

Tracy Alfred, who was a graduate without a job to care for herself and family. She was a central of every day topic in her home because of lack of job, her father wasn't helping the matter as what he does is drink himself to stupor and her mother who is tired of clothing her force her into looking for a job. Her life change from pauper to billionaire wife, when she meet with the young billionaire, Martin Cornelius.

Aramhidey · Urban
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16 Chs


Tracy was shocked by his reaction, she was too dumbfounded to comprehend what he just did, who the heck behaves in such a manner!Why would he do that? She was already boiling in anger.

But what could she do, after all, he's the boss and she's in dire need of money.

Martin studies her expression well, the look on her face right now makes him want to do more. He grinned slightly before saying.

"What nonsense did you make, did you plan on poisoning me or…

He hasn't finished his statement, when Tracy cuts him off angrily without minding who he is.

"How could you be so rude and heartless, why would you think of such, oh! because I'm your intern, I work under you??. Tracy yelled, forgetting he is her boss. Martin only keep his straight face.

"You must be very sick down there to think such of me, scumbag." Tracy hissed. She walked back to her table and packed her bags.

"I think your mouth will get you a better job out there." Martin smiles cunningly, that's when Tracy realizes what she has done. 

She regretted it immediately, but she won't give him the satisfaction he needed. She has to leave, this isn't the last job on Earth' she has thought.

"A better one than being with a birdbrain" With that she left the office without looking back.

Martin was taken aback by her attitude, no one, like no one dared talk to him in such a manner, but this lady that just left did. The guts irritated him instantly, no lady or his intern has ever behaved like this but this lady did confidently.

"This confidence." He clenched his teeth together tightly.

"Hello Humble." He picked the table cell.

"Hello sir." Humble reply from the other end.

"I want you to get me a new P.A right away." Martin Said.

"Sir, what happened to the new one, I saw her going down stairs, did you send her an errand or you fired her??. Humble said, shock written all over his voice.

"No, I sent her on a mission," Martin cut him off rudely.

"But I will just hire her today."

"Are you the boss or I??." He sneered.

"Am sorry sir but it's difficult to get a new intern these days, I don't think you will get one soon."

"And I think your job has finished here." Martin threatened.

"No sir, what am I trying to say…no, no I mean I will get you a new P.A right now." Humble stuttered.

Martin dropped the call and hissed loudly, then the flashbacks of how confidently Tracy spoke earlier hit him like stone. 

"Am going to show you why I am called Martin Cornelius the next time we meet, brat." Martin smiled shortly.

Tracy boarded a cab immediately she got out of the company, the cab took her to her mother's shop.

"What wrong, they did not employ you, why are you back early." Birsha throws questions at Tracy, immediately she hops down the cab.

"At least you will let me in first before attacking me with your unanswerable questions." She rolled her eyes.

"Tell me what really happened." Her mom asked impatiently. Tracy only gives her a 'let me rest' look.

"Stop looking at me that way, and answer my question." Birsha chided.

"I was sacked." She replied nonchalantly.

"What????.... The first day of resumption you were sacked, how? What happen." Birsha asked, baffled.

"Well, I was sacked that all," she said, dropping her bag on the counter.

"Are you really s….

"Have ordered a coffee for the past 30 mins but no one attended to me, what's going on." A consumer complaint.

"Ooh! Am sorry, I will attend to you in a ." She answered the consumer. "And you Tracy, go put on an apron and join me in serving since you weren't employed." Birsha said, leaving to attend to the consumers.

"What??.. Mom!!.. I amg not staying with you in the first place. I just stopped by, bye mommy." She rushed out her words.

"I have a lot of consumers to attend to, so don't waste my time."

"Mom, this is disrespectful." She complained.

Her mom own a small coffee shop which is her source of income, she has been helping her with the business since she has no job, and have been taunt by her mother and little sister to get a job, now that she got one and lost it is a big calamity on her, because she will be taunt. And she only has one option: either go back to the company where I beg for the job or be taunted by her crazy one, but she doesn't want to be us a deadline for every discussion, so she is left with no option than to beg for the job.

"Fuck, my life is a mess." She breathed.

Diana walks into the shop in the evening.

"Hi mummy." Diana gushed happily as she walked into the shop. She flipped her backpack on one of the tables.

"Welcome baby, how was school." Birsha answered.

"Hectic mummy." She yawned.

"What??. Tracy what are you doing here by this time of the day." Diana asked, surprised.

"So I can't come here again, right??. Tracy asked rhetorically.

"But you have a job, right??. Diana replied in the same tone.

"Let me breathe and leave my presence this instant." She sneered.

"Ooh! I see, you weren't employed." Diana asked sarcastically.

"No, she was employed and fired." Birsha chips in.

"What??.. Diana laughed heavily. "Mom, tell me you are joking." Tears came out of her eyes as a result of the heavy laughter.

"Maybe if she can write an application here I might consider employing her." Birsha 

"OMG! Tracy, did you mind writing to be employed here?." Diana asked amidst laughter, kneeling in front of her.

"Are you mad!!!" Tracy yelled. "Mom, this is unfair, did you mind knowing what happened?" She said angrily.

"I asked but you didn't tell me, and mind you I am tired of clothing and feeding you, try and lower your pride to get a job at least." Birsha chided.

'I have to get this job back by all means'. She thought.