

Tracy Alfred, who was a graduate without a job to care for herself and family. She was a central of every day topic in her home because of lack of job, her father wasn't helping the matter as what he does is drink himself to stupor and her mother who is tired of clothing her force her into looking for a job. Her life change from pauper to billionaire wife, when she meet with the young billionaire, Martin Cornelius.

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16 Chs


Fuck" Happy cursed under his breath.

"Kimberly," he called, putting on his shorts, ready to go after her before the girl on bed pulled him back.

"Where did you think you were going and who's she?." She questioned, with irritation on her face.

"My girlfriend." He muttered, releasing himself from her hold.

"Your girlfriend!," She sneered. And asked angrily "Who are you then, motherfucker."

"Mara, yours is different, I fucking love that girl with my whole heart. Let's talk later, you can start going now."

"What?. Seriously?. You have been playing me all this while, it has been a bloody promise you made to me, you're really heartless." 

"You and I know I didn't love you." He snicker, holding the door handle.

"Why did you come to me, why did you have sex with me, why were you playing me when you know I mean nothing to you, why don't you stick to your 'girlfriend'." She yelled with tears on her face.

"Now you know your answer, can you leave?" He roared, getting pissed off.

"You're a bastard, a shameless man." She cried painfully. 

She picked her last thing, which is her bag before stepping out of his room.

"You will regret your action." With that, she left.

"I already regret it." He soliloquies. "How will I face her right now?" He yelled, feeling like the worst person on Earth.

With tears dripping down her cheeks, Kimberly ran. She felt her heart thumping loudly, her knees getting weak as a result of the shock. She couldn't believe Happy would ever cheat on her; the man she loves so much and he has always shown her love and care. 

A day never passes without them seeing each other, many label them 'the idle couple'. She gives him everything a man could ever ask for but what did he pay with; cheating on her with another woman.

If anyone could tell her, she would want to ruin their relationship.

She dips her hands roughly through her hair like a maniac woman, tears rolling down her cheeks. She felt empty within, her mind was clouded with hurt, anger, and betrayers. How could Happy do this to her?. She thought with a heavy heart.

Tracy strode the elevator with Martin to the conference room.

They passed through two doors before getting to the meeting room doorstep.

Before passing the threshold, she paused to admire a quality of grotesque carving lavished over the front, and especially the conference door, above which is 'conference room' written upon.

"Are you done feeding your eyes?" She heard the cold voice of her nuthead boss.


Was what came out of her mouth.

One step brought them into the magnificent room, without any introductory lobby: the marble floor was smooth, white stone; the pewter chair, high-back, the glitter rounded table with gaudily painted canister placed along its ledge. The sketch on the wall stood elegantly; its entire anatomy lay bare to an inquiring eye. 

"Mr. Martin Cornelius, we have been waiting so long for your arrival." The one who put a spectacle among them said, immediately he saw them.

"The young billionaire is here." Someone shouted in the midst of the people sitting.

"Oh, Martin Cornelius is back as the heir of the Corby conglomeration."

"Some issues hold me up. Let the meeting commence." He said where he got closer. He drew a chair back for Tracy to sit, before he sat down.

"Is he too big to apologize for keeping us waiting."

Some of the members muttered.

"Welcome Mr. Martin Cornelius. Welcome my amiable lady." The chairman said.

"I think we will begin now. First I'd like to welcome you all and thank everyone for coming, especially at such short notice. I know you are all busy and it's difficult to take time away from your daily tasks for meeting. I know must of you, but there are a few unfamiliar face." The chairman speak delicately.

"Hi, everyone. I'm Kelly, I'll be joining the team." A man in white suit said.

"Martin would you like to stand up and f Introduce yourself?" 

"We know who he is."

"Well, since everyone knows me, we should get started." Martin said coldly, but in a cool tone.

"I'd like to take a moment to welcome our new coordinator, in the person of Martin Cornelius." 

He speaks vocally, earning a thunderous clap for the members.

"Today, we're going to talk about our new product launch. The meeting will last for an hour."

"Before this meeting concluded, a product launch schedule will have been established, in addition to everyone role to make the launch a success.

"Everyone in attendance today will play an integral part in launching the product on the time our customers.

Martin turned to look at Tracy, a peculiar look in his face, then he looked back at the man who had been asking questions, a look of hatred unless he has a most perverse set of facial muscles that will not, like those of other people.

"And also, Mr Kelly would be joining the team. Thanks for joining us. Did you have any speech or how can we invest on your business."

"Oh, indeed! Well, then, I must trust in my own sagacity." Mr. Kelly said.


"Are you going to prove us right?"he demanded.

"Why don't you want his inventory. Because you're condemning him?" Martin scowled.