
DND Realms: The Rise of the Titan-Dragon Prodigy

Titans, near-divine creatures born alongside the most ancient gods.The dragon, a mighty predator at the top of the food chain of countless worlds.Muria, who inherits the bloodline of the Titans and Golden Dragons, sits on a throne.Red dragons, blue dragons, green dragons ...... bronze dragons, red copper dragons, brass dragons ...... amethyst dragons, crystal dragons, emerald dragons, and many more dragons bow under the throne. Cloud giants, mist giants, stone giants, frost giants ...... storm giants, mountain giants, tide giants ...... countless giants bowed before the throne. A king's power is not just to kill and conquer! ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Derivados de obras
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250 Chs

Chapter 140: A "Special" Challenge

"Prepare yourselves, I will be checking your homework completion soon!" Muria said to the three red dragons in front of him, his expression impassive and his voice calm.

"But you've only been asleep for a year, that's too short, not enough..." Cynthia, the smaller female dragon, looked up at the towering titan and spoke timidly, lacking confidence.

"Not enough time?" Muria's eyes narrowed slightly. "I remember saying before I went into slumber that I would awaken in one year, or two at most. The tasks I assigned were based on your abilities, and one year is more than enough time to complete them."

The three female dragons fell silent, intimidated by Muria's presence. Although his expression was unreadable and his aura subdued, his sheer size was imposing enough to instill a silent awe.

Muria's titan form had grown significantly since before his slumber—from forty meters to fifty meters tall, increasing his height by a quarter and doubling his weight, making his figure even more imposing.

"Aren't you going to prepare?" Muria looked at the three dragons who hadn't moved. "Or are you ready to show me the completion of your assignments now?"

Hearing Muria's words, the three dragons exchanged glances and then scurried into the great hall where Muria kept his books, frantically trying to cram at the last minute.

"Hmph!" Seeing their behavior, Muria scoffed lightly. It was clear to him that they definitely hadn't completed the tasks he had assigned.

"Claudia!" Muria turned his head and noticed the white-haired, white-eyed girl standing at the doorway of the stone hall, holding a thick book, her demeanor serene and aloof.

"Are you studying a seventh circle spell?" Muria's keen vision allowed him to spot the name on the cover of the book in scholarly dragon Claudia's arms—Sagimant's Ice Claw Prison.

"Just browsing," replied the girl, surrounded by a chilling aura, her voice detached as a thin layer of frost formed on the ground around her.

"Have you learned it?" Muria probed.

Claudia furrowed her brows slightly and hesitated before slowly shaking her head. "I can't cast it."

"Can't cast it?" Muria's expression became serious as he scrutinized Claudia, now in her human form, "What about the spell model? Have you constructed it?"

"Yes," Claudia nodded.

Muria's lips moved as if he wanted to say more but ended up saying nothing. Finally, he waved his hand dismissively, "Keep studying then. If you need any books or anything, ask me or Cassio."

After speaking, Muria sighed, feeling somewhat defeated. The gap between dragons could sometimes be vast. Claudia didn't need any coercion or bait to study; she was already constructing seventh circle spell models at the golden third tier.

Muria recalled that he hadn't managed to construct a seventh circle spell model when he was at the golden level. His method of constructing spell models was brute force.

Relying on his robust mental strength and solid spirit sea, he would immediately attempt to construct a model after deciphering it, without any second-guessing—since, with his foundation, even if he failed, it would only result in a momentary dizziness.

However, Muria couldn't use this brute force method to construct seventh circle spell models at the golden level, even though he had enough mental power.

"If only the other dragons were half, no, one-tenth as studious as you," Muria remarked. Laziness was the nature of dragons; a dragon as diligent and talented as Claudia was indeed rare.

"I'm going to read," Claudia ignored Muria's implicit praise. She glanced enviously at Muria—who was standing on the rings of soul intent, surrounded by wind and thunder—and thought, no amount of hard work could compare to a good heritage.

"Contentment brings happiness; I'm already very fortunate," the white-haired girl murmured softly. Most white dragons led aimless lives in icy realms, and most didn't survive to adulthood due to various dangers.

She considered herself extremely lucky to have met someone as exceptional as Muria at birth. At least she had access to endless books and spells to learn under Muria, without worrying about survival.

"What did you say?" Muria raised an eyebrow, looking at the white-haired girl.

"I said I'm going to read," Claudia replied, glancing at Muria before turning to walk into the hall.

Muria watched Claudia disappear, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully as he stroked his chin.

"Muria, you have nine challenge requests," Cassio's ethereal figure materialized beside him at that moment.

"Titans challenging me?" Muria snapped out of his thoughts, looking at the delicate-looking Cassio. "Is there a challenge from Mikaela?"


"How is that possible?" Muria showed a hint of disbelief

. "With such a commotion, she couldn't have missed it!"

"Muria, Lady Mikaela has left the titan lands."


"Yes, all the celestial titans have returned to the Boundless Heavens."

"When did this happen?"

"Just after you went into slumber."

"That's quite a coincidence," Muria muttered, lips pursed. "Did Mikaela leave any message for me?"


"I see!" Muria's eyes dimmed slightly.

"But..." Cassio's voice trailed, capturing Muria's attention.

"But what?" Muria asked eagerly.

"She left you a challenge before she departed."

"A challenge? Show it to me."

Cassio raised her arm, and a teleportation circle formed in her translucent palm. Then, a metal challenge enveloped in flames appeared.

Muria stared at the flaming metal challenge, his face registering surprise before he reached out to grab it. Seeing the thick metal plate dubbed a challenge letter, he exclaimed, "Solar Flare Gold!"

As Muria touched the challenge made from Solar Flare Gold, blazing flames burst forth, forming four ancient divine characters in the air: "Legendary Battle!"

"Mikaela!" Seeing the battle intent in the ancient divine characters and feeling the substantial weight in his hand, a brilliant golden light burst from Muria's eyes.

"Cassio, accept all the challenge requests. I'll take them one by one. It's a good time to get accustomed to my new strength right after my breakthrough."