


Maldred was born in a small village on the mainland as the only son of two farmers. Rather poor in the village standards, his parents could not afford the medicine when he fell terminally ill.

But his life was saved by a passing druid who cured for a low price. Durong his recovery, Maldred listened to the tales of the wandering druid. The druid had some really strange and some exciting experiences on his travels. He also conveyed to him the different paths a druid can take.

When he departed, an inspired young Maldred decided to also wander the world and study the nature that surrounds him. Despite his parents protest did he leave the village with 20 years and began to live in the forests.

But with no one to teach him and his careful nature, Maldred took nearly 30 years to reach a point where he would be recognised as a genuine druid.

During his travels he stumbled upon a secret that may or may not influence the course of the world.

When he roamed the forests on the island of Bardr he encountered something rather unusual...


(This story is not DnD lore friendly, most things are thought up by the DM, i think)

Tommorrow i'm gonna upload the next character introduction.

Fun Fact:

Karl_Heinz_Knabecreators' thoughts
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