
The Fallen Angels…


Voice's: You we're supposed to be the key to all of this…

You were supposed to lead us…

Amenadiel: Noo!!!‼️

You were supposed to save us all‼️‼️

Amenadiel: Nooo!!!‼️

Cut back to Noah's Awakening

Noah: Noo!!!‼️

Naomi: finally😒…

Noah: what are you doing in here…

Naomi: what, I heard you screaming and I came in to see if you were in danger or whatever but then I really figured it out what was actually going on here and so I grabbed some left over popcorn🍿and stayed to watch the show…

Noah: what!!!

Naomi: yahh, what position were you doing with your hands there, you know…

Noah: what no that's not…

Naomi: yahh, that sex position you we're doin…

Noah: Naomi please get out of my room…

Naomi: oh gees, at least your getting laid in your dreams, cause, it's not happening in real life…

Noah: what, you don't know that…

Naomi: I just wish you would loosen up, you know, through caution to the wind or whatever…ohk bye…

(Noah gets up to an excruciating headache with a pinch of drowsiness, he struggles to keep his balance in the air and roll's on a half eaten apple🍏 laying on the floor almost turning black from the inside out, he picks it up and starts to get flash backs of the night before while looking into the mirror ahead, he immediately recalls everything that happened previously and after. He throws the half rotten apple into the trash can🗑 and steps outside while it was raining 🌧, he completely forgets to wear his shoes👟 and ends up walking barefoot in the rain☔️. After walking for what it seemed like 4 hours with no further destination in his mind he suddenly stop's dead in his tracks and turns his attention to a scene happening outside of a house where it looks like a dad is arguing with his son and threatening to kick him out of the house…this immediately turns into a flashback into time sending his brain 🧠 straight through the gate's of heaven to reveal…)

✨Ark Angel Michael: you will do well to watch your sinful tongue you lying son of sin…

✨Ark Angel Samael: you don't tell me what to do you…you

🪐God💫: enough of this…

✨Ark Angel Samael: look who decided to show up…

🪐God💫: what made you do this son, haven't I loved you enough…

✨Ark Angel Samael: loved me, am surprised your even capable of such things that are beyond your comprehension oh dear lord…

🪐God💫: I will not stand such disrespect coming from you and such rebellion…

✨Ark Angel Samael: we'll then daddy dearest I suggest you do your worst already or else I will still come back for more until your dethroned…

✨Ark Angel Amenadiel: stop this brother, you can still be forgiven, just ask dad for forgiveness right now…

✨Ark Angel Samael: never!!!

✨Ark Angel Belzabab: we would rather die than worship you again…

✨Angel Mazakine: to hell with all of you so called brothers and sister's, your all traitors!!!

🪐God💫: you Leave me no choice, I hear by banish all rebellious Angel's to a place of no return…🔥Hell🔥…

✨Ark Angel Samael: I see your all not gonna do anything then, very well brother's and sister's, till we meet again on the battlefield and next time you won't be so lucky😡…

(After everything was said and done God Almighty banished Samael with a third of his Angel's out from heaven to the deep depths of the firey abyss…)

Cut back to Noah…

Noah: what!! what just happened to me…, I…I saw…( and just then a speeding car from mere inches away from Noah launches at him but suddenly gets pulled out of the way by a pair of two hands just in time…)

Amenadiel: are you alright sir…

Noah: am…am fine I, thank you…

Amenadiel: no problem sir but remember to be more careful sometimes, you might not get someone to get you out of your situation all the time…

Noah: ( he instantly recognizes him from his vision a while ago and blurts out…) is that why you refused to help your own brother when he needed you Amenadiel…

Amenadiel: am sorry…

(The man from the speeding car from earlier gets out of his car and heads off to Noah to yell at him for being so clumsy to stand in the middle of the road at night like that…)

Car guy: hey you, that was very wreakles of you to do that, we're you trying to get knocked over huh!!!, do you wanna meet your maker kid…

