
The Beginning(4)

________________________________________Great men are not born great, they grow great -- god father


"You are a Squib, a non-magical person born to at least one magical parent with magical blood that wasn't expressed. You can also use magical objects and creatures," said the Head Goblin sadly.

"Well, that explains why you can see the entrance," said McGonagall.

"There is unclaimed inheritance in the bank. Do you want to claim it?" said the Head Goblin.

"Yes, I want to claim it," said Kal as he was interested in know the inheritance of his great ancestor

The Head Goblin called a goblin to navigate to a vault. Kal wanted to bring Hermione with him, but only he was allowed inside. The ride to the vault was like a rollercoaster, fast and full of twists.pun intended

They stopped at a large door with a dragon's head in the middle.

"So, this is the entrance to my inheritance," said Kal to the goblin, but he didn't reply.

Kal moved towards the door and touched the dragon's head, which was almost as tall as him at 4'9 and opend his large ,kal expect the dragon to breathe fire.

The door suddenly opened, nearly frightening him. Kal looked inside the vault and saw a flask of unidentified liquid on a stand and a letter beside it. He did not see any gold, which greatly disappointed him.

As he went inside and touched the letter on the stand, the letter flew out and started speaking.

"Well, welcome, my descendant. After centuries, I have a successor. You might be confused about this situation, but I will tell you my story. Love and death are what most people are obsessed with. Some people want to overcome it, and some want to attain it. A woman who wanted my love pursued me to the end of the world, but I was already married. So she cursed me to sacrifice all the cosmic magic she held. I was devastated by the curse and wanted to find a cure for it. I searched all nine realms but didn't find any solution. Then a time master told me that one of my descendant would break the curse, but he would not have wizard power. So I searched all the realms to help you restore your wizard power, but that failed as it wouldn't work on you. So, I chose another path. We Dolittle family are known for speaking with animals, which is an innate ability for us. So, I searched to improve that ability, which resulted in the potion that will improve your innate ability to its maximum, which I call the 'All-Speak' ability. It will also remove some physical limitations on your body as you age. Rejoice and drink that potion."

"Awesome, but the potion looks expired. Is it safe to drink it?" said Kal after listening to the lengthy speech, which impressed him with how great his ancestor went for their descendant.

"DRINK IT NOW!" shouted the letter.

"Okay, chill. I will drink it," said Kal.

Kal took the potion bottle, removed the cap, and drank it fully. "It tastes like expired milk," he said. Suddenly, the letter burst into purple flames and disappeared into nothingness. The vault became quiet, and the door closed itself when he exited.

Kal returned to the chambers, but on the way, his ears caught the cry of pain and calls for help. He wanted to know who was suffering.

Inside the chambers, as Kal entered the room empty-handed, the Head Goblin asked, "Kid, did you receive the inheritance?"

"Yes, all I received was a letter explaining how great my ancestors were," said Kal, disappointed, as he expected loads of gold and diamonds, but he received something more, which they didn't need to know.

"Kal, it's okay. Let's go. We need to get supplies for Hermione," said Mr. Granger, trying to distract from the sad look.

Hermione went towards him, held his hand, and smiled. "Let's go. I need to find lots of books and buy an owl so I can send letters to a certain idiot," she said, making Kal smile.

Suddenly, a goblin rushed in, handed a scroll to the Head Goblin, and whispered in his ear. The Head Goblin unrolled the scroll and read its contents, his expression dumbstruck and ugly.

"Kid, I need you to read this. It's part of your inheritance," said the Head Goblin, handing over the scroll to Kal. Kal expected the scroll to have a list of all the investments of his ancestors and the property of the mansion. However, when he read the scroll, his expression turned ugly and angry.

"How can that old skeleton ancestor do this? Sir, I need to arrange a meeting with the other party tomorrow. Can it be done?" said Kal after calming down to the Head Goblin.

"Yes, kid, we will arrange it," said the Head Goblin, and Kal handed the scroll to McGonagall, as he wanted her presence at the meeting tomorrow to gain insight, given her experience as an old witch.

"What? How is this possible? This can't be," said McGonagall, realizing something important, and handed over the scroll to the Head Goblin. Hermione, curious about the situation, asked Kal what was in the scroll, but Kal didn't want to disclose any information.so she pinched the arm of kal.

Kal could only silently endure it and said, "McGonagall, can I expect your presence tomorrow?"

"Yes, I will help however I can," said McGonagall, and she asked the Head Goblin some questions about today's situation.

"Sir, goblins typically don't trust wizards and Muggles. So why did you help him? You could have stayed silent until the boy asked for the inheritance test," she asked.

All the members were curious to know the answer, and the Head Goblin replied with a faraway look and a smile.

"We goblins are known for strength through loyalty. In the middle ages, the war was constant with humans as they wanted our blood and teeth for experiments. Then one day, a mad wizard who was slaughtering a goblin village came to our hideout to wipe us out. When we felt hopeless, he arrived – Sir Robert Dolittle, the warrior with his dragons, Nundu, Yeti, and other mighty creatures. I cannot forget the scene; I was just a little kid at the time. Do you know what he said when we asked why he helped us? He simply said, 'I am friends with all the creatures, so you are my friend,' and I came to help them," said the Head Goblin, wiping away his tears.

"He not only helped us save my brother and sister, he also helped other magical creatures, and it's our turn to help his descendant, however we can, in the wizarding world," said the Head Goblin proudly.

"Kid, do you want to reveal your status to the wizarding world?" asked the Head Goblin.

Kal said no because he didn't want to be in the limelight, and he left the bank.

As they collected supplies for Hermione, they came to Eeylops Owl Emporium to buy an owl.

Kal went to the shop where owls were displayed and suddenly heard owls' voices.

"Who is this brat looking at me?"

"Begone, brat."

"Pick me, pick me."

"I'm as fast as dragons."

He rubbed his ears and listened again; all he heard was "hoot, hoot, hoot, hoo" voices.

Seeing the situation, Hermione took hold of Kal's hand, and he smiled at her. Hermione chose a brown owl, which she named Tawn.

As Kal began to feel tired and sleepy, he urged Hermione to hurry up with buying books and a cauldron. Afterward, they went to a centuries-old wand shop, but only Hermione went inside, as it was a tradition for new wizards to select their wands. She chose a wand that was 10¾ inches long, made of vine with a dragon heartstring core.

After the long journey of acquiring their supplies, Kal said goodbye to Hermione and her parents, then returned home.