
DND Realms: The Rise of the Titan-Dragon Prodigy

Titans, near-divine creatures born alongside the most ancient gods.The dragon, a mighty predator at the top of the food chain of countless worlds.Muria, who inherits the bloodline of the Titans and Golden Dragons, sits on a throne.Red dragons, blue dragons, green dragons ...... bronze dragons, red copper dragons, brass dragons ...... amethyst dragons, crystal dragons, emerald dragons, and many more dragons bow under the throne. Cloud giants, mist giants, stone giants, frost giants ...... storm giants, mountain giants, tide giants ...... countless giants bowed before the throne. A king's power is not just to kill and conquer! ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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250 Chs

Chapter 156: Exile (Part 2)

"Really all used up?" The Golden Dragon Mother asked Muria again, unwilling to give up, "You've used everything?"

"Only these are left." Muria smiled awkwardly, pointing to the superior transcendental metal ingots in front of him, "The rest, have all merged with me."

"Little Muria, you're really harsh on yourself, preferring to endure such pain rather than leave me a bit!" The Golden Dragon Mother's face showed heartache as if Muria had committed some unforgivable act.

"Uh!" Muria touched his nose, looking at the somewhat off Golden Dragon Mother, and discreetly stepped back a few steps, wanting to flee.

But the fact that the Golden Dragon Mother had easily caught him before showed the vast difference in strength between them. Escaping was impossible; he could only try to muddle through with sincerity.

"I'm very upset right now." The Golden Dragon Mother looked at Muria with a heartbroken expression, tears seemingly forming in her eyes?!

Muria, seeing the Golden Dragon Mother about to cry with a sad face, was dumbfounded. After all, she was a dragon of over two hundred years, why cry so easily? Was it necessary?

"Mother, you…" Muria was somewhat at a loss. The sadness on the Golden Dragon Mother's face seemed genuine; she was truly about to cry, heartbroken over her great loss.

Muria had plundered the legendary metals from her treasury, leaving behind only a few that were of little use to her. The treasures she had placed in the corridors of her castle, especially the batch containing legendary metals, which were the best, were all taken by Muria.

Moreover, it now seemed impossible to recover these metals since they had all merged with Muria. To reclaim the legendary metals, Muria would have to be killed; otherwise, the weapons forged from these metals would forever belong only to Muria.

But how could the Golden Dragon Mother bear to harm Muria? She had spoiled him to the point of defying dragon nature, intentionally allowing Muria to enter her treasury and choose whatever he needed.

The key point was that all of this was caused by the Golden Dragon Mother herself. She just played it too far, underestimating Muria's greed and the strength of his will, enduring the pain of his soul being torn apart ten times.

Normally, Titans would not attempt a second time after enduring the pain of soul tearing, which is why many Titans only have one exclusive weapon. One is enough, and secondly, the process of forging exclusive weapons is too painful.

"Little Muria, do you know you're wrong?" The Golden Dragon Mother asked Muria with tearful eyes.

"Uh!" Muria hesitated for a moment, then nodded, admitting his mistake. Perhaps, hopefully, the Golden Dragon Mother wouldn't be too harsh on him. Admitting a mistake, showing some humility, what's the harm?

"I know I'm wrong, Mother. I promise I won't do it again."

"Little Muria, do you really know you're wrong?" The moment Muria admitted his mistake, the tears in the Golden Dragon Mother's eyes vanished as if by magic, her expression suddenly becoming very serious, with an indescribable majesty.

"Yes!" Muria, full of doubts, nodded.

"Making a mistake means accepting punishment, right?"

"…Right!" Muria stared at the Golden Dragon Mother, a bad premonition rising in his heart.

"Little Muria, you stole most of the treasures and legendary metals I had painstakingly collected, all my efforts over half my life taken by you. As punishment, to make you endure the same pain as me, do you have any objections?"

"Mother, what are you planning to do?" Muria's expression changed, thinking back to the silent mountains and missing dragon flock when he descended.

"Hehe!" The Golden Dragon Mother chuckled, a space portal opened behind her, and one by one, familiar colored dragons, rigid as if encased in amber, flew out, quietly hovering in midair.

"What is this?" Muria, seeing the familiar aura enveloping the many dragons, stiffened, finally sensing something amiss.

"Dragon Paralysis Spell." The Golden Dragon Mother shook her head, somewhat proudly stating, "I developed five different paralysis spells specifically for the five-colored dragons, and it seems the effect is quite good. Little Muria, do you want to learn?"

"…" Muria silently watched the nearly a hundred five-colored dragons floating in the air, not responding to the Golden Dragon Mother.

"Ah, Little Muria, it seems you really care about these five-colored dragons. It looks like I didn't make a mistake." The Golden Dragon Mother smiled triumphantly, "Each of these dragons has a physique far stronger than those waste dragons outside, and each possesses a considerable number of spells.

Training one hundred and one evil dragons into mage dragons must have taken you a lot of time and effort.

However, it's a pity. You're about to say goodbye to these little dragons you've worked so hard to raise."

As the Golden Dragon Mother spoke, twelve spatial rifts appeared behind her, rapidly expanding and stabilizing into twelve space gates.

Through these twelve gates, Muria saw twelve different landscapes: lush primeval forests, icy glaciers, desolate deserts, hilly regions with sparse vegetation, bone-covered plains…

"These twelve space gates connect to different regions, or more precisely, to the twelve continents of Elysia."

"Mother, no!" Seeing these twelve space gates, Muria knew exactly what kind of punishment the Golden Dragon Mother intended to give him—this was not a punishment but blatant revenge.

"Little Muria, just stay put and watch!" As Muria attempted to do something, the Golden Dragon Mother pointed at him lightly. A beam of spiritual light entered his body.

Then, Muria was rendered immobile, just like the dragons floating in midair, unable to move even a finger, except for his eyes.

"Watch closely!"

The Golden Dragon Mother gestured, and a gigantic elemental hand formed in midair, grabbing a fearsome-looking red dragon. Under Muria's angry gaze, she threw it through a space gate…

"Ah, that look in your eyes." Seeing Muria's eyes burning with dragon flame, the Golden Dragon Mother smiled, excitedly grabbing the paralyzed five-colored dragons, one by one, and throwing them into the twelve space gates.

This scene made Muria's eyes bulge with rage and heartache, unable to breathe from the pain. These were his future foundations, now being exiled by the Golden Dragon Mother to other continents.


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