

Tracy Alfred, who was a graduate without a job to care for herself and family. She was a central of every day topic in her home because of lack of job, her father wasn't helping the matter as what he does is drink himself to stupor and her mother who is tired of clothing her force her into looking for a job. Her life change from pauper to billionaire wife, when she meet with the young billionaire, Martin Cornelius.

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16 Chs


Martin felt the great urge to laugh at her sudden outburst. She looks so incredible with the look she pulled, one who thinks she's innocent not knowing she can tear down a mountain with her mouth.

"You know the next thing right." Martin laughed crookedly.

"Am so sorry sir, I can't bear to lose this job, please don't look at my stupidity, please am so sorry sir." She rushed those words, going down on her knees.

Martin laughed out loud before he could stop himself, she felt so ashamed and embarrassed.

"So, you can plead.?? Martin asked sarcastically.

"Please sir." She couldn't raise her head to face him.

"Common, stand on your feet and stop embarrassing me." Martin said with a hint of mockery.

"Don't fire me please!" Tracy muttered, still on her knees.

"Get up and get to work." Martin said sternly.

She stood up abruptly, walking slowly to her desk.

"These are the files you're to work on." He dropped them on the table, concentrating more on his computer.

She picked it with shaking hands, she felt so ashamed and intimated. She has no choice, or what she would have done when she needed the job madly.

She sat on the chair, which is Martin's vertical, and the table was positioned well on the wall. She dropped the files on the table, thinking about how mess her life is.

Mr Cornelius walked into his company, all the staff stood up abruptly to greet. Discipline in the company was strict and no one shirked.

"Good morning sir." They'll say at a time.

"Get to work everyone." Mr Cornelius said not replying to their greetings. They're used to him not replying though.

"Mr Cornelius, did you need me to give you the documents now?" Mickey, his secretary asked.

"No, not now I have something to do with Kelvin," he said, looking at Kelvin who's beside him. "Work on them." With that, He left for his office with Kelvin following behind.

"Mr Cornelius with his son is always in the office all day, only God knows what they discuss."

"Am I the only one that notice, Kelvin looked more handsome this morning?" 

"I wasn't looking his way."

"Don't you hear that Mr Cornelius ' son, Martin, is now in Japan."

"I saw the news, he was looking so breathtaking, I completely lost my breath when I saw his picture, girl, I was flushed off my feet by this handsome man."

Two of the employees chatting freely after Mr Cornelius left with Kevin to his office

"Will you two stop that nonsense and focus on your work, it's too early for this." Mickey yelled at them.

"She has started," Annie, one of the girls who are being discussed early, whispered. "Martin might look handsome but I still prefer my Kelvin." She whispered, smiling.

"Whatever, I love Martin." Her friends whisper back.


Let's get to work before Mrs Stony notices us again." Annie said she looked over at Mickey to see her staring so hard at them.

"Ooh," what all she could mutter before resuming work.

Mr Cornelius walked into his office, his office was opaque in more ways than one, shrouded in secrecy and complex business dealings.

"The redhead empire already you cider Eephus," Mr Cornelius started. "And I want you to be super careful this time around, you know they will surely come for us, but guess what?.."  Mr Cornelius asked rhetorically.

"Huh!" What the only thing that escaped his lips.

"They're no March to us." Mr Cornelius finished his word, he sat down on the golden chair. His office was decorated with different shades of gray and white color, the Wallpaper was still instantly neat and beautiful while the door and window was used with opaque glass, which makes the office secretive.

"I want you to attend the meeting with the  team in my absence." Mr Cornelius said, after a long silence between them.

"You know I can't do that." Kelvin said plainly.

"And why can't you???." He asked .

"Oh, dad, I have a lot more things to do than attending such a petty meeting."  He picked a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

"I don't care…

"If there is nothing to discuss I have to get going now." Kelvin said, hoping this old man would let him go peacefully.

"Get your men ready, you are going to Italy next week." Mr Cornelius said, as expected he will always say one thing or the other to make him stay longer.

"Hope it isn't a monster kingdom??." Kelvin asked, feeling angry.

"Where else if not there, look Kelvin, all I want is my share, nothing but my share." He said firmly.

"I might just kill him and his men before coming back home." Kelvin threatened.

"I don't want blood shed, all I want is my share, Kelvin! I don't want blood shed." Mr Cornelius yelled angrily.

"I can't guarantee you that."

"I don't want your word, just listen to my order "for now, I don't want war." Mr Cornelius 

But you are calling for one." Kelvin said in an attempt to make him more angry.

"Kelvin!!!.." he yelled, Kelvin grinned shortly before walking out of his office.

Martin looked at Tracy for the tenth time, he was surprised, the girl who slapped him confidently on their first meet could look quiet and innocent right now.

The scenario of how she begged him to play early on his head, he almost laughed again, he must admit she looks so incredible and gorgeous. What's he thinking, how on Earth would he compliment a lady, not just a lady but the one he vow to deal with.

She was so quiet that she hadn't uttered a word yet, which gave him the satisfaction of victory.

'She's doom' He thought with a sweet Sense of Triumph.

"Get me a glass of coffee," He said, after a decade of silence between them.

"Okay.. Sir," she replied slowly.

Martin watched her as she went out and came back with a glass in her hand.

"It's here sir." She looked down, stretching the glass forward to his reach. He collected it gently

"What nonsense is this?" He yelled, spitting the content on her face knowingly.