
DnD: Project

Hi! First time writing, so have your expectations as low as possible, thank you. Also english is not my first language, please correct any mistakes i make in the comments. This is just the story of the DnD sessions i play with my friends from school brought to paper. We play for the fun and are not good at roleplay. We play our characters just like we are in real life, stupid, childisch dorks. The story and dialogues are also not very thougth through, but i hope i can share with you the fun we are having during our sessions, as you read this. Many jokes will probably get lost in the translation, i will add a comment to explain any oddities in wording. I'm trying to add a bit of seriousness to make it readable. I'm not the DM, i play the guy in the cover, so not responsible for how the story plays out. Also i have no idea how to title this. Make suggestions throughout the novel and i will pick one that i like. Presumably change it a few times. And now, have fun!

Karl_Heinz_Knabe · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Ifrit Bloodbringer


Abandoned as a newborn, this tiefling was raised by the church of the blood god who have no qualms about accepting someone of his descent into their ranks.

Altough not the brigthest he gave his best at learning under the churchs warriors.

One day, when he skimmed through the history books, he read about a blade that his god used to wield during the war of ancients and that a shard of this sword being lost somewhere on this plane. He became very obsessed with this tale to the amusement of his caretakers.

After completing his warrior training, he set off to find this fragmented sword. He was also thaught the magic inherent to Tieflings.

After a few years he came to the island of Bardr. But after he got drunk and started a big bar fight, he was taken into custody for the time being. He sobered up in a cell in the great fortress overlooking Drakenheim, the island's capital.


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