Noah: (he turns to him and blurts out…) we're you trying to meet your maker old man cause I sure wasn't, for a matter of fact how about you meet him yourself and send him my regards…,

✨Chaos Hex Enchantment 🔥

Noah: Look into my eyes and tell me what's your greatest fear…

Car guy: da…da…dying…(he mumble's)

(suddenly the old guy steps back while looking scared of Noah and screaming at him and as he takes 1 2 3 steps backwards, his body gets sent off flying over from off the road and straight to the rainy muddy ground lifeless as an oncoming car knocked him over while he took those steps backwards, the people around start to panic and scream as one dials 911, Noah standstill in disbelief on what just happened and Amenadiel looks blue in shock as he wasn't able to do anything for the old guy, it was as if he was losing his power's or capabilities, he couldn't sense the change of what was going to happen at all…)

Amenadiel: what is going on, have I fallen already…

(Noah turns around to find Amenadiel gone from sight)

Noah: where did he go…

(As the rainy stormy night passes slowly, Amenadiel walk's into the gateway and find's himself alone with Lucifer MorningStar…)

Lucifer: where have you been brother, I assumed you were out parting or having a wank somewhere with your lady friends…

Amenadiel: this is not a joke Lucifer…

Lucifer: I guess, you don't see me laughing…

Amenadiel: I have fallen, to the lowest highest degree an Angel such as myself could fall…

Lucifer: we'll that makes two of us…

Amenadiel: no this is not the same Lucifer, what you did was completely unacceptable…

Lucifer: welcome to my world

Amenadiel: I shouldn't even be talking to you but here I am, I came to earth to fulfill my fathers wishes, sending you back to hell and returning that was it, but you and your humans, your manipulations, lead me to this point of no return…

Lucifer: aha😃 you think I caused you to sin,

Amenadiel: who knows better than to live with the devil than you…

Lucifer: I am not the Devil👿, I am a Devil👿

Amenadiel: you know day by day I find that really hard to believe…

Lucifer: then I think you need a new life coach…

Amenadiel: you know what maybe I do😡…

Lucifer: I can't believe this, you stand here right before me and not realize what is going on here…

Amenadiel: what is going on Lucifer you tell me…

Lucifer: Your telling me that you don't see how Dad has abandoned you and left you to root here with me…

Amenadiel: what are you trying to say Lucifer…

Lucifer: I mean tell me, how long have you been here and suddenly everything is going wrong for you, as far as I know you, you don't easily get manipulated by anyone or anything…

Amenadiel: I…I…

Lucifer: Your Amenadiel the first born son of dear old dad, nothing gets passed you without you noticing it, I mean didn't dad put like a no manipulation charm on you or something…

Amenadiel: he did but…

Lucifer: and am guessing that was because of me right…

Amenadiel: yes and other beings as well but…

Lucifer: but apparently he already knew what was going to happen and decided to let it happen either way, he set you up to fail brother …

Amenadiel: whahh… why did that make sense to me…

Lucifer: because deep down you know what am saying is true, just like I did back in heaven…

Amenadiel: so I really have fallen🥺…

Lucifer: we'll welcome to the club ma son brother…

Amenadiel: then I guess he's a dick then…

Lucifer: oh yeah a massive dick…

Amenadiel: your talking about dad right??…

Lucifer: oh yeah of course…

Amenadiel: I couldn't tell if you referring to those human males you have sex with sometimes…

Lucifer: hey being a shape shifter is really cool, you get to be what ever you want even Mazakine if you think deep enough…

Amenadiel: so have you ever transformed into Mazakine ever???

