
DND Realms: The Rise of the Titan-Dragon Prodigy

Titans, near-divine creatures born alongside the most ancient gods.The dragon, a mighty predator at the top of the food chain of countless worlds.Muria, who inherits the bloodline of the Titans and Golden Dragons, sits on a throne.Red dragons, blue dragons, green dragons ...... bronze dragons, red copper dragons, brass dragons ...... amethyst dragons, crystal dragons, emerald dragons, and many more dragons bow under the throne. Cloud giants, mist giants, stone giants, frost giants ...... storm giants, mountain giants, tide giants ...... countless giants bowed before the throne. A king's power is not just to kill and conquer! ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Derivados de obras
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250 Chs

Chapter 155: Exile (Part 1)


Seeing the stunningly beautiful girl riding his companion and smiling warmly at him, Muria did not hesitate. A fourth-level spell, Dimension Door.

A portal instantly formed in front of him, and Muria stepped through, intending to escape.

If not now, then when?

"Little Muria, where do you think you're going?" Inside the courtyard, seeing Muria dressed in splendid armor and about to flee, the Golden Dragon Mother, Atreus, narrowed her eyes slightly, with a hint of dragon flame igniting.

The gentle golden-haired girl raised her hand and lightly pressed towards Muria. Half of his foot already stepping through the portal, Muria felt a sudden heaviness on his body, as if he were carrying a mountain. The divine light on his armor shone brightly, but he did not fall.

"Not bad!" Seeing that Muria did not fall immediately, a hint of surprise flashed in the Golden Dragon Mother's eyes, but her palm pressed down lightly again. Muria felt the weight on him increase from one mountain to ten.

"Boom!" Without any surprise, suddenly bearing such weight, Muria drew a diagonal line in the air and crashed down, scattering rocks and raising dust. The ground, protected by formations, was directly smashed into a humanoid crater by Muria.

The sound of falling rocks and the spread of dust, a young man with black hair and golden eyes, clad in tattered robes, climbed out of the crater, smiling brightly at the golden-haired girl riding the white tiger, revealing eight snow-white teeth.

"Mother, what brings you here?"

The Golden Dragon Mother looked at the dusty, disheveled boy, her lips twitching. Now you play the pity card? As if I didn't see that shining armor when you just came out?

"I've been waiting for you for a long time here!" The Golden Dragon Mother smiled, her face showing no trace of anger.

"Been waiting for a long time? Well, Mother, are you comfortable staying here?" Muria smiled sincerely, knowing well what his actions meant.

"Give it here!" The Golden Dragon Mother, Atreus, did not let Muria divert the topic. Her smile vanished as she stretched out a hand towards him.

"What?" Muria looked at the Golden Dragon Mother's expressionless face and long, snow-white fingers, swallowing hard. He knew what his mother wanted, but since he couldn't produce it, he could only play dumb.

"Hehe!" A faint dragon flame rose from the Golden Dragon Mother, like a tangible golden dragon's aura spreading. Behind the Golden Dragon Mother, Muria saw the three Red Dragons and one White Dragon trembling under the dragon's aura, while the white tiger Troy beneath her looked at Muria with a grievance.

Those green tiger eyes seemed to speak, clearly expressing her thoughts.

What did you take from your mother, hurry up and give it back, I can't take it anymore!

"Are you not going to give it back?" Muria sighed inwardly, then reluctantly took out the metal ingots refined by Hephaestus, placing them in front of the Golden Dragon Mother.

Jade steel, cold iron... One after another, various types of superior transcendental metals piled up into a metal wall in front of Muria, shining with dazzling spiritual lights, indeed beautiful to behold.

"Little Muria! Stop testing my patience." Atreus waved her hand, sweeping aside the metal ingots, "You know what I want. Bring out all the legendary metals you haven't used."

"I don't have any left!" Muria spread his hands, showing a helpless expression, "I used them all up when forging weapons."

"Used them all up!" The Golden Dragon Mother was slightly startled, "How many weapons did you forge?"

"Not many." Muria chuckled, avoiding a direct answer.

"Is that so!" The Golden Dragon Mother narrowed her eyes slightly, pointing lightly at Muria.

Blood boiled, thunder roared.

Nine divine lights burst forth from Muria, forming the virtual shadows of nine weapons behind him.

A black base with purple patterns, a golden halberd!

An overbearing spear with a bright blade like snow!

A silver light, cold gleaming double-bladed battle axe! … (Unable to continue) A thunderous, divine light-shining golden war spear!

A starlight chain as if formed from a condensed galaxy! Troy the White Tiger watched in astonishment as the virtual shadows of nine divine weapons emerged behind Muria. It, too, was knowledgeable, somewhat aware of the information related to Titan exclusive weapons.

"Nine exclusive weapons!" The Golden Dragon Mother, Atreus, looked at Muria with a hint of surprise, "Little Muria, you really are capable!"

"Hehe!" Seeing his mother's pleased expression upon discovering he had forged nine weapons, Muria knew he might be able to avoid this hurdle.

"However," the Golden Dragon Mother raised an eyebrow, making Muria's heart jump, "the legendary metals you stole from me are not enough to forge nine exclusive weapons, let alone another set of armor. Little Muria, tell me honestly, where did the rest of the legendary metals come from?"

"Hehe!" Muria chuckled dryly, unwilling to answer the question.

"Lord Atreus!" Just then, a familiar figure materialized beside the golden-haired girl, "Before Lord Muria stole your legendary metals, he had already received enough legendary metals from Lord Ulysses, the Abyssal Lord, to forge four exclusive weapons."

"Is that so!" Upon receiving Casio's report, the Golden Dragon Mother remained silent for a moment, but Muria suddenly felt his mother's expression darken, causing him to panic.

After a tense wait, the Golden Dragon Mother looked at Muria with a mournful, grievous expression.

"Little Muria, is that how it is? After receiving four pieces of legendary metal, you were still not satisfied and chose to steal the treasures your poor mother had painstakingly accumulated?"

"I…" Muria opened his mouth, wanting to argue, feeling that if he didn't say something, something terrible would happen.

"It seems that's the case." The Golden Dragon Mother, Atreus, looked sad, as if truly grieving over Muria stealing from her treasury, but in reality, the golden dragon lady was bleeding inside.

Because the Golden Dragon Mother did not know Muria had already obtained a far greater amount of legendary metal than his peers, she mistakenly believed Muria was still that poor, pitiful child who couldn't even gather enough legendary metal to forge one exclusive weapon.

As Muria's mother, she naturally didn't want her offspring to be inferior to other Titans in any way.

Therefore, she arranged for Muria to learn formations and even deliberately left many flaws in her castle's defensive formations, allowing Muria to enter her treasury and take whatever he needed.

But she never expected Muria to be so greedy! He was no less than she had been in her day.


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