
Dominating Realities as Lord of Mysteries

Maximilian Hendrix a man with questionable morals commits suicide after the death of his entire family. He then gets an offer from a very powerful being which he accepts that leads to his reincarnation into the world of Lord of the Mysteries along with his sister. With the power in hand from the seemingly omnipotent being, Maximilian starts on an adventure in the new life with his sister. First World: Lord of the Mysteries (Currently here) Second World: Fate/stay night Third World: Bleach (maybe) ---------------------------------------------- This novel is extreme wish fulfillment in nature with probably a Pokémon harem and incest so if that kind of thing is not to your liking then don't read it. Also, mc is evil so don't expect him to seek justice or something. The updates will be irregular because I am just writing this for fun. Don't expect this to be plot heavy. The cover is not mine.

ImmortalVirgin_0980 · Cómic
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32 Chs

Sibling Reunion


After sending the boy to that post apocalyptic world that doesn't know its post apocalyptic, my wait for him starts. I didn't do this just to sate my boredom or simply to get a competent assistant, no no this is all part of a much bigger plan.

After managing countless multiverses, I came across this peculiar boy. No I don't mean peculiar in the sense of personality or his degenerate familial affect. What I meant was that this boy was special? He had the potential to be a perfect being, but the only thing holding him back was a curse and his world. I don't know who cursed him, but the curse was simply that he couldn't succeed in anything if he starts to try his best in it. It really is a peculiar curse, like if he is playing a game for fun he will play well or really well but the moment he starts to become competitive he loses miserably.

So I orchestrated certain things, and brought him here to bring him under me. By giving him those wishes I have made a good impression and he would be grateful to me, especially because of his reunion with his sister. Also I removed that curse so that my plans don't fail because of something stupid.

Now mind you, I don't have anything bad planned for the kid. He is just a means to end. After all the thing that I want from him is to help me with piercing through this thick wall. Even after becoming a peak Transcendent being, I still can't break through this wall and meet you our creator known as Author and Readers. Transcending this reality bubble that Author has created is my goal.

Hopefully it won't take long till I finally meet you Author.


(Evangeline POV)

What's going on? Where am I?

When I look around, I see a shabby room. On one side in the room, there's a sickly boy sleeping on a cot. I am on his bedside. He is very thin has a very malnourished physique, has brown hair like my older brother whom I secretly love. And then suddenly memories come in my head and I release a painful gasp.

After getting memories, I start to sob. I started crying because I realized that I died before answering my older brother's confession by a truck accident and now after loving in this world for 18 years I somehow regained my memories like some those anime that I watched with my brother. While this may be exciting normally, but without my older brother Max it's meaningless.

Coincidentally in this world I have a younger twin named Max who I care for deeply as well. My name is Eva here too and appearance is almost the same. We are orphans, who were abandoned in the orphanage. We took care of each other there. After turning 12 we were released from the orphanage and had to fend for ourselves.

I don't know why I got reincarnated in this world, I mean our condition is really not good. We live in slums, I work as a washer woman to make ends meet and my brother worked in those factories but now he is ill because of it. I can only hope that Max is my older brother Max from my previous life, but that would mean him dying too so I feel conflicted about it.

We live in the slums of Backlund in the Loen Kingdom, if that makes it any better. I have a feeling I have heard about those names in previous life but I am not sure from where.

While I am thinking about these things, Max starts to wake up. And opens his eyes groggily. When he sees me he says with excited yet doubtful tone, "Evangeline? Is it really you?" Wait a minute. Evangeline is my name from previous life, I am just called Eva here. So is it really my older brother.

To confirm I ask, "Are you really Maximilian? Then tell me my favorite color."

He nods and answers, "Black". He really is here thank God, but oh no his condition is bad. While I am in my thoughts, he releases a painful grunt and holds his head. Is he also remembering memories? Well whatever the case, it's good that I am not alone in this new world.


(Maximilian POV)

After finding Evangeline right in front of me, I was excited even in this broken body. But suddenly I get a headache and I got the memories of this life. Wow so we are orphans here too, must be because my wishes were too high class as A said. Also it seems that we are around the beginning of canon storyline but don't know exactly when since we don't exactly get newspapers here in slums.