Lucifer: once, but it didn't end well for the other guy…

Amenadiel: wow…

Cut back to Mazakine and Eve…

Mazakine: your a lying bitch do you know that…

Eve: and your a soulless demon who deserves nothing but real torture in the pits of 🔥Hell🔥 tell me, how did it feel when you fell from heaven too huh, got sent to 🔥Hell🔥as punishment, stripped of all your heavenly achievements, huh, you should be…

Mazakine: shut up‼️‼️

(Mazakine head butts Eve as payback for last time and leaves the bitch unconscious on her bed room floor)

Mazakine: what a waste of flesh, no wonder why you were made from dirt dirt bag…

(Mazakine walk's right in on Lucifer and Amenadiel having a warm heart ❤️ to heart ❤️ conversation…)

Mazakine: well that's nice, you're lover is in the other room unconscious so…

Lucifer: what did you do Mazakine….

Mazakine: at the very least she deserved a head butt…

Amenadiel: and she's not anything to me…

Mazakine: I mean you banged her so I wasn't expecting anything less…

Amenadiel: what she banged me…

Lucifer: 🤨…

Mazakine: 🤨…

Amenadiel: ok fine, even though I was in her, she did all the heavy work…

Mazakine: how did it feel??

Amenadiel: I mean it wasn't that bad or anything…

Mazakine: Lucifer how does it feel to you???

Lucifer: like it always does, old…

Mazakine: well then I'll be off…

Lucifer: can we talk about the fact that you just banged Eve the grandmother to Lucinda and every other human on earth…

Amenadiel: not now brother, I don't want to hear anymore of your…

Lucifer: jokes or truth's…

Amenadiel: brother…

Lucifer: I mean you could say you got her all extinguished, opened right up…

Amenadiel: ok I need some time alone…

Lucifer: have fun brother and oh make sure you 🎧listen to ▶️⏸▶️🎶let me down slowly🎵 by Alec Benjamin…

Amenadiel: whatever Luci…

Cut back to Noah at a club…

Noah: (slaps a random girl's Ass…) hey what's up, so you wanna get out of here and ah find out what's under my sheets?😜…

Miss Clair Saint Clair: excuse me🤨…

Noah: my ah penis is like a shaken coca cola, when it gets into your minty mouth there's an explosion💥…

Miss Clair Saint Clair: eww get away from me you freak, who thought you that…

Noah: I was just trying to urh, my sister said to me, throw caution to the urh, never mind, um that…that was a weird thing to say, ok…

Cut back to Amenadiel…

🎧Alec Benjamin⏸

🎶Let me down slowly🎵…


"Don't cut me down…

throw me out…

leave me here to waste…

I once was an Angel with dignity and grace…

Now am slipping to the cracks of your cold embrace…

So please…


Could you find a way to let me down slowly…

A little sympathy…

I hope you can show me…"

(And as the night swiftly passes away, everybody in the world is in sudden disarray, Amenadiel thinking he has been abandoned by God, Lucinda getting her feelings crashed by Lucifer and his antics, Mazakine still trying to find a place to belong after a long while, Noah trying not to go crazy and Lucifer always Lucifer…)

Lucifer: Eve are you in here…(opens the door…)

Eve: am glad you came Luci, I have been waiting for far too long now…

Lucifer: you just fucked up my brother and that was so not cool…

Eve: whatever Luci, come…come here…

(As Lucifer leans in closer to Eve she grabs his collar and kisses him on the neck leading all the way to his soft juicy devilish lips🫦, he doesn't resist at all and then gives in, they end up making out for 4 hour's before Lucifer pulls out at the last minute…)

Lucifer: what did you call me???

Eve: why did you pull out, I only called you my demon serpent…

Lucifer: don't ever call me that you understand…

Eve: ok fine I get it, can we get back to it…

Lucifer: you know what darling I think I've had enough of old flesh…

Eve: what!!!

Lucifer: but since my brother went on for 6 hours I guess I have to beat that…

(Lucifer went on for 3 more hours making it 7 hours of fuck beating his brother by 1 hour and then suddenly leaving to go out for a walk alone leaving Eve in what!!…)

Eve: where are you going???…well then I think it's time we got the plan back into action, where is Lilith already…

To be continued…