
DND Realms: The Rise of the Titan-Dragon Prodigy

Titans, near-divine creatures born alongside the most ancient gods.The dragon, a mighty predator at the top of the food chain of countless worlds.Muria, who inherits the bloodline of the Titans and Golden Dragons, sits on a throne.Red dragons, blue dragons, green dragons ...... bronze dragons, red copper dragons, brass dragons ...... amethyst dragons, crystal dragons, emerald dragons, and many more dragons bow under the throne. Cloud giants, mist giants, stone giants, frost giants ...... storm giants, mountain giants, tide giants ...... countless giants bowed before the throne. A king's power is not just to kill and conquer! ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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250 Chs

Chapter 145: The Nine Kingly Weapons (Part 1)

Muria looked up for a long time, ensuring the streams of light above would not veer off course and suddenly fall to crush him, before he began to walk slowly towards the pyramid.

Above him, the streams of light coming from all directions posed a very strong threat to him. Muria felt that any one of these streams, if it were to hit him, would leave nothing of him behind, not even bone fragments. In the best-case scenario, some parts might remain.

"I don't want to stay here a moment longer." In his Titan form, Muria, surrounded by whirlwinds, quickly moved towards the Void Forge Hall, looking rather displeased.

No one would feel good with a Damocles' sword hanging over their head, and above Muria, there were more than just "one" of these swords. Looking up, he saw streams of light rapidly entering the pyramid, covering the sky, continuous and seemingly endless.

"This style..." Muria remarked, looking at the metal ground beneath his feet, adorned with radiant spiritual arrays, reminded of the Eternal Sky City of Mechanics that spanned the void without known ends.

"The Void Forge Hall must be the work of the Mech Emperor Osiris, similar to how the Abyss Training Ground relates to the Lord of the Abyss, Ulysses."

While Muria pondered, he finally reached the base of the pyramid, covered in mysterious runes and entirely silver-white, and without hesitation, he entered the grand structure.

Upon entering the pyramid, the feeling of imminent danger vanished, the pyramid isolating all threats, making it an absolutely safe area.

"Phew!" Muria exhaled, "I feel much better now. Truly worthy of being a construction under the control of Mech Emperor Osiris."

"Young Titan, this place is not under the control of that guy Osiris." Just as Muria finished speaking, countless streams of light emerged from the walls, ceiling, and floor around him, eventually coalescing into a Titan male as tall and imposing as him, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes.

Muria was taken aback, this method of appearance was identical to that of the spirit, and the spirit's existence was related to the Mech Emperor. If this "Titan" in front of him claimed no relation to the Mech Emperor, Muria would not believe it.

"You are the spirit of the Void Forge Hall!" Muria confidently observed the Titan in front of him, whose body was solid, yet devoid of any signs of life.


"Since you are a spirit, and Mech Emperor Osiris is not your controller, then who is your master?"

"I have no master."

"No master? That's impossible!" Muria frowned, knowing that the creation of spirits necessitates the existence of a being that could control them completely.

"Why is it impossible? I am the spirit of the Void Forge Hall, which belongs to all Titans, not to any one individual. Therefore, it's impossible for me to have a master. I am the most unique spirit among the Titan race."

The youthful Titan spirit proudly informed Muria.

"Then what is Mech Emperor Osiris to you?"

"My creator, he created me." Seeing Muria's realization, the Titan spirit added, "But I do not belong to him. I serve all Titans who need to forge weapons."

"I see!" Muria nodded, understanding that the Void Forge Hall was communal property of the Titan race, not privately owned.

"Then, what is your name?" Muria asked in a neutral tone, "Or how should I address you?"

"Name?" The spirit laughed, "Strictly speaking, I have no name, because I have no master. However, when I was created, Mech Emperor Osiris called me Hephaestus, the Spirit of the Void. If you wish, you can call me that."

"Hephaestus, the Spirit of the Void!"


"I want to forge exclusive weapons. How do I proceed?"

"All Titans who come here are here to forge weapons." The Spirit of the Void turned and started walking deeper into the pyramid, "Follow me."

Muria followed, looking around the desolate silver-white Forge Hall, "Don't Titans come here often?"

"Would you want to stay here if you weren't forging weapons?" The Spirit of the Void retorted.

"Uh!" Muria was at a loss for words, honestly feeling the urge to leave this place as quickly as possible, especially given the endless, continuous streams of light surrounding the Void Forge Hall. It was not a place for a young hybrid Titan like him to stay.

Staying outside the pyramid felt like having a "Sword of Damocles" hanging overhead, unbearable for anyone since just one falling would mean instant death.

Muria fell silent, quietly following the Spirit of the Void deeper into the hall...

"What is this?" Muria stared dumbfounded at the scene before him, his face involuntarily showing shock.

At the deepest part of the Forge Hall stood a nine-tiered octagonal altar, its surface covered in countless complex and mystical runes that emitted powerful vibrations, distorting the surrounding space.

At the top of the ninth tier, a nearly hundred-meter-tall translucent flame burned quietly.

Standing below the altar, Muria looked at the vigorous flame, his lips twitching. He wasn't close to it, yet he felt no heat from the flames.

Even Muria's spiritual sense detected no danger from the flame, as if what burned atop the altar was just an ordinary, vigorously burning flame... But how could it be ordinary?

Above the altar, dense streams of light fell, so numerous they formed a waterfall in mid-air before plunging into the flame.

The translucent flame gently swayed, quietly devouring all the streams of light without changing in size.

"What kind of fire is this?" Muria asked the Spirit of the Void, his serious face mixed with curiosity.

Each stream of light contained power that made Muria shudder, but the waterfall composed of such light entering the flame without causing any change hinted at the terrifying nature of the flame.

"Void Devouring Flame, Eternal Divine Flame, Demonic Flame of the Gods..."

"So many names?" Muria was stunned.

"Yes, I just thought of them."

"…" Muria looked at the Spirit of the Void speechlessly before asking, "What's its real name, or how do we Titans call it?"

"The Eternal Flame!"

"That sounds good. So, how do I go about forging weapons?" Muria asked.

"Go up, stand at the highest point." The Spirit of the Void pointed at the altar.

Muria did as instructed, suppressing the unease in his heart, and ascended the altar, finally focusing on the quietly burning translucent flame before him.

"What next?"

"Throw the legendary metals you've prepared into it."


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