
DND Realms: The Rise of the Titan-Dragon Prodigy

Titans, near-divine creatures born alongside the most ancient gods.The dragon, a mighty predator at the top of the food chain of countless worlds.Muria, who inherits the bloodline of the Titans and Golden Dragons, sits on a throne.Red dragons, blue dragons, green dragons ...... bronze dragons, red copper dragons, brass dragons ...... amethyst dragons, crystal dragons, emerald dragons, and many more dragons bow under the throne. Cloud giants, mist giants, stone giants, frost giants ...... storm giants, mountain giants, tide giants ...... countless giants bowed before the throne. A king's power is not just to kill and conquer! ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Derivados de obras
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250 Chs

Chapter 169: Objective: Human Kingdoms

"Good job, big cat, advancing to soul intent and directly breaking through to the first-order peak," Muria cleverly dodged to the side when the soul intent rings under Troy erupted into a hurricane column. After the wind column dissipated, he slid back next to the big cat.

"Not bad?" The snow-white tiger bared its teeth, irritation flashing in its cyan tiger eyes, "When you advanced, you directly formed eighteen soul intent rings. Such a number of soul intent rings didn't even bring you to the peak of the first soul intent order, meaning your soul still has potential to be unearthed.

And me, only forming twelve soul intent rings, have directly entered the peak of the first soul intent order. Unless I break through to the second order, the number of my soul intent rings won't increase anymore.

That is to say, your soul potential is far above mine. Under such circumstances, you call twelve soul intent rings 'not bad'?"

"Merely twelve soul intent rings?" Muria pulled a face, knowing that this statement would drive people crazy if they heard it. Because soul intent level humans generally form just one soul intent ring at the first order.

In other words, ordinary human powerhouses, when advancing to the peak of soul intent, only have a pitiful five soul intent rings. Of course, there's a huge individual difference among humans.

Among humans, there are "geniuses" who can form more than two soul intent rings at the soul intent level. One of the most representative figures is the human's first Sword Saint, Ron, who taught Muria swordsmanship.

He could form nine soul intent rings at each level of soul intent. This is one of the key reasons why his combat strength could overwhelmingly suppress his peers and duel and kill various legendary creatures with special talents. His fame was established from killing the ancient red dragon, Augustus.

Sword Saint Ron was an anomaly among humans, a monster within humanity. Muria could not comprehend how this man of humble origin could make his soul comparable to creatures with legendary bloodlines. Strictly speaking, nine soul intent rings already depart from the "human" category.

At the soul intent level, the first order, being able to condense more than eight soul intent rings, basically belongs to those with legendary bloodlines, such as Titans, such as the white tiger. Their souls are inherently capable of bearing and condensing more soul intent rings.

The average standard for Titans is above twelve soul intent rings, and the white tiger Troy can also condense twelve soul intent rings, comparable to the Titans, known as the strongest near-god race. Being able to do this is quite impressive.

But such words, coming from Muria, seemed a bit insulting.

"Muria, you guy." Troy eyed the black-haired, golden-eyed youth with its cyan tiger eyes narrowed. Although he completely concealed his aura, as Muria's contracted partner, Troy knew he had already advanced to the second order of soul intent.

"Tell me, how many soul intent rings did you form at the peak of the first soul intent order?"

"Um!" Muria hesitated, his face showing a hint of reluctance, somewhat worried about discouraging Troy.

"I'm your partner, can't you tell me?" Seeing Muria's silence, Troy tilted its head, its fluffy tiger face showing obvious dissatisfaction.

"Alright, I'll say it, but be prepared. Don't be too shocked by me."

"How many?"


"How many?" Troy's voice instantly roared, asking Muria again.


After a long silence, the newly advanced and spirited big cat appeared somewhat dispirited, lying down with its snow-white tiger head resting on its paws, closing its eyes in a greatly shocked manner.

"Big cat!" Muria approached Troy, stroking its soft fur, "The reason why I have so many soul intent rings, you should know, don't be gloomy."

"Dragon King's primal blood!" Big cat glanced sideways at Muria.

"Right, without that drop of Dragon King's primal blood, the number of soul intent rings I could form would probably be the same as yours, maybe even less."

"Hmph, definitely." Troy found a reason, "Without that drop of primal blood, you definitely couldn't have formed so many soul intent rings."

"Right!" Hearing such words, Muria readily agreed, knowing well that the number of his soul intent rings wouldn't decrease by saying this.

"Big cat, I have something to discuss with you. Could you do me a favor?" Muria poked Troy.

"What is it?" Troy opened a slit in its eyes, looking at Muria, "First make it clear, then I'll consider whether to help you."

"It's just about spending some trivial time and effort to subdue some soul intent level monsters. You are a natural beast king, now having broken through to soul intent level, subduing them will be very easy."

"Where do I find soul intent level monsters to subdue?"

"I can solve part of that problem." Muria stretched out his hand, a spear bursting with lightning appeared, "When I came to find you, I encountered several soul intent level monsters. Because I was in a hurry to find you, I didn't have time to subdue them.

However, I left marks on them with my Sun Chasing Spear. Later, you can easily find those soul intent monsters by following its guidance."

"That's no problem, but what do you want with these soul intent monsters?" Troy looked puzzledly at Muria, "Do you want to form a power? Be the boss?"

"Form what power, I'm only at the second order of soul intent, it's too early for that, not the time."

"Jeez, you really want to form a power."

"Let's not talk about that." Muria waved his hand, "I want you to subdue those soul intent level monsters for a purpose, to help me gather information in the wilderness, I'm looking for six dragons."

"Six dragons? The ones your mother, Lady Artlis, threw onto this continent?"

"Of course."

"Such a primitive method?" Troy's face showed a strange expression, "Aren't you also learned in magic? Can't you use a more convenient method?"

"I did use magic tracking." Muria's face darkened as he took out a bunch of powder and debris.

"What's this?"

"Dragon scales!" Muria's face turned grim, "I used dragon scales to cast a tracking spell to search for those giants. But I didn't expect those dragons would use counter-surveillance magic against me, which I taught them. Then, without any preparation, these dragon scales just exploded."

"(ω)hiahiahia!" Hearing Muria's brief introduction and seeing his dark expression, Troy burst into laughter, rolling around with tears streaming from its eyes.

Seeing the laughing big cat, Muria's face darkened even more.

"Wait!" After laughing for a while, Troy finally calmed down, "I'm subduing monsters in the wilderness to help you find dragons, then what are you doing?"

"Although most of this continent is a wilderness populated by various monsters, the real rulers are not these creatures, but humans.

Only they have established order and founded kingdoms on this continent.

So, I plan to enter human kingdoms and use their information channels to find those six troublesome dragons."

Today is the New Year's Eve dinner, so the time conflicted, and the remaining two chapters will be posted later.

Sorry, dear readers! Please forgive me! This chapter mainly introduces the soul intent rings, as some readers asked in the comments yesterday.


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