

Back home, finally. I ate so much. I am not sad at all about today. Maybe, just a little, but, to waste my time with him is not a good deal. I prefer to beeing alone and keep dream about my perfect Lucky. He is not that kind, but at least, he is handsome. And, i can't lie that i love the way he touches me and make me feel so good, the sensations he generates in me.

- Ahh, can't wait for tonight to see him. Let's take a bath and we can go to sleep.

In the shower, i thin about today. Not a bad date after all. If i didn't di it, i shouldn't yet understand the importance of beeing with someone i love, and not to way how the society thinks about me. And, even if i am living in a dream, at least, i am happy.

- Oh god, i am thining like a fool.

I go to my bed and think about him hoping it will help to see him after all the bad things i said and thought about him.

I am here, again. Sitting on this same bench, in front of this peacefull landscape.

- And now, i said, he will appear behind me !

But when i turn, he wasn't there.

- Hmmm, maybe over there ! I said while turning at my right.

But nobody appear.

- Or over there? At my left?

Still nobody.

Maybe he is in late. In late, in late? What ia m thinking about. He is not in late. This is my dream, so where he is. He should be there as i want him to be.

- Lucky???? I scream, I know you are listening!

Why he doesn't answer.

- Ahh! What a bad day after all. Even my dreams wont to cooperate. Lucky!

Maybe i said that i wont to see him again, my subconscious take it and delete him.

- Argghh! It will drive me crazy.

I sat on my bench and try to calm myself. This landscape, maybe, are the only thing i need today. Maybe, i need some peace.

- Let's take advantage of this moment.

Slowly, the sun come to embrace me. It's already the morning. Even i didn't see him, yesterday's dream give me peacefull. Beeing alone is not bad at all.

- Now, time to wake up and going to school. I said while watching at the clock. 7h 43? I am late.

The bus has surely already passed. I took so many time dreaming. Even if the school was not that far, i prefer to take the bus. I don't want to be already tired when i arrive in class. But, today, i should walk. As a lazy person, i dislike walking. And, it will take me like 20mn.

Outside, i can feel the wind stroking my hair. It invigorate me. Maybe, i need a walk. But, unfortunately, i was wrong. After 7 minutes of waling, i can feel my whole body melting and my legs shaking. What a shame, in addition, i put on white t-shirt. Maybe, it's a karma of yesterday.

Then, even if i am late, i take a rest. I can't continue. And the time is too hot. And, while i was resting, i see him. Even back to me, i will recognize this presence which is specific to him. Then, i run to him.

- Lucky! I scream but he doesn't hear me

- Lucky, i said when i arrive in front of him.

- Sorry?

- Let me breathe one second. I said breathless.

- Are you okey?

And, sudenly, i jump on him, hugging him

- I missed you, where were you last night?

- Sorry, he said, shocked. But who are you?

When he ask, i look at him and knew he wasn't him.

- Oh, sorry, i took you for someone else. I said sadly

He wasn't him.

- It doesn't matter, it's a pleasure to be hugged by someone, and someone cute.

Cute ? Me ? It might be strange if someone else had say it, but, from such a handsome guy.

- Thanks, i am sorry.

- I am sad that i wasn't the lucky one. He said

What a smooth talker.

But, have no time to waste, i should run. I am very late now.

When i arrive, the professor wasn't already there. I ran for nothing.

- You look tired. Said my friend.

- I just ran

- Poor of you

We know each other since our 3years. Her mother take care of me since then. Since my mother passed away. We are like sisters. And even if we don't talk much, spend time together, we love each other. And she know that i dislike physical effort.

- Take my water if you want.

- Thanks

And, even if the day had not yet really beging. All i wanted at the moment is to finish the day and have a rest at home, alone.

Finally, home. I jump on my bed and feel like all my body is paralyzed. I give too much today. Then, i prefered to watch a movie instead of taking a bath, and sleep.