




... Murtala Mohammed Airport, Lagos.

The charcoal-black large tires of the off-white Boeing 747 Jumbo jet screeched to a halt on the tarmac and finally the passengers aboard the Nigeria Airways could heave a sigh of relief as they had encountered an unpredictable storm about twenty minutes into the flight to the bustling city of Lagos. However, among the strangely unperturbed first class seaters of the jumbo plane was a young fair-skinned guy obviously in his early thirties with well trimmed goatee beards and flat top haircut dressed in black jeans and jacket with the Africa pendant hanging close to his chest and a gold Rolex wristwatch strapped to his wrist. Receiving his luggage, his phone rang .

"Hello Vice", the caller voiced out hurriedly " stage one completed"

"Thanks Cole, see you at the rendezvous" He responded, wheeling his black travelling box across the zebra-coloured tiles.

....Honourable Owolade's Mansion

Fluttering his eyes, he felt a sharp pain as the light bulb shone brightly above his head . He heard a strange voice whispering, ' He is not dead, just knocked out'

Mrs Owolade obviously panic-stricken managed to reply the bold barrel-chested stout figure. Detective Cross.

" But.. but he was shot!" She purred.

Before Detective Cross could utter another word, Honourable Owolade came around, fully.

"What.... What happened?" He quizzed before clenching his head with his two hands

" Ouch!, Call the family doctor, I have a migraine! "

Mrs Owolade dialed Doctor Thompson's number

Detective Cross then proceeded to demystify the whole incident about what he pieced together as a strange invasion

"According to the CCTV cameras installed in this mansion", he started. The whole family excluding Honourable Owolade were stunned at the mention of surveillance cameras being installed in the house which was quite novel to them

" Two men in black armoury vests disabled the alarm system, knocked down your security guards and staff and found their way to the dining room where you were all sprayed with tear gas and Honourable, shot"

Detective Cross sensed the suspense he had thrown them all in before carrying on

" Funnily, Honourable was shot with a tranquilizer bullet which drove him into unconsciousness without obviously harming him. I've called for the station and requested for in-depth investigation since nothing seemed to be stolen neither any live taken. It baffles me indeed", He concluded.

" Dr. Thompson is on his way dear", Mrs Owolade added.

After a long discourse, Dorcas, one of the maids was asked to serve refreshments for the Detective but as they waited for the wine, the sound of glass tumblers crashing against the exotic marble tiles in the kitchen alerted everyone on their seats. Rushing into the kitchen, instead seeing a remorseful probably bleeding fear struck maid, they found Dorcas, fear struck but obviously not remorseful pointing towards the P. O. P ceiling trembling profusely. The fear seemed to have diffused throughout the kitchen as Mrs Owolade clutched on to Detective Cross's brown leather jacket. Something like a message was scribbled in gory colour on the ceiling. Tilting his head, detective Cross stood in awe struggling not to expose his hidden fear to the dissatisfaction of the Owolades who expected him to be undaunted as he stammered the inscribed words,


..... Oyo, Nigeria

Lifting the heavy wooden lid wasn't as strenuous as the battle with their individual fears. Babatunde proceeded into the dark fairly lit basement aided by the rotten wooden stairs seconded by Shola and Raymond combating the army of cobwebs and the sordid smell as they made their way into the fusty basement.

" Don't touch anything!" Babatunde's voice echoed in the basement whereas he was examining objects.

The basement was not spooky after all. Large antic TV sets, CD players, old-fashioned radio sets and a motorcycle were scattered all over the dusty floor. Curiosity drove Raymond to start the motorcycle which responded with a long loud splutter before going cold again

" It works, it works" Raymond's excitement was cut short by an unexpected slap on his bare face.

" I told you not to touch anything!"

Moving towards an isolated corner of the musty basement, they found a large leather box coated with dust and silky cobwebs.

" What do you think is inside?" Babatunde asked no one in particular.

"Hmm, I thought I remember someone saying 'don't touch anything'" Raymond muttered indignantly with his hand glued to his left cheek.

Using his hands as a duster, Babatunde saw a writing on the top cover which reads 'what you need you will find'

Unzipping the box against his wife and son's view disappointed his expected outcome. He had thought to see a large sum of baled money but he saw the direct opposite of it as his strong face flushed with open rage and embarrassment.

" Not this, not this" He heard himself say.