your book" He said

"The most hilarious thing is that you were the one who turned me to the least person I would like to be...but it's not your fault" He sighed

"But I'm not afraid of you" 

"You should have seen your face when I lost control Celeste, it's like you saw a literal monster"

"You're not" I said walking closer to him "And I'm not afraid of you because i know you won't hurt me and that you're not evil"

"But I can be"He fired

"But you can also control it" I fired back immediately going behind him, starting to untie him

"What are you doing?" He panicked

"I'm showing you that you're not what you think" I said throwing the last rope on the floor

"No" He hissed

"Yes" I said standing in front of him, He scanned me for a second, then stood up and started to walk towards me step after step decreasing the space

"How can you have that much trust in me" He whispered inches away from me

"I don't know why but I do" I whispered back looking up at him

His eye color got darker and flipped his head aside "What if I'm feeling angry what should I do" As he said he slowly ran his cold fingers around my neck and I flinched from his touch

"Count to three to calm down!" I said as his another hand flew to the other side of my neck it's like he's taking the position to chock me

"Ok...One" He tights his hand slightly

"Two" tightening more that it started to hurt

"THREE" He yelled taking me off guard by pulling me to his chest and I gasped by the surprise of the tight hug instead of a deadly chock

He exhaled a deep breath "I controlled it" He whispered to my ear

I grinned, whispering"I knew you would"