Anyway, I am happy that Eva is here too. Also I know what the limits on Item Creation and Customization are for now. I can create anything till the Power level of Sequence 2 of Beyonder Pathways for now. I can only use this power once a day by either creating an item or customizing an already created item. It's really overpowered even with these limits but I guess I would need it because since I know about the existence of He Who Must Not Be Named zealot, he will also know about my existence soon enough. I will not say his name even in my thoughts to avoid him as long as I could.

As I am in my thoughts, I feel a hug from Eva. It's a bit painful but hey I can bear much more pain if it's for her. Also this sickness would be gone soon enough.

"I am so happy that you are here as well. Also to answer your earlier confession, I love you too brother." She says to me while kissing my cheek. Error 69 Maximilian.exe has stopped working.

"But now you are sick, so what should we do about this?" She asks me while making a sad face.

"No need to worry about this sis, now I will make everything alright." I say to reassure her. Then I stretched out my hand and used the item creation ability to make black gloves that have the abilities of Sequence 2 Beyonder of the Error Pathway called Trojan Horse of Destiny, so I will call these gloves Trojan Gloves. Also I added in the restriction that only I could use it. These gloves only have powers and no Beyonder characteristics so Amon shouldn't be attracted, if he was then I would be kinda screwed. Eva seems surprised by the act. And while she is surprised by it, I put on the gloves. They seem loose on my thin hands.

"Brother you can do magic? Does this world have magic? But I haven't seen anything like that in my memories." She asks.

"This is not exactly magic. It's an ability I got from someone. Also this world does contain special abilities but it's kept secret by organizations. I know about all this because this world is from a novel I read. I think I talked to you about it too." I tell her.

"So that's it. Now I remember, where I heard those names from. The story had something to do with Tarot Cards I think." She tells me. I am surprised she remembers that.

"Well I will talk about it later. First I have to fix myself." I point to my appearance.

"And how will you do that? What are the gloves for?" She asks.

"Just watch." I tell her.

I then start to use the gloves, and deceive my body into believing that I am perfectly healthy. And I become perfectly healthy. At least my appearance should be good, but this is temporary. After all I have only deceived my body nothing more. I am still diseased but not for much longer.

Eva is surprised by this. So she then asks what I did. I explain what I did. I then proceed to explain what happened after she died, about my reincarnation and about Beyonder Pathways. Of course I didn't tell her about that zealot or Outer Deities because that would be stupid. I am only safe from Outer Deities because of my 3rd wish, otherwise I would have been corrupted from just knowing their existence. By the time our discussion finishes night falls. So I tell her, that we would get out of this place now and go somewhere else. She agrees after knowing that my gloves give me the power of angels, even if they specialize in theft and swindling.

So we leave the place, nobody stops us on the road because I use Thought Usurpation on anyone that has bad intentions. I also steal from some police officers on the way, getting around 100 soli for my work. After going to a secluded path, I ask my sister to hold my hand and then steal distance to basically teleport from roof to roof.

We then go to commercial district and steal decent clothes for us. Well decent enough to be nobility to be exact. Of course then we wear the clothes. After that we teleport and then I find a merchant named Paul Trambellini and deceive into believing that we are recently orphaned children of Hendrix family who he had good relations with. It wasn't hard to do it. Plus he was widowed and single so it was easy to deceive him, and I wouldn't have to bother deceiving many people. He wasn't a big merchant so it was okay. Also it wouldn't attract much attention even if we took care of him. We introduced ourselves as Maximilian and Evangeline of the Hendrix family. And he decided that he would help us during these hard times.

And so Maximilian Hendrix and Evangeline Hendrix were born in this Post Apocalyptic Earth on July 1, Year 1349 of Fifth Epoch.


Well hopefully the chapter was OK. I had my root canal procedure yesterday, and I am in pain since. So I might have done some errors, hopefully they aren't big. Will have to visit my dentist tomorrow.

Also please don't complain about MC having OP abilities because that's the point of this fanfic. Anyway which pathway do you think his sister would pick? I have already decided the pathway but I want to know what you think. Obviously the gender bending pathways which turn everyone to male are out for her.

Which pathway do you want the MC to go for?

Error Pathway

Fool Pathway

Door Pathway

Obviously MC will choose one of the 3 because he wants to become Lord of the Mysteries rather than God Almighty or some other Above the Sequence.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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