
DND Realms: The Rise of the Titan-Dragon Prodigy

Titans, near-divine creatures born alongside the most ancient gods.The dragon, a mighty predator at the top of the food chain of countless worlds.Muria, who inherits the bloodline of the Titans and Golden Dragons, sits on a throne.Red dragons, blue dragons, green dragons ...... bronze dragons, red copper dragons, brass dragons ...... amethyst dragons, crystal dragons, emerald dragons, and many more dragons bow under the throne. Cloud giants, mist giants, stone giants, frost giants ...... storm giants, mountain giants, tide giants ...... countless giants bowed before the throne. A king's power is not just to kill and conquer! ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Derivados de obras
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343 Chs

Chapter 153: Armor Casting (Part 3)

"It's time for you to go back!"

After Muriya integrated the End staff into his body, Hephaestus's voice came from all around. Beneath his feet, energy gathered, with a familiar spatial fluctuation emerging.

"Wait a moment!" Seeing the teleportation array forming beneath his feet, Muriya hurriedly spoke up to halt it.

"What's the matter?"

"I still need to forge a set of armor."

...After a long silence, the teleportation array beneath Muriya's feet silently dissipated.

"Speak up!"

"Do you still have legendary metal?"

"Yes!" Muriya said, taking out the stylish and impressive giant Gundam. The moment the "Freedom Gundam" landed, the entire forging hall seemed to tremble.

"Ts!" Light scattered, and the spirit of the void condensed its body at the Gundam's front and rear transparent fist hole.

The solid body of the Titan spirit looked at the remnants of golden lightning arcs at the fist hole and marveled, "The thunder of a legendary Titan, and moreover, the aura left behind is close to yours. So, young Titan, you really stole your parents' belongings."

"It's my own stuff, how can it be called stealing?" Muriya retorted with a dark face, "Just tell me, is the legendary metal extracted from this magical giant sufficient for me to forge a set of armor?"

"Of course!" Hephaestus touched the damaged Gundam, showing a hint of surprise, "More than enough."

"That's good!" Muriya sighed in relief. He had always been worried about not having enough legendary metal. Now that a professional had answered, he felt much more at ease.

"Please melt down this giant for me now."

"That's a trivial matter." The spirit of the void pointed a finger, and the ground beneath the Gundam glowed, lifting it before tossing it into the eternal flame.

"Young Titan, I want to ask, aren't you worried about your father or mother holding you accountable?" The spirit of the void curiously looked at Muriya, "Such an amount of legendary metal is a significant resource even for epic Titans."

"What does it have to do with you?" Muriya tugged at the corner of his mouth, not bothering with the spirit of the void. He stepped forward, ascended the altar, and reached the top, watching the "Gundam" in the eternal flame continuously melting into liquid metal.

These were high-grade supernatural metals mixed with legendary metal, unable to withstand the temperature of the eternal flame, melting first and separating from the legendary metal.

"Have you ever thought about how your parents will punish you when they find out you've stolen so much legendary metal? One of your parents must be a powerful golden dragon."

"My mother is an ancestral golden dragon." Muriya glanced at the persistent spirit of the void beside him and added, "A legendary dragon mage."

"Then you're doomed."

"Impossible." Muriya sneered, "She's a golden dragon, not an evil dragon. What can she do to me? She can't kill me to retrieve her legendary metal, can she?"

"Ts, still too young. You probably haven't seen the methods a legendary mage uses to torment people.

If your mother is indeed a legendary dragon mage, then she has a thousand ways to make you regret stealing her legendary metal without harming your life."

"A thousand ways?" Muriya shook his head, remaining silent, but his face was full of disbelief. He believed in the many methods of legendary mages, but as long as it didn't harm his life, it didn't matter.

"When you suffer, don't say I didn't warn you." Seeing Muriya's indifferent expression, the spirit of the void spoke out.

"Don't worry, I was prepared to bear her wrath before taking her things." Muriya waved his hand, his eyes fixed on the "Gundam" in the flame, now reduced to a humanoid shape.

"Just being mentally prepared isn't enough!"

"I know, Hephaestus, hurry up and remove these supernatural metals. They're starting to vaporize." Muriya looked at the liquid metal in the flames, starting to vaporize, with a pained expression. These were rare resources, and rare resources meant money.

"Young man!" Seeing Muriya's attitude, the spirit of the void shook its head and sighed, then extracted all the high-grade supernatural metals melted in the eternal flame, forming them into square metal ingots in front of Muriya.

"Alright, thank you, Hephaestus." Muriya, seeing the still hot metal ingots at his feet, couldn't wait to collect them one by one into his spatial ring. He felt these would be very useful in the future.

"The legendary metal has been completely separated from this trash. Now it's your turn to bleed."

"Wait a moment." Muriya stepped back, with the silhouettes of nine weapons faintly appearing behind him.

"What? Having second thoughts?"

"Do you think that's possible?" Muriya scoffed, then a silver-based black-patterned battle knife appeared in his hand, "I'll do the bleeding myself. Your method is too risky."

"Whatever, as long as you bleed enough."

Muriya took out a crystal bottle, glanced at it, and saw only a thin layer left at the bottom. Most of the life essence had been used up during the forging of the nine exclusive weapons, leaving only this little bit.

"Glug!" Muriya drank the remaining sap in one gulp, then decisively swiped his wrist across the blade of the Seven Sins knife, "Pfft!" Golden blood gushed out like a fountain, falling onto the altar and dyeing its spiritual patterns a light gold color.

...The process that followed was similar to before. The altar was completely dyed gold by Muriya's blood, and the eternal flame was corroded by his blood, turning a light golden color once again.

The forging hall of the void shook, the light waterfall turned back into a thick light column... Ancient divine scripts emerged from the flames, branding into the molten state of the legendary metal...

Then, the altar established a connection with Muriya, capturing the desired appearance of the armor, and based on this, made modifications to fit Muriya's desired style as closely as possible.

...A golden armor took shape in the eternal flame, including a helmet, face guard, neck protector, shoulder armor, arm guards, gloves, breastplate, battle skirt, leg guards, shin guards, and combat boots, all included.

On the back of this armor, there were a pair of flowing light, golden wings (for a general idea of the armor's appearance, think of the Sagittarius Gold Cloth from Saint Seiya or the Pegasus God Cloth).

"It's time to extract your soul fragment."

"Make it quick." Looking at the forming armor, Muriya tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"Roar!" With a powerful roar, Muriya's face turned pale as he watched the spirit of the void hold a five-colored glowing orb in its hand, "Is this my soul fragment?"

"Correct!" The spirit of the void nodded, then threw the colorful orb into the flames, merging it into the forming armor...


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