

Tracy Alfred, who was a graduate without a job to care for herself and family. She was a central of every day topic in her home because of lack of job, her father wasn't helping the matter as what he does is drink himself to stupor and her mother who is tired of clothing her force her into looking for a job. Her life change from pauper to billionaire wife, when she meet with the young billionaire, Martin Cornelius.

Aramhidey · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


She shouldn't have labeled him bad, but he isn't too nice to be cool!.

She thought.

Tracy trailed behind him, his pace was so fast that she had to hurry to catch up with him.

"Are you ready, sir." Sunny asked, sillily.

"What the devil is wrong with you." He asked, eyeing him in a manner that is inhospitable treatment.

"Sorry boss." He muttered. He opened the backseat door for the duet.

"I don't have much time left." Martin gritted through tight teeth, more like telling him 'it isn't necessary opening the door'.

He bowed and returned to the driver seat.

"Where are we going?. So I can take the fastest way to make us get there on time, since you don't have much time left. And I have to wash the car in the car wash before the time runs out for today." Sunny gabbled.

"Start the car already, dunce." Martin said, coldly.

Tracy shook her head at how rude, and cold hearted he sounded. She couldn't say much about the cold man beside her but she knew he was a grotesque inappropriate man.

She couldn't deny the fact that Sunny is also a loquacious being. That made her mind swift to Kimberly, her clumsy friend. She curls back her skinny black hair, taking a peek of herself in the front mirror, and sees her lips gloss drying off; Kimberly will definitely have offered her a drop, if she is here with her, she takes it everywhere she goes. That makes Tracy wonder if she has any other thing thinking than looking good on the face.

Squeak- Duang!

Comes the harsh sound of brake followed by a loud bang.

On the one- road way, two luxury cars collided with each other. 

"What the fuck just happened." Martin asked, a chilling coldness accomplished the question.

"A car collided with our car," Sunny said, "Were your eyes blocked with concrete?. Are you an abattoir in driving, oh! Student driver." Sunny chided, immediately he alighted the car. Looking ferociously towards the red car, like a lion ready to devour it prey

A young man in his last twenty came out of the red car, giving Sunny a disdainful look.

"Did you know how much my car is worth? How dare you hit my baby with your old fashioned car?" The red car yelled.

"Did you care to know how stupid you sound?.. Cause you come out ranting like a maniac that lost his way to the market, after hitting a car." Sunny yelled back, ready for a fight.

"Baby, what's going on." A lady gets down from the car, and stands beside the young man, gripping hold of his arm.

She was wearing a black crop top on boyfriend jeans, with black heels, making KO! KO sound at every step she took. Her long brown hair is stalling behind her, as she walks.

"Is he the one who hit our car?" Her voice sounded hoarse, with a hint of pride in it.

"Mister, you have to pay for the repair of this damaged car." She said, standing in akimbo.

"You must be sick and under siege to be throwing tantrums like a lost child." Sunny responded truculently.

"How fucking dare you lowlife talk to my girlfriend in such manner, did you lost your courtesy?." The man asked, aggressively.

Tracy looked out the window to see the young man who hit their car, she couldn't see him but his voice sounded like someone she knew, only his back view was visible.

She looks at the lady beside him, to get a hint of who he is but she has ever seen her before. She stands elegantly, with a stubborn countenance. The mole on her face made her look irresistible.

"Sunny, get your lazy ass in this car and let us move." Martin said, which made the young man look in their direction.

Tracy eyes open wide in shock to see him, the least expected; Kimberly boyfriend, Happy.

'Man is really crap' she thought.

She couldn't think the one Kimberly was hovering over was a cheater, a fucking bastard, she felt pity for her dear friend, Kimberly will never believe her because she knows, her; Tracy is not in support of their relationship, but does that really matters to Kimberly,as she loved him unconditionally. All he could pay with is to cheat. She wishes it won't be last before Kimberly finds out.

Tracy lolled back in the seat, resting her head on the seat rest, the fresh air coming from the speedy car gave some auction of comfort. Forgetting everything for the moment.

The opening of the door bought her out of her short trance.

They walk in the company together.


Kimberly felt escalated to see her boyfriend again, as she walked down the Villanueva.

It's been a week since she last saw him. She has missed his cuddling, warmth and his sweet voice. She held the nylon in her hand tightly, she got some goodies from the mail.

Kimberly stopped the next moving cab.

"Where to, miss." The cab man asked, hurriedly.

"Olive garden." She replied, and hopped in.

Kimberly hopped down from the cab after ten minutes of driving.

"Thanks." She muttered, and paid the cab man.

"Where did he keep his phone?" She asked herself, worrily.

She has been calling his line for the tenth time to no avail.

"Not like I need to call him anyway." With that she entered the big elegant building.

She opens the door with excitement, one could see how happy she is, even the blind can tell of her joy this instant.

She stepped inside into the spacious and well- furnished living room with silky couch and elegant decors.

"Happy." She called loudly but got no reply.

"Happy," She called again. "Isn't he back?." She asked rhetorically.

Let me check him in his room." She rode the stairs to his room, just to hear a faint sound coming from it. The smile on her face vanished immediately when she heard the sound.

"What the sound?" 

With fear, Kimberly rushed towards the door, desperate to find out what was going on. Her heart beat faster as she approached the door. The sound of moaning came loudly, making her know the exact sound.

A chilling cold swept through her skin, that made goosebumps appear immediately.

"Maybe one of his friends brings in a slut," she comforts herself, "but why in his room will his friend do that?" The thought of that makes her furious. Without wasting time, she opened the door.


Her body went limp, she was feeling hot inwardly, seeing what was going on in the room.

There's Happy in another girl, making love.

The whole room was filled with the smell of sex and sound of loud moans. At that moment, Kimberly felt her heart leaving her.

Her heart sank watching them in horror, as hot tears began to well up in her eyes. She holds on to the door for support.

The faint sound of her tears made them stop. Happy was shocked to see Kimberly.


Unable to endure the excruciating pain the horror scene is giving, Kimberly ran out in tears